Dover Assembly of God

6.26.2022 | Revelation - Week 30
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly. Bulletin
June 26, 2022
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ Worship Team Practice
8:00 am ~ Men’s Breakfast
8:00 am ~ Women’s Breakfast
6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service
Franklin Graham Is Coming!
Mark your calendar for York’s God Loves You Tour, which will give the lost an opportunity to know Jesus and encourage believers in their faith. The free evening will feature music by a guest artist and a message from Franklin Graham.
Sunday, September 25th – 4:00 PM – Grandstand Stage at the York Expo Center
Address: 334 Carlisle Ave, York, PA 17404 (Grandstand seating provided.)
Men's Breakfast
As the competition grows fierce, the guys will also be meeting on July 2, but at Lyndon Diner for breakfast at 8:00 am. Let’s show the women that there are more hungry guys than gals! Sign up in the lower foyer
Women's Breakfast
Women's Breakfast is scheduled for Sat. July 2, at Bob Evans. Be sure to sign up in upper foyer! See you there!
Youth Mini Golf & Ice Cream
Attention students! Join us for an afternoon of mini golf and ice cream at Bill Mack’s on Saturday, July 23rd from 1:00-4:00pm. Cost is $15 per student.
Women of Purpose Fall Retreat
REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Mark your calendars and plan on attending this awesome time of ministry and worship. More information is on the women’s table in the upper foyer. Sign up today, so we can be sure to get a reservation!
Women's Summer Book Club
Fri., July 29 at 6:00 pm ~ Anna's House Sign up in the Foyer
What Happens When Women say Yes to God. - Lysa Terkeurst
Sunday School Superintendent
Welcome Diane Crumrine as our Sunday School Superintendent. Diane currently orders our SS curriculum and will now take on the Sunday morning duties of 'ringing the bell' to keep our teachers on time; count SS attendance and SS offering, along with any donut donations. A big thank you to Paul Jones and Brad Caldwell who picked up and helped out by ministering with the Sunday morning duties in the interim.
Tithes & Offerings
Summer is upon us and that means lots of family travels, vacations, weekend get-aways! Please remember your giving to the Lord by way of tithes and offerings when you are away. For convenience, you can also give online these days! The Lord tells us in Malachi 3:10 to 'bring the whole title into the storehouse (home church) . . . "He will bless you and we thank you for your faithfulness!
Spanish Church Calendar of Events
Please note that on the 3rd Saturday morning of each month, Pastor Luis and his church family have a time of prayer and fasting in the Sanctuary. If you happen to stop by the church on a 3rd Saturday please be respectful of their time in the Sanctuary. Also, on the 4th Saturday evening they have a prayer vigil in the Sanctuary. If you need to schedule the Sanctuary during any of these times, please see Pastor Jeff or Anna first so we can work out details with the church calendar and all parties involved.
Prayer & Fasting Nights
A reminder that Pastor Jeff and Dover Assembly have prayer and fast nights in the Sanctuary on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month. Please join us! The Lord is doing great things! Items of specific prayer include:
~ Salvations of Loved ones, family, friends.(2 Peter 3:9)
~ Revival
~ Church property that the township wants to take. The battle belongs to the Lord!
Cleaning Crew Schedule
Added to our church calendar is the church cleaning schedule. Cleaning will be done on Thursday evenings or Saturday mornings (when Sanctuary is not in use). If you would need the church facilities and are not sure when they are available please see Pastor Jeff or Anna. Great News . . . the church is busy!
Thank You!
To Diane Crumrine and Yvonne Combs for their faithful dedication to our Sunday morning R.O.C.K. ministry. They will be stepping down after the month of June. Our morning R.O.C.K. teams, ministering on a 3 month rotation are:
~ Juliet Johnson and Lee Jones
~ Jesse Geisinger and Bonita Miller
~ Tabitha Knaub and Jasmine Lopez
It is with heavy hearts we bid farewell to Yvonne Combs as she begins a new church journey. Yvonne will always be part of our Dover Assembly family but will be attending a church closer to her home (Hallam, PA) with her husband. We pray the Lord's riches blessing upon Yvonne and Andrew as they begin this exciting church journey together as husband and wife!
Meal Ministry
Has been busy lately. Donations and / or gift cards are greatly appreciated.
Summer Day Trip Anyone?
Anyone interested in taking a trip with Pastor and Anna to the Bible Museum in Washington DC this summer? Sign up in the upper foyer.
Help Needed!
