Dover Assembly of God

5.29.2022 | Revelation - Week 28
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly. Bulletin
May 29, 2022
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ Worship Practice
6:30pm ~ Men’s Dinner @ Hoss’s
6:30 pm Spanish Service
Dover Youth!
We want to welcome our new Youth Pastors, Savy & Jasmine Lopez.! We are having an installation service followed by a luncheon on Sunday, June 12. We encourage everyone to join us as we install Savy & Jazz into Dover’s Youth & Young Adult Ministry! Sign up for the luncheon is in the lower foyer.
VBS Is Next Week!
June 5th—June 8th from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm
Men's Dinner
The guys are going to Hoss’s for dinner this Thursday, June 2 @ 6:30. All men are invited and we would love to see everyone there! Sign up in the lower foyer!
Women's Breakfast
The Women's Breakfast at Bob Evans has been changed to Sat., July 2, 8:00 am - sign up in upper foyer!
Prayer Warriors!
Prayer nights continue on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 6:30 pm. Join us as we seek the Lord for Dover Assembly and our own lives!
To the following members who were water baptized last Sunday!
~ Kurt G.
~ Olga B.
~ Reid V.
~ Greg S.
~ Lorelei S.
~ Justin S.
Special Thanks!
To Kurt, Jesse, Gil, Tyler, Jen, Angel, Anna & Pastor Jeff for their help in unloading Savy & Jasmine’s moving truck last Tuesday evening! Our new youth & young adult team officially start this Wednesday! PTL! Pray for an outpouring of God’s spirit on them!
Benevolence Need
Church ~ we have come across a need regarding one of our church members. We are looking to come up with $3000 of benevolence and would ask that you pray about what, if anything, the Lord might lay on your heart to give. If you can help us with this need, please write 'benevolence' on an envelope or a check so we know it's for this need. We thank you in advance. The Lord says that 'when you have done it unto the least of these you have done it unto me.' His hands extended.
Shut Ins
Please continue to pray for those of our church family who are no longer able to join us for worship.
~ Marian T.
~ Olga K.
~ Rose K.
~ Cindy D. (Angel’s mom)
~ Beulah S.
~ Mary S.
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ Worship Practice
6:30pm ~ Men’s Dinner @ Hoss’s
6:30 pm Spanish Service
Dover Youth!
We want to welcome our new Youth Pastors, Savy & Jasmine Lopez.! We are having an installation service followed by a luncheon on Sunday, June 12. We encourage everyone to join us as we install Savy & Jazz into Dover’s Youth & Young Adult Ministry! Sign up for the luncheon is in the lower foyer.
VBS Is Next Week!
June 5th—June 8th from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm
Men's Dinner
The guys are going to Hoss’s for dinner this Thursday, June 2 @ 6:30. All men are invited and we would love to see everyone there! Sign up in the lower foyer!
Women's Breakfast
The Women's Breakfast at Bob Evans has been changed to Sat., July 2, 8:00 am - sign up in upper foyer!
Prayer Warriors!
Prayer nights continue on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 6:30 pm. Join us as we seek the Lord for Dover Assembly and our own lives!
To the following members who were water baptized last Sunday!
~ Kurt G.
~ Olga B.
~ Reid V.
~ Greg S.
~ Lorelei S.
~ Justin S.
Special Thanks!
To Kurt, Jesse, Gil, Tyler, Jen, Angel, Anna & Pastor Jeff for their help in unloading Savy & Jasmine’s moving truck last Tuesday evening! Our new youth & young adult team officially start this Wednesday! PTL! Pray for an outpouring of God’s spirit on them!
Benevolence Need
Church ~ we have come across a need regarding one of our church members. We are looking to come up with $3000 of benevolence and would ask that you pray about what, if anything, the Lord might lay on your heart to give. If you can help us with this need, please write 'benevolence' on an envelope or a check so we know it's for this need. We thank you in advance. The Lord says that 'when you have done it unto the least of these you have done it unto me.' His hands extended.
Shut Ins
Please continue to pray for those of our church family who are no longer able to join us for worship.
~ Marian T.
~ Olga K.
~ Rose K.
~ Cindy D. (Angel’s mom)
~ Beulah S.
~ Mary S.
Have you registered your child for VBS?
VBS kicks off next Sunday, June 5th. Learn more & register now! our app!
Download the Dover Assembly app to stay connected all week! Keep up to date with the latest news and events, watch our latest videos, and more all within our app! We're back on Google Play for Android users! Also available on the iOS App Store. Giving
Thank you for your faithfulness! You can now give to Dover Assembly online at your convenience. Click the link to learn more!
May 29, 2022 - Week 28 - Rev. Jeff Bender
We are continuing our never-ending study on the book of Revelation. We finished up most of chapter 14 last week.
We said that chapter 14 is a vision into the near future during the tribulation. It is not chronological following the events in chapter 13.
John gets a glimpse into what will happen near the end of the book.
It showed us what will happen to those who are believers during that time. They will be martyred and John is told to tell them to hang on, because heaven is waiting.
Then he tells him that those who take the mark will face God’s wrath. Now we come to yet another vision of the near future.
Again, it’s not happening as John sees it, but he sees what will happen later.
Let's read the rest of chapter 14, then look at it verse by verse.
We said that chapter 14 is a vision into the near future during the tribulation. It is not chronological following the events in chapter 13.
John gets a glimpse into what will happen near the end of the book.
It showed us what will happen to those who are believers during that time. They will be martyred and John is told to tell them to hang on, because heaven is waiting.
Then he tells him that those who take the mark will face God’s wrath. Now we come to yet another vision of the near future.
