Peninsula Covenant Church

7/10/22 Message Notes
Message Title: Finding The Way Date: July 10, 2022
Locations & Times
Peninsula Covenant Church
3560 Farm Hill Blvd, Redwood City, CA 94061, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
FINDING THE WAY: Psalm 119 - A Humble Heart
July 10, 2022
July 10, 2022
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Have you ever heard of the group called The Way?
Goal of this series: More Gratitude / Awe / Dependence
Two questions for Psalm 119
WHAT does it say about God?
SO WHAT does it mean for me?
Meditate, read 1-3 times, circle words, underline phrases.
Then answer What and So what?
Goal of this series: More Gratitude / Awe / Dependence
Two questions for Psalm 119
WHAT does it say about God?
SO WHAT does it mean for me?
Meditate, read 1-3 times, circle words, underline phrases.
Then answer What and So what?
Psalm 119:17-24
17-18 Help me!
19-20 Understand me!
21-23 Protect me!
24 Counsel me!
Synonyms for His Word:
law, commands, statutes, decrees, precepts
17-18 Help me!
19-20 Understand me!
21-23 Protect me!
24 Counsel me!
Synonyms for His Word:
law, commands, statutes, decrees, precepts
Psalm 119:25-32
25-27 Understand & help me!
28-29 Strengthen me!
31-32 I will follow the Way!
Psalm 119:9-16
How can a (young) person stay on the path...?
I will seek, hide, praise, meditate, delight, will not neglect your Word
Big Idea: Finding The Way involves a humble heart before God and His Word
Psalm 119:2
Blessed (most satisfied) are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart.
As you go today:
--How high is your view of God?
--How high is your view of God's Word?
--Where are you with Gratitude, Awe, and Dependence?
25-27 Understand & help me!
28-29 Strengthen me!
31-32 I will follow the Way!
Psalm 119:9-16
How can a (young) person stay on the path...?
I will seek, hide, praise, meditate, delight, will not neglect your Word
Big Idea: Finding The Way involves a humble heart before God and His Word
Psalm 119:2
Blessed (most satisfied) are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart.
As you go today:
--How high is your view of God?
--How high is your view of God's Word?
--Where are you with Gratitude, Awe, and Dependence?
PCC Benediction
May you jump into the arms of Jesus.
And may He push you out into the world.
May you be healed as you participate in the healing of others.
Not because you must, but because you may.
This is why we were born!
May you jump into the arms of Jesus.
And may He push you out into the world.
May you be healed as you participate in the healing of others.
Not because you must, but because you may.
This is why we were born!
Beyond Sunday
There may not be a better tribute to the Holy Scriptures than the one that is provided in Psalm 119. Every verse in Psalm 119 exalts the Word of God and the God of the Word. During this 10-week summer series, Finding The Way, we get back to the basics of allowing Scripture to help us grow in gratitude, awe, and dependence on God and His Word. In doing so, we believe it will guide us in the best way we should go in whatever comes our way. This week, we focus on how finding the way involves a humble heart before God and His Word in Psalm 119:17-32.
1. Think back to a time when you got lost (physically, emotionally, or mentally). Why did it happen? In what way did it relate to lacking a humble heart?
2. Read Psalm 119:17-24. How would you describe the psalmist's feelings? Which passages reflect a humble heart before God and His Word?
3. How have you experienced the tension between following God’s Word and dealing with a sinful world in your own life?
4. Read Psalm 119:25-32. What is the psalmist wanting God to know? What is being requested? How is the attitude of humility being declared? Why is this important?
5. Note the usage of the term “way(s),” in verses 26, 27, 29, 30. What are your observations about it? And how does it relate to the term “path” used in the final declaration in verse 32?
6. Reflect: Like the psalmist, where are you with having a humble heart before God and His Word? Which of these terms (gratitude, awe, dependence) could help you grow in humility?
Resource: (see link below)
RightNow Media : Psalm 119 - Matt Chandler Video/Study Question
There may not be a better tribute to the Holy Scriptures than the one that is provided in Psalm 119. Every verse in Psalm 119 exalts the Word of God and the God of the Word. During this 10-week summer series, Finding The Way, we get back to the basics of allowing Scripture to help us grow in gratitude, awe, and dependence on God and His Word. In doing so, we believe it will guide us in the best way we should go in whatever comes our way. This week, we focus on how finding the way involves a humble heart before God and His Word in Psalm 119:17-32.
1. Think back to a time when you got lost (physically, emotionally, or mentally). Why did it happen? In what way did it relate to lacking a humble heart?
2. Read Psalm 119:17-24. How would you describe the psalmist's feelings? Which passages reflect a humble heart before God and His Word?
3. How have you experienced the tension between following God’s Word and dealing with a sinful world in your own life?
4. Read Psalm 119:25-32. What is the psalmist wanting God to know? What is being requested? How is the attitude of humility being declared? Why is this important?
5. Note the usage of the term “way(s),” in verses 26, 27, 29, 30. What are your observations about it? And how does it relate to the term “path” used in the final declaration in verse 32?
6. Reflect: Like the psalmist, where are you with having a humble heart before God and His Word? Which of these terms (gratitude, awe, dependence) could help you grow in humility?
Resource: (see link below)
RightNow Media : Psalm 119 - Matt Chandler Video/Study Question
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Giving Update (as of 7/5/22)
Budgeted Giving: $3,000,000
Giving to Date: $ 226,075
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(June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023)
Giving Update (as of 7/5/22)
Budgeted Giving: $3,000,000
Giving to Date: $ 226,075
Shortfall: $2,773,925