Our Wednesday evening toddler nursery could use some additional help with caregivers. If you love the littles and want to help out on Wednesdays when needed, we would love to put you on a schedule. Thank you for helping us! The 'littles' thank you!
Our media team is also looking for camera operators to help broadcast our services online. No experience necessary! If you'd like to help, see Pastor Jeff!
Shut Ins
Please continue to pray for those of our church family who are no longer able to join us for worship. Please send a card to encourage them!
~ Marian T.
~ Olga K.
~ Cindy D. (Angel’s mom)
~ Beulah S.
~ Mary S.
July 18 ~ Keith H.
July 20 ~ Juliet J.
July 22 ~ Noah N.
July 23 ~ Kevin N.
July 5 ~ Gil & Marian T.
July 14 ~ Mikhail & Olga K.
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ Worship Team Practice
8:00 am ~ Men’s Breakfast
8:00 am ~ Women’s Breakfast
6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service
Franklin Graham Is Coming!
Mark your calendar for York’s God Loves You Tour, which will give the lost an opportunity to know Jesus and encourage believers in their faith. The free evening will feature music by a guest artist and a message from Franklin Graham.
Sunday, September 25th – 4:00 PM – Grandstand Stage at the York Expo Center
Address: 334 Carlisle Ave, York, PA 17404 (Grandstand seating provided.)
Men's Breakfast
As the competition grows fierce, the guys will also be meeting on July 2, but at Lyndon Diner for breakfast at 8:00 am. Let’s show the women that there are more hungry guys than gals! Sign up in the lower foyer
Women's Breakfast
Women's Breakfast is scheduled for Sat. July 2, at Bob Evans. Be sure to sign up in upper foyer! See you there!
Youth Mini Golf & Ice Cream
Attention students! Join us for an afternoon of mini golf and ice cream at Bill Mack’s on Saturday, July 23rd from 1:00-4:00pm. Cost is $15 per student.
Women of Purpose Fall Retreat
REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Mark your calendars and plan on attending this awesome time of ministry and worship. More information is on the women’s table in the upper foyer. Sign up today, so we can be sure to get a reservation!
Women's Summer Book Club
Fri., July 29 at 6:00 pm ~ Anna's House Sign up in the Foyer
What Happens When Women say Yes to God. - Lysa Terkeurst
Sunday School Superintendent
Welcome Diane Crumrine as our Sunday School Superintendent. Diane currently orders our SS curriculum and will now take on the Sunday morning duties of 'ringing the bell' to keep our teachers on time; count SS attendance and SS offering, along with any donut donations. A big thank you to Paul Jones and Brad Caldwell who picked up and helped out by ministering with the Sunday morning duties in the interim.
Tithes & Offerings
Summer is upon us and that means lots of family travels, vacations, weekend get-aways! Please remember your giving to the Lord by way of tithes and offerings when you are away. For convenience, you can also give online these days! The Lord tells us in Malachi 3:10 to 'bring the whole title into the storehouse (home church) . . . "He will bless you and we thank you for your faithfulness!
Spanish Church Calendar of Events
Please note that on the 3rd Saturday morning of each month, Pastor Luis and his church family have a time of prayer and fasting in the Sanctuary. If you happen to stop by the church on a 3rd Saturday please be respectful of their time in the Sanctuary. Also, on the 4th Saturday evening they have a prayer vigil in the Sanctuary. If you need to schedule the Sanctuary during any of these times, please see Pastor Jeff or Anna first so we can work out details with the church calendar and all parties involved.
Prayer & Fasting Nights
A reminder that Pastor Jeff and Dover Assembly have prayer and fast nights in the Sanctuary on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month. Please join us! The Lord is doing great things! Items of specific prayer include:
~ Salvations of Loved ones, family, friends.(2 Peter 3:9)
~ Revival
~ Church property that the township wants to take. The battle belongs to the Lord!
Cleaning Crew Schedule
Added to our church calendar is the church cleaning schedule. Cleaning will be done on Thursday evenings or Saturday mornings (when Sanctuary is not in use). If you would need the church facilities and are not sure when they are available please see Pastor Jeff or Anna. Great News . . . the church is busy!
Thank You!
To Diane Crumrine and Yvonne Combs for their faithful dedication to our Sunday morning R.O.C.K. ministry. They will be stepping down after the month of June. Our morning R.O.C.K. teams, ministering on a 3 month rotation are:
~ Juliet Johnson and Lee Jones
~ Jesse Geisinger and Bonita Miller
~ Tabitha Knaub and Jasmine Lopez
It is with heavy hearts we bid farewell to Yvonne Combs as she begins a new church journey. Yvonne will always be part of our Dover Assembly family but will be attending a church closer to her home (Hallam, PA) with her husband. We pray the Lord's riches blessing upon Yvonne and Andrew as they begin this exciting church journey together as husband and wife!
