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First Baptist Church, South Haven

Worship Gathering: 7/10/2022

Worship Gathering: 7/10/2022

Join us for in-person worship in the sanctuary or live on Facebook at 10:30am. The service will also be posted to YouTube and Archive Sunday after church.

Locations & Times

First Baptist Church

10781 76th St, South Haven, MI 49090, USA

Sunday 10:30 AM

Live Worship: Facebook

If you're unable to join us in person, you can view today's service live on our Facebook page beginning at 10:30 AM.

Online Worship: YouTube

View today's message later this week on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

Weekly Bulletin

View this week's bulletin including general announcements and weekly prayer requests by clicking here.
Acing the Test
Matthew 16:13-17
Pastor Jerry Koller

Matthew 16:13

· This title (or reference)—Son of Man—is found 88 times in the New Testament and was a title that was used by Jesus as a reference to Himself.
· The only other person who used this title in reference to Jesus was Stephen in Acts 7, as he was being stoned to death.
· The term emphasizes not only Jesus’ deity but His humanity as well.
The disciples answered Jesus’ question to the best of their ability.

Matthew 16:14

All three men the disciples mentioned were great Jewish prophets.
It would appear from the context that this question was used by Christ to set the stage for His next question.

Matthew 16:15

Matthew 16:16

· Many scholars believe Peter, in his reply, confesses one of the most foundational truths of the Christian faith (if not the most important). Jesus is the Christ.

· Christ comes from the word Christos, which means anointed—or the Anointed One.

· The Greek word Christos, from which we get the English word Christ, is the translation of the Hebrew term Mashiach. (maw-SHAKH)

Matthew 16:17

· Some commentators say the word blessed means “happy.”
· It can mean fortunate which means supremely favored.
· It can mean privileged which means confined to an exclusive group.
Why could Peter be considered supremely favored? How is he privileged? “...this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.”
· His understanding and declaration were not a result of human ingenuity.
· It was not a product of human reasoning.
· It was not a result of human effort.
· Flesh and blood cannot and did not reveal it.
Who do you say Jesus is? Is He your Messiah, your Savior?
If He is your Lord and Savior, you are highly blessed. You are supremely favored by God.

Ephesians 1:7-9

You are privileged to be a part of an exclusive group.
· You are kingdom citizens.
· You are a child of the King of Kings.
· You are a part of the Church—the Body of Christ.

Happy Birthday!

· Mike Rooker (7/12)<br>· Samantha Bocock (7/12)<br>· Megan Collins (7/14)<br>· Jamie-Christian Moreno (7/14)<br>· Doug Zantello (7/17)

Happy Anniversary!

· Doug &amp; Julie Zantello (7/14, 43 years)

Graduation Open House

<b><i>Carson Rooker</i></b> (son of Mike &amp; Linda Rooker): Saturday, July 16, from 4:00pm-? at his home (12895 CR 687, South Haven).

80th Birthday Party/Open House

You are invited to join us as we celebrate the 80th birthday of Bruce Ferguson on Saturday, August 6, between 4:00-8:00pm, at First Baptist Church. Cards are welcome, but no gifts please. If you plan to join us, please RSVP to Kim Collins via text/call (269-767-2226) by 7/30.

Family Scavenger Hunt (8/6)

Join us for a fun, free family activity and feel free to bring or invite friends! Meet at the church at 1:00pm to get your list of scavenger hunt clues. At least one person in your group will need a camera to take a picture of the group doing the scavenger hunt activity. All teams must return to church by 3:00pm.&nbsp; Prizes will be awarded.&nbsp; Sign-up online or at the Welcome Center. Rain date will be 8/20.

Next Week’s Servants (7/17)

· <i>Café Bakers</i>: Sarah McKamey (biscuits &amp; sausage gravy) | Julie Zantello (donuts)<br>· <i>Mission Café</i>: Marge Dumbaugh<br>· <i>Nursery</i>: Sandi Cagle, Sandi Starland

Fundraiser: Door Repairs and Replacement

<b>GOAL: $14,400 | RAISED: $6850</b> If you have noticed when you enter the church through our main entrance, the outside steel doors are in rough shape. It has been determined that they need to be replaced. In addition, all the fire doors in the east wing need repair or adjustments; so do the double steel doors in the gym on the east side of the building. If there is any way you could contribute to this expense, it would be greatly appreciated. You can simply mark your donation with “Doors” and drop it in the offering on Sunday morning or make an online contribution at&nbsp;

Flower Bed Maintenance Needed

We need help maintaining the church’s flowerbeds. If you're willing to adopt-a-flower bed for the summer, please contact the church office or feel free to stop by the church at your convenience and pull weeds from whatever flowerbed catches your eye. If you contact us in advance, we can arrange for the shed to be open so you can get tools; otherwise feel free to bring your own.