Again, it’s not happening as John sees it, but he sees what will happen later.
Let's read the rest of chapter 14, then look at it verse by verse.
So, this is a new vison, distinct from what we read before.
Obviously, it’s preview of the judgments that will occur at the end of the tribulation.
John is still on earth ands looks up and sees a cloud.
Obviously, it’s preview of the judgments that will occur at the end of the tribulation.
John is still on earth ands looks up and sees a cloud.
This verse is a callback to Daniel’s vision.
And a reference to what Jesus said to the Pharisees.
This “like the son of Man” is Jesus Christ!
The gold crown is a symbol of his royal power and glory.
Zechariah was told to put a crown on the High Priest's head.
Jesus first came as a high priest and offered himself as the sacrifice.
Then he was crowned as the King and now he will be the judge.
The sickle is for judgment.
This harvest is not for believers, but for unbelievers, as referenced by Jesus in Matthew.
Zechariah was told to put a crown on the High Priest's head.
Jesus first came as a high priest and offered himself as the sacrifice.
Then he was crowned as the King and now he will be the judge.
The sickle is for judgment.
This harvest is not for believers, but for unbelievers, as referenced by Jesus in Matthew.
Jesus is beginning the final judgment on the people on earth.
And Jesus is the FINAL judge.
And Jesus is the FINAL judge.
We are living in the age of grace right now.
God is gracious to everyone, not wanting ANYONE TO PERISH, BUT ALL TO COME TO REPENTANCE.
But there is coming a day when that grace is gone and judgment is coming.
God is gracious to everyone, not wanting ANYONE TO PERISH, BUT ALL TO COME TO REPENTANCE.
But there is coming a day when that grace is gone and judgment is coming.
Another angel appears. It actually means “another of the same kind”. So, its another angel from the throne room of God.
He is God’s emissary. Representing God’s holiness and righteousness.
He calls out to Jesus. “Use the sickle, it’s now time”.
Time for what? Time for the judgment to fall. The crop is ripe, in other words, time is up, no more chances.
In fact, one commentator says that the word used for ripe here, is over-ripe, or dried out.
It's too late!
He is God’s emissary. Representing God’s holiness and righteousness.
He calls out to Jesus. “Use the sickle, it’s now time”.
Time for what? Time for the judgment to fall. The crop is ripe, in other words, time is up, no more chances.
In fact, one commentator says that the word used for ripe here, is over-ripe, or dried out.
It's too late!
This is not a harvest of good fruit, but of wicked and spiritually dead “fruit”.
These are all those who have been deceived by the anti-Christ. They are ripe for judgment at the end of the tribulation.
These are all those who have been deceived by the anti-Christ. They are ripe for judgment at the end of the tribulation.
There is no hesitation. The time is ripe, and Jesus is going to execute judgment on the whole world.
Speaking of Jesus, John the Baptist said . . .
Speaking of Jesus, John the Baptist said . . .
There are 2 harvests in the Bible.
One is the harvest of souls for the kingdom of God.
One is the harvest of souls for the kingdom of God.
This harvest is for judgment.
God allows the sinfulness of people to grow until their sins are ripe for judgment.
Jesus does not do all the harvesting. He has help from his angels.
The world pictures Jesus as Meek, Mild and full of compassion for everyone.
And he does, right now, but he is also the one who turned over the tables and whipped the merchants.
And he does, right now, but he is also the one who turned over the tables and whipped the merchants.
Jesus is long suffering, but that time will run out.
It doesn’t say which altar, but some assume it was the altar of incense which is the prayers of the saints that we heard about in . . .
They were asking “when are you going to avenge us”? And now is that avenging.
The verse goes on and says . . .
The verse goes on and says . . .
These grapes are not good grapes, but bad ones.
Rotten and stinking grapes is a good illustration of what the world will be like in this time.
God used the imagery of vines and grapes to describe Israel.
Rotten and stinking grapes is a good illustration of what the world will be like in this time.
God used the imagery of vines and grapes to describe Israel.
This harvest was ripe but like Old Testament Israel who left God, the fruit was bad and needed judgment.
Grape harvest is often a picture of judgment.
It takes place “outside the city"
Most commentators believe this is outside the city of Jerusalem in the valley of Jehoshaphat or the valley where Jehovah judges.
Most commentators believe this is outside the city of Jerusalem in the valley of Jehoshaphat or the valley where Jehovah judges.
This verse refers to the battle of Armageddon where a tremendous slaughter takes place.
It’s not grape juice that comes out but blood.
Some view this as an actual amount of blood, others view it as a hyperbole.
In either case, it is a tremendous amount of death and destruction.
This vision is looking ahead to the judgment at the end of the tribulation, when Christ returns with his saints.
It’s not grape juice that comes out but blood.
Some view this as an actual amount of blood, others view it as a hyperbole.
In either case, it is a tremendous amount of death and destruction.
This vision is looking ahead to the judgment at the end of the tribulation, when Christ returns with his saints.
Today we are living in the age of grace. Today God is speaking to the world in grace, not wanting anyone to perish.
And still people refuse to listen.
Soon, he will not speak in grace, but in wrath. There will be nor more chances, no more opportunities to be ready for heaven.
No more time to escape judgment.
We plead with those who do not know to receive God’s grace now and miss God’s judgment later.
And still people refuse to listen.
Soon, he will not speak in grace, but in wrath. There will be nor more chances, no more opportunities to be ready for heaven.
No more time to escape judgment.
We plead with those who do not know to receive God’s grace now and miss God’s judgment later.
Thank you for joining us!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!
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