Meal Ministry
Has been busy lately. Donations and / or gift cards are greatly appreciated.
Summer Day Trip Anyone?
Anyone interested in taking a trip with Pastor and Anna to the Bible Museum in Washington DC this summer? Sign up in the upper foyer.
Help Needed!
Our Wednesday evening toddler nursery could use some additional help with caregivers. If you love the littles and want to help out on Wednesdays when needed, we would love to put you on a schedule. Thank you for helping us! The 'littles' thank you!
Our media team is also looking for camera operators to help broadcast our services online. No experience necessary! If you'd like to help, see Pastor Jeff!
Shut Ins
Please continue to pray for those of our church family who are no longer able to join us for worship. Please send a card to encourage them!
~ Marian T.
~ Olga K.
~ Cindy D. (Angel’s mom)
~ Beulah S.
~ Mary S.
July 18 ~ Keith H.
July 20 ~ Juliet J.
July 22 ~ Noah N.
July 23 ~ Kevin N.
July 5 ~ Gil & Marian T.
July 14 ~ Mikhail & Olga K.
Download our app!
Download the Dover Assembly app to stay connected all week! Keep up to date with the latest news and events, watch our latest videos, and more all within our app! We're back on Google Play for Android users! Also available on the iOS App Store. Giving
Thank you for your faithfulness! You can now give to Dover Assembly online at your convenience. Click the link to learn more!
June 26, 2022 - Week 30 - Rev. Jeff Bender
Last week we finished up Revelation 15 which was a precursor to chapter 16. Chapter 15 showed us the angels coming from the Holy of Holies in John’s vision of the Old Testament tabernacle.
Each angel was given a bowl which was filled with God’s wrath. Up to this point we have had the 7 seals, 7 trumpets and now we have the 7 bowls.
Those previous judgments have only been partial judgments. There were still some who were not affected. But now with these, no one who is left will escape.
These bowl judgments are more severe, more complete and without the limits placed on the seals and trumpets.
Since there is no one who will escape these judgments, as we said last week, the time for repentance is over.
The day of salvation has passed.
These bowls of judgment will happen in quick succession and will happen right before Christ’s return to Earth.
Each angel was given a bowl which was filled with God’s wrath. Up to this point we have had the 7 seals, 7 trumpets and now we have the 7 bowls.
Those previous judgments have only been partial judgments. There were still some who were not affected. But now with these, no one who is left will escape.
These bowl judgments are more severe, more complete and without the limits placed on the seals and trumpets.
Since there is no one who will escape these judgments, as we said last week, the time for repentance is over.
The day of salvation has passed.
These bowls of judgment will happen in quick succession and will happen right before Christ’s return to Earth.
Last week we saw the angels being handed each a bowl of God’s wrath by one of the living beings.
They all have these bowls now and have been waiting for the go-ahead to pour them out.
This voice is either Christ, or God the father, since no one else was allowed in the sanctuary.
They all have these bowls now and have been waiting for the go-ahead to pour them out.
This voice is either Christ, or God the father, since no one else was allowed in the sanctuary.
The Greek phrasing of the words “mighty voice” seems to emphasize the power and authority of that voice. Another indication that it had to be either God the Father, or Jesus Christ.
Those left on the earth have all accepted the mark of the beast, so now they are receiving God’s “mark” of a boil or sore.
The same as in the Old Testament . . .
The same as in the Old Testament . . .
These boils or sores not only itched and hurt, they also stunk, darkened the skin and disfigured.
Those in the Old Testament were eventually healed, but in this case, they will never be healed.
Malignant indicates terminal...
...and that was only the first angel / bowl of wrath.
...and that was only the first angel / bowl of wrath.
Notice that it isn’t new blood, but like the blood of a corpse. Coagulating and decaying.
Embalming helps slow the decay process. It helps to preserve the body for viewing. If not embalmed, the body decays faster.
Here we have the water becoming like the decaying blood of a corpse. The first judgment affected 1/3 of the water. Here it affects 100% of all sea / salt water.
And every living creature died.
Only angel #2 . . . Now angel #3 . . .
Embalming helps slow the decay process. It helps to preserve the body for viewing. If not embalmed, the body decays faster.
Here we have the water becoming like the decaying blood of a corpse. The first judgment affected 1/3 of the water. Here it affects 100% of all sea / salt water.
