Peninsula Covenant Church

7/17/22 Message Notes
Message Title: Finding The Way Date: July 17, 2022
Locations & Times
Peninsula Covenant Church
3560 Farm Hill Blvd, Redwood City, CA 94061, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
FINDING THE WAY: Psalm 119 - Persistent Dependence
July 17, 2022
July 17, 2022
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A Typical COVID Faith Journey Story
Independence > Dependence on God
BIG IDEA: Finding The Way involves Persistent Dependence
How do you see this persistent dependence theme in Psalm 119?
5 Minute Meditate:
--Read Psalm 119:33-48 1-3X, circle words, underline phrases
--Then answer What and So What?
What did God reveal to you?
Psalm 139:33-48 Characteristics of Persistent Dependence
v. 33-35 Pleading
v. 36-37 Turning
v. 38-42 God-Fulfilling
v. 43 Hoping
v. 44-46 Living
v. 47-48 Delighting
BIG IDEA: Finding The Way involves persistent dependence
God’s Part -------- Our Part
Fulfilling --------------Pleading
Since we know God will do His part, what part do you need to do?
Independence > Dependence on God
BIG IDEA: Finding The Way involves Persistent Dependence
How do you see this persistent dependence theme in Psalm 119?
5 Minute Meditate:
--Read Psalm 119:33-48 1-3X, circle words, underline phrases
--Then answer What and So What?
What did God reveal to you?
Psalm 139:33-48 Characteristics of Persistent Dependence
v. 33-35 Pleading
v. 36-37 Turning
v. 38-42 God-Fulfilling
v. 43 Hoping
v. 44-46 Living
v. 47-48 Delighting
BIG IDEA: Finding The Way involves persistent dependence
God’s Part -------- Our Part
Fulfilling --------------Pleading
Since we know God will do His part, what part do you need to do?
PCC Benediction
May you jump into the arms of Jesus.
And may He push you out into the world.
May you be healed as you participate in the healing of others.
Not because you must, but because you may.
This is why we were born!
May you jump into the arms of Jesus.
And may He push you out into the world.
May you be healed as you participate in the healing of others.
Not because you must, but because you may.
This is why we were born!
Beyond Sunday
There may not be a better tribute to the Holy Scriptures than the one that is provided in Psalm 119. Every verse in Psalm 119 exalts the Word of God and the God of the Word. During this 10-week summer series, Finding The Way, we get back to the basics of allowing Scripture to help us grow in gratitude, awe, and dependence on God and His Word. In doing so, we believe it will guide us in the best way we should go in whatever comes our way. This week in Psalm 119:33-48, we focus on how finding the way involves persistent dependence on God.
1. Think back to a time when your persistence in being connected with another person changed your life. (Maybe it was a coach, teacher, mentor, friend, etc.) What characterized your efforts?
2. Read Psalm 119:33-37. What words of the psalmist characterize persistent dependence on God? Where do you see the pleading and the desire to follow in God’s way?
3. Read Psalm 119:38-42. What is the psalmist depending on God to do? Are any of these similar to what you need from God? How do you feel about God being trustworthy to follow through?
4. Read Psalm 119:43-48. Again, what words of the psalmist characterize persistent dependence on God? Where is his hope? How is he choosing to live? What does he delight and love the most?
5. Persistent dependence is characterized in pleading, turning, hoping, living, and delighting when it comes to our relationship with God, plus trusting He will fulfill His promises to us. So which of these characteristics are the hardest and which are easiest for you?
6. Reflect: Write a prayer to God that includes as many of these words as possible: gratitude, awe, dependence, plead, turn, hope, live, delight, fulfill, trust.
Resource: (see link below)
RightNow Media : Psalm 119 - Matt Chandler Video/Study Question
There may not be a better tribute to the Holy Scriptures than the one that is provided in Psalm 119. Every verse in Psalm 119 exalts the Word of God and the God of the Word. During this 10-week summer series, Finding The Way, we get back to the basics of allowing Scripture to help us grow in gratitude, awe, and dependence on God and His Word. In doing so, we believe it will guide us in the best way we should go in whatever comes our way. This week in Psalm 119:33-48, we focus on how finding the way involves persistent dependence on God.
1. Think back to a time when your persistence in being connected with another person changed your life. (Maybe it was a coach, teacher, mentor, friend, etc.) What characterized your efforts?
2. Read Psalm 119:33-37. What words of the psalmist characterize persistent dependence on God? Where do you see the pleading and the desire to follow in God’s way?
3. Read Psalm 119:38-42. What is the psalmist depending on God to do? Are any of these similar to what you need from God? How do you feel about God being trustworthy to follow through?
4. Read Psalm 119:43-48. Again, what words of the psalmist characterize persistent dependence on God? Where is his hope? How is he choosing to live? What does he delight and love the most?
5. Persistent dependence is characterized in pleading, turning, hoping, living, and delighting when it comes to our relationship with God, plus trusting He will fulfill His promises to us. So which of these characteristics are the hardest and which are easiest for you?
6. Reflect: Write a prayer to God that includes as many of these words as possible: gratitude, awe, dependence, plead, turn, hope, live, delight, fulfill, trust.
Resource: (see link below)
RightNow Media : Psalm 119 - Matt Chandler Video/Study Question
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Giving to Date: $ 264,775
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(June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023)
Giving Update (as of 7/12/22)
Budgeted Giving: $3,000,000
Giving to Date: $ 264,775
Shortfall: $2,735,225