The Summit Church

WHAT'S THE POINT? The Good Samaritan
Discussion Guide: Week 6
Locations & Times
The Summit Church - Kernersville
4440 High Point Rd, Kernersville, NC 27284, USA
Thursday 7:00 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:27 PM
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Our What's the Point series wraps up with one of the most familiar stories Jesus ever told, The Good Samaritan. Culturally it is a very common phrase. In fact, there are a number of organizations, hospitals, and even laws that use the name.
Take a few moments and discuss what comes to mind when you hear the phrase "good Samaritan"?
Read Luke 10:25-37. Reflect on personal experiences and share about a time in your life when an unexpected "good Samaritan" helped you in a time of need.
The truth is that oftentimes non-Christians are better at living out the principles of the good Samaritan better than Christians. Why do you think this may be?
We know that we are supposed to love our neighbor. Jesus was very clear with this. Take some time and discuss the following 2 questions: "who is my neighbor?" and "what does loving my neighbor really look like?".
Love is moving from Compassion to Action. It often costs time or resources. What does this look like in your life?
When we get this right, the word neighbor is not as much a noun, but it truly becomes a verb. Where did you find yourself in the story of The Good Samaritan?
Talk as a group about some ways you can prioritize being a good Samaritan both individually and as a small group. Take these ideas to God in prayer and ask Him to show you where you can be living this out.