And every living creature died.
Only angel #2 . . . Now angel #3 . . .
First we had all the salt water turned to decaying blood.
But now we have ALL FRESH WATER turned to blood.
That’s all drinking water.
Again, in the beginning, only 1/3 was affected, but now all drinking water was ruined.
How do you survive without water? You don’t.
But now we have ALL FRESH WATER turned to blood.
That’s all drinking water.
Again, in the beginning, only 1/3 was affected, but now all drinking water was ruined.
How do you survive without water? You don’t.
Previously, we have seen angels that have power over winds.
And angels with power over fire.
Now we have the angel with power over water.
We aren’t sure if this is the same angel that poured out the bowl or not, but it doesn’t matter.
The focus should be on what he poured out and why, rather than who did the pouring.
We aren’t sure if this is the same angel that poured out the bowl or not, but it doesn’t matter.
The focus should be on what he poured out and why, rather than who did the pouring.
This angel now tells us that God is just in sending this judgment.
Even today, some think that God is unjust in his word and commandments.
But like Abraham and Sodom & Gomorrah, we know. . .
Even today, some think that God is unjust in his word and commandments.
But like Abraham and Sodom & Gomorrah, we know. . .
The angel then equates the judgment with the reason for judgment.
By now, all the believers who did not take the mark have been killed or starved to death.
So they in effect, killed the believers and shed their blood, so now God is making them drink blood.
By now, all the believers who did not take the mark have been killed or starved to death.
So they in effect, killed the believers and shed their blood, so now God is making them drink blood.
This other voice is probably another angel, but again it doesn’t elaborate, so neither will we.
He is just corroborating the first angel’s comment.
He is just corroborating the first angel’s comment.
God certainly has power and authority over his creation, which includes the sun.
One commentary puts it this way:
“However, this does not mean that by some natural process, the sun will begin to give out more energy. This plague is a supernatural judgment accomplished by the power of God."
Fire in the Bible often talks about judgment.
One commentary puts it this way:
“However, this does not mean that by some natural process, the sun will begin to give out more energy. This plague is a supernatural judgment accomplished by the power of God."
Fire in the Bible often talks about judgment.
Again, nobody will be spared. There will be no escape from this judgment.
Look at their response: Instead of repenting and crying out to God for help, they blamed him and cursed him. We see that every day now.
When there is a natural disaster, what do we all it? “AN ACT OF GOD”
In Revelation, it says that God did send these, but in today’s age of grace, they are allowed, not sent.
God allows us to suffer the consequences of our sin.
We blame God for every bad act, but never give him credit or glory for every blessing.
We kick God out of everything and wonder why he doesn’t protect us from bad things.
Notice that they all worship the anti-Christ and the beast, and acknowledge Satan, but they know that God sent these plagues.
In our current church-age, we see both the goodness and severity of God.
Look at their response: Instead of repenting and crying out to God for help, they blamed him and cursed him. We see that every day now.
When there is a natural disaster, what do we all it? “AN ACT OF GOD”
In Revelation, it says that God did send these, but in today’s age of grace, they are allowed, not sent.
God allows us to suffer the consequences of our sin.
We blame God for every bad act, but never give him credit or glory for every blessing.
We kick God out of everything and wonder why he doesn’t protect us from bad things.
Notice that they all worship the anti-Christ and the beast, and acknowledge Satan, but they know that God sent these plagues.
In our current church-age, we see both the goodness and severity of God.
We can experience both in the times we are living. God is good to believers, but uses hardships to those who don’t.
All in an effort to bring people to repentance. But during the tribulation, there is no kindness, only severity.
Why? Because these folks have rejected God’s goodness and mercy.
And now God is allowing them to receive the consequences of their choices.
All in an effort to bring people to repentance. But during the tribulation, there is no kindness, only severity.
Why? Because these folks have rejected God’s goodness and mercy.
And now God is allowing them to receive the consequences of their choices.
This is also the verse we said applies to those who hear the message now, but do not accept it now.
When the church is raptured, God will not allow them to believe it then, because they refused to believe it now.
When the church is raptured, God will not allow them to believe it then, because they refused to believe it now.
This is designed to force the Anti-Christ’s system into confusion.
It focuses on his headquarters (throne of the beast) and followers (his subjects).
The anti-Christ himself, his judgment is yet to come.
Darkness also prevents those who have been burnt from receiving treatment. Their pain is intensified during the darkness, and they grind their teeth in anguish.
Doesn’t a sun burn and every other ailment, seem to get worse at bedtime?