We Care Fundraiser

You’re invited to attend a family friendly benefit concert featuring Jake Hoot, country music artist and the winner of the 2019 "Voice" competition. All proceeds will benefit We Care’s Christmas Hope Project this December. Christmas Hope is a community effort which supplies Christmas gifts for families struggling to make ends meet. Each year, Christmas Hope serves nearly 1000 children from our community with personal care items, multiple gifts, stocking stuffers, games, puzzles, craft projects, and more. Christmas Hope is also the central distribution point for the Toys for Tots program here in the South Haven area.&nbsp;The cost of the concert is $20. Tickets can be purchased by scanning the QR Code below or online.&nbsp; Tickets can also be purchased the night of the concert.

Blood Drive: 7/28

Thursday, 7/28 | 1:00-6:00pm | FBC Donations have dropped recently. This means our communities are facing a potential crisis. APPOINTMENTS PREFERRED; register at;or call 866-642-5663.

Volunteers Needed

We would like to resume having Greeters and a Welcome Center attendant on Sunday mornings. If you are willing to serve in any of these areas, please contact Kim ASAP to be put on the upcoming schedule. Thank you!

Mission Cafe

· 9:00-10:15am on Sundays<br> <br>The Mission Café is a great place to have a breakfast treat and coffee, enjoy lively conversation and have fun while helping support missions at First Baptist. All items are store bought and served safely. Featuring: <br>¨ Donuts<br>¨ Bagels<br>¨ English Muffins<br>¨ Snacks<br>¨ Hot &amp; Cold Beverages<br>¨ And more!<br> For your convenience, we accept cash, check and debit/credit cards!

Online Giving is Available!

If you would like to support our ministries by giving an online donation via debit/credit card or your bank account, you can do so by using this link:

Church Office Hours

The church office will be open on Wednesdays from 10:00 AM-4:00 PM if you need to stop in for any reason.


You can download the app by clicking the link below from your cell phone or tablet.&nbsp;By using the app, you can conveniently view recorded Sunday worship services; look up addresses and phone numbers for other church members; update your personal information; register for events; tithe online; send prayer requests; and more.&nbsp; We're excited to bring another avenue of communication to you!&nbsp; If you have any questions or issues, please contact Kim.

Check Out Our Web Page

We are keeping our web page ( updated regularly.&nbsp; Please use it as a tool.&nbsp; Under "Resources" we have a page for FBC Members only which has our latest emails and letters from Pastor Jerry.&nbsp; If you try to access this page, you will need the password "Know Him" to see the content.

On the Calendar

<b>mission café </b><br>· Sundays | 9:00-10:15am<br><br><b>worship</b><br>· Sundays | 10:30 AM | Sanctuary<br>· Available live on Facebook beginning at 10:30 AM<br>· If you're unable to join us in-person, you can view the service later in the week on, or<br><br><b>children’s worship</b><br>· Sundays | 10:30 AM | Children's Worship Room<br>· Ages 5 years old through 5th grade<br>· Contact Alyssa Newell for questions or more information.<br><br><b>youth group: camping trip</b><br>· July 22-24<br>· Middle &amp; High School students<br>· Contact Allie Wilson for questions or more information.<br><br><b>church office open</b><br>· Wednesdays | 10:00am-4:00pm <br><br><b>bible study</b><br>· Wednesdays | 9:30-11:30am | Library<br>· Contact Tina Wilburn for questions or more information.<br><br><b>women’s craft group</b><br>· Thursdays | 6:30pm | Classroom 2<br>· Contact Tracy Marshall to participate.

· Renee Goff continues to undergo testing and treatment for her VCP heart condition. · She has an appointment to address new concerns on 8/10.
· Deborah Kirby (Vasha Ferguson' sister) has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure.
· Janis (the wife of Tina Wilburn's dad) has been diagnosed with cancer. She is hoping to get an appointment at the Mayo Clinic to evaluate treatment options
· Baby Owen (premature twin born to Bailey Rooker's co-worker) had a successful surgery and was able to be transferred back to Bronson and reunited with his brother. Please continue to keep both babies in prayer. The family is grateful and thankful.
· Tia Rungaitis (sister-in-law of Josh Brower) is pregnant, due in September, and the baby has heart issues which will require operation immediately after birth. Pray for a successful pregnancy and that she carries to full-term.
· Roberta Newton is recovering at her daughter’s home from a fall that resulted in surgery for a broken femur.
· Carley Mielke (22-year-old granddaughter of Vicki Olson) has been released from the hospital and is recovering from major heart surgery at home. She still has a lengthy recovery but is doing well in the process.
· Linda Rooker is recovering from a successful hip replacement surgery.
· Check out our monthly prayer card on-line at under “Weekly Bulletins” for a list of those with on-going needs.
First Baptist Church
1635 76th Street
South Haven, MI 49090

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