Real Life Church KC

Teach Me How to Pray - Listen to God: Leave the Windows Open
Locations & Times
Kentucky Trail Elementary
8301 E 163rd St, Belton, MO 64012, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Big Idea: Be bold in your prayer and not afraid to pray.
Our courage to display our faith could be someone else’s new beginning in their walk with Jesus.
Daniel had no idea that by leaving the windows open during his prayer time God would change a nation.
Talk It Over
1. What stood our to you the most about the message? Daniel was bold in prayer. How bold are you? If you were to rate the boldness of your prayer life on a scale of red, orange, yellow, green, which would you choose and why? What would it take to move up one color and be bolder in prayer?
2. For Daniel, his boldness to leave the windows open transformed an entire nation. Dan Bray said, “Our courage to display our faith could be someone else’s new beginning in their walk with Jesus.” Describe a time when someone saw your faith and it opened up a door or conversation that otherwise wouldn’t have taken place. In what ways could your boldness in prayer and faith begin to transform the people around you?
3. Prayer has a way of stripping us of ourselves and giving the Holy Spirit control and room to work. Dan graciously said about his marriage, “Cherie needed more of the Holy Spirit and less of Dan.” Wow! How powerful is that statement! How powerful would that statement be in your own marriage and relationships? Describe the results of a time in your life when you prayed the John 3:30 prayer, “He (Jesus) must increase and I must decrease. He must become greater, I must become less.”
4. James 5:16 says, “Therefore confess your sins to another and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” Today we have the opportunity to open the windows of our faith and be bold in our prayers. Take 2-3 minutes in your home or Life Group right now and spend time praying for one another.
1. What stood our to you the most about the message? Daniel was bold in prayer. How bold are you? If you were to rate the boldness of your prayer life on a scale of red, orange, yellow, green, which would you choose and why? What would it take to move up one color and be bolder in prayer?
2. For Daniel, his boldness to leave the windows open transformed an entire nation. Dan Bray said, “Our courage to display our faith could be someone else’s new beginning in their walk with Jesus.” Describe a time when someone saw your faith and it opened up a door or conversation that otherwise wouldn’t have taken place. In what ways could your boldness in prayer and faith begin to transform the people around you?
3. Prayer has a way of stripping us of ourselves and giving the Holy Spirit control and room to work. Dan graciously said about his marriage, “Cherie needed more of the Holy Spirit and less of Dan.” Wow! How powerful is that statement! How powerful would that statement be in your own marriage and relationships? Describe the results of a time in your life when you prayed the John 3:30 prayer, “He (Jesus) must increase and I must decrease. He must become greater, I must become less.”
4. James 5:16 says, “Therefore confess your sins to another and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” Today we have the opportunity to open the windows of our faith and be bold in our prayers. Take 2-3 minutes in your home or Life Group right now and spend time praying for one another.
If you started a relationship with Jesus please let us know by checking "I committed my life to Christ" in your communication card or following the link below. GENEROSITY IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE
Thank you for being so faithful. We couldn't accomplish all we do without your support. Together let's pave the way to make much of Jesus!