Coughs, colds, fevers, & sunburns all seem to intensify at night.
That is what is happening here.
And yet again:
It focuses on his headquarters (throne of the beast) and followers (his subjects).
The anti-Christ himself, his judgment is yet to come.
Darkness also prevents those who have been burnt from receiving treatment. Their pain is intensified during the darkness, and they grind their teeth in anguish.
Doesn’t a sun burn and every other ailment, seem to get worse at bedtime?
Coughs, colds, fevers, & sunburns all seem to intensify at night.
That is what is happening here.
And yet again:
It seems that if they did repent, God would spare them.
But the truth is that the darkness is also spiritual as well as physical.
They are spiritually blinded.
But the truth is that the darkness is also spiritual as well as physical.
They are spiritually blinded.
These are judgments, not acts like we saw in Romans where God tries to get people’s attention.
No amount of judgment, no purgatory, not even the lake of fire will bring repentance to those who have rejected God’s offer of grace and mercy and salvation.
And the language here seems to indicate that they recognize their sins, but yet don’t repent. How many people today recognize that they are sinners, but don’t feel the need to change?
God is going to allow them to make that choice, but with that free-will choice comes consequences.
No amount of judgment, no purgatory, not even the lake of fire will bring repentance to those who have rejected God’s offer of grace and mercy and salvation.
And the language here seems to indicate that they recognize their sins, but yet don’t repent. How many people today recognize that they are sinners, but don’t feel the need to change?
God is going to allow them to make that choice, but with that free-will choice comes consequences.
This is in preparation for the final battle. The battle of Armageddon.
These kings or rulers are from the Orient that will start to march towards Israel and the Valley of Megiddo.
Satan and his power will make these leaders join together to destroy Israel.
This plague is preparing them way for them to advance in battle.
Satan and his power will make these leaders join together to destroy Israel.
This plague is preparing them way for them to advance in battle.
So we see Satan advancing, believing his will win this battle.
The dragon is Satan himself, the beast is the Anti-Christ and the false prophet.
We have here, unclean spirits, coming out of the mouths, indicating some kind of communication to their followers.
They are lying to these leaders in a very convincing way.
They will probably still be doing false miracles and lying signs and wonders to convince them to follow them.
Through their deception, they will convince these leaders to join this fight.
We have here, unclean spirits, coming out of the mouths, indicating some kind of communication to their followers.
They are lying to these leaders in a very convincing way.
They will probably still be doing false miracles and lying signs and wonders to convince them to follow them.
Through their deception, they will convince these leaders to join this fight.
Notice that the miracles and such are done for the leaders, not the general population.
And it will include EVERY LEADER. We’ve had World Wars, but they haven’t included EVERY NATION. This one will.
Jesus now interjects a warning to those of us who are reading it before all this happens.
And it will include EVERY LEADER. We’ve had World Wars, but they haven’t included EVERY NATION. This one will.
Jesus now interjects a warning to those of us who are reading it before all this happens.
In other words, we need to be ready and prepared for the rapture.
Are we? Are we watching (anticipating) his return?
Do we keep ourselves free from sin (robes ready).
Naked and unashamed means we’re not covered by Christ’s righteousness.
Are we? Are we watching (anticipating) his return?
Do we keep ourselves free from sin (robes ready).
Naked and unashamed means we’re not covered by Christ’s righteousness.
This is the last bowl of God’s wrath on the earth, and it fills the atmosphere.
The 7th and final (7 means the number of completion). And it finished the seven-fold outpouring of God’s wrath upon the earth.
And these last verses describe what this plague brings upon the earth.
The 7th and final (7 means the number of completion). And it finished the seven-fold outpouring of God’s wrath upon the earth.
And these last verses describe what this plague brings upon the earth.
We will get more into this next week, but I think today's take-away verse is . . .
Why would the Lord put this in the middle of the judgments poured out on the unbelieving world?
Because he wants us to always be aware of what is coming, how horrible it will be and he doesn’t want us to be there and that we need to always be ready.
Because he wants us to always be aware of what is coming, how horrible it will be and he doesn’t want us to be there and that we need to always be ready.
Tiff Shuttlesworth has said that “Prophecy isn’t meant to scare us but to prepare us”
I also like Warren Wiersbe’s quote: “Bible prophecy isn’t entertainment for the curious, it’s encouragement for the serious”
How serious are we about being ready?
I also like Warren Wiersbe’s quote: “Bible prophecy isn’t entertainment for the curious, it’s encouragement for the serious”
How serious are we about being ready?
Thank you for joining us!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!
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