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Dover Assembly of God

5.22.2022 | Revelation - Week 27

5.22.2022 | Revelation - Week 27

Locations & Times

Dover Assembly of God

4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA

Sunday 10:30 AM


Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly.

Weekly Bulletin

May 22, 2022

Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.


9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service

6:30 pm ~ Worship Practice


6:30 pm ~ Prayer Night-VBS

6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service


Dover Youth
We want to welcome our new Youth Pastors, Savy & Jasmine Lopez! Their first day will be June 1. We will have an installation service followed by a luncheon on Sunday, June 12. We encourage everyone to join us as we install Savy & Jazz into Dover’s Youth Ministry! Sign up for the luncheon is in the lower foyer.

Women of Purpose Yard Sale
Women's yard sale - would any of you like to bring your treasures for an outdoor yard sale (indoor if rain)? Just trying to get a gauge of who all would be interested and if enough are interested we will choose a date where we can set up. Cost is $20 per spot (to benefit the WOP fund). More info to be provided. Please sign up in the upper foyer if interested or see Anna

Women's Breakfast
The Women's Breakfast at Bob Evans has been changed to Sat., July 2, 8:00 am - sign up in upper foyer!

Prayer Warriors
Prayer nights continue on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 6:30 pm. Join us as we seek the Lord for Dover Assembly and our own lives!


Shut Ins
Please continue to pray for those of our church family who are no longer able to join us for worship.
~ Marian T.
~ Olga K.
~ Rose K.
~ Cindy D. (Angel’s mom)
~ Beulah S.
~ Mary S.

In Sympathy
To Anna Bender and family at the loss of her uncle Bill Whiteman on Monday May 9.

To Missy Ann Bell at the loss of her brother Nathan Allison on Sunday May 15.

May the Lord comfort these families during this difficult time!

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Download the Dover Assembly app to stay connected all week! Keep up to date with the latest news and events, watch our latest videos, and more all within our app! We're back on Google Play for Android users! Also available on the iOS App Store.

Online Giving

Thank you for your faithfulness! You can now give to Dover Assembly online at your convenience. Click the link to learn more!

May 22, 2022 - Week 27 - Rev. Jeff Bender

Well, we are more than halfway through our study on the book of Revelation. We finished up chapter 13 last week.

Before we jump into chapter 14, let’s review why we are studying this book.

Remember, the church (believers) won’t be here for almost all of the book, we get raptured at the end of chapter 3.

So why is this important to us?

Two reasons:

1) The Bible tells us to:
All scripture, not just the parts we like or want to hear.

We always benefit from studying any aspect of God’s word.
Our study of God’s word can’t just be superficial, we need to get into the weeds sometimes.

And we study, not for my approval or even your own approval or your friends or spouse’s approval.

We study to get God’s approval.
2) There is a blessing to be received.

Way back at the beginning, we looked at this one verse that encourages us to study Revelation.
This is the only book in the Bible that tells us that we received a blessing when we read and study it.
The first thing we see is the contrast to the end of chapter 13. That was filled a sad picture of death, starvation, and the mark of the beast.

Here we see a picture of a glorious victory.

The second thing we see is that this is not a direct chronological following of chapter 13.

Before the Lord gets into the final judgments of the tribulation period, we get a vision of a positive note.

Scholars believe this is a prophetic jump ahead to give us a preview of the time when Jesus will stand in victory and triumph on Mt Zion.

Chapters 14 & 15 introduce the judgments of chapter 16-18 showing the rewards of those who remain faithful to Christ during this time.
There is a lot of speculation and controversy on who these 144,000 are.

You would think it’s the same as we see in chapter 7. The number matches.

Some believe that it’s those sealed Jews.

Most others believe it represents believers of all time and that the 144,000 is not an exact number, but a representative number.

They believe it a number of fullness.

But in either case, God always has his faithful people regardless of how wicked the world becomes.
Verse 1 refers to Mt Zion, but which one? The earthly one of the heavenly one?

The Bible talks about 2 of them.
Verse 2 refers to John hearing "a sound from heaven."

I would believe that he would be on earth when he states it like that.

That description also reminds us of ones previous.
These harpists are singing a new song. When they say a new song, it probably means new in its tune, but not so new in the meaning or topics.

When we sing a new song, the tune is new, but the lyrics most likely expresses the sentiment and thought of songs sung before.

Example: "This is Amazing Grace” New tune and slightly different lyrics, but mostly the same sentiment as the original Amazing Grace.

It is new in the sense that their experience in God is new. . . in contrast to the experience of those under the old covenant.

Even though John could hear it supposedly on earth, the songs were being sung to God, not for the benefit of those on earth.
These are not angels doing the singing. Angels are not redeemed. They are not the recipients of salvation. They are not the ones “purchased”. That only applies to mankind.

This again alludes to these 144,000 being all believers.

And the singers are the harpists.

They are spiritually undefiled - meaning they have remained pure by refusing to conform to the world’s system.

The church is the bride of Christ and as such we are spiritually pure by living only for Him and not worshipping anything else.

Pure as virgins - not becoming a part of the false religions of the day.

These 144,000 have separated themselves from the world and from the apostate church.

following the Lamb wherever he goes - They have left everything to follow Christ

They have been purchased from among the people on the earth as a special offering to God and to the Lamb.

Another indicator that these 144,000 is symbolic of all believers.
Since we are all sinners, once our sins have been forgiven, we now become blameless.

The same term is used in 1 Thessalonians.
These are believers whose sins have been washed clean and are now blameless before God.
Now John sees another vision. He uses the word “AND” indicating something different than the first one.

Here he sees an angel carrying the gospel to every living creature on the earth at that time.

Since the church has that mission, to spread the gospel, it appears that the church is not here since an angel has to do it.

Another indication that we will not go thru the tribulation.

The everlasting Good News is the same as the gospel that we have today. There is no other gospel.
Even during the tribulation, God is still seeking people to follow and trust Him.

The message of the gospel is always redemptive. It calls on people to recognize His love, His sovereignty and His holiness.

And it calls us to worship Him only.

The Anti-Christ wants worship for himself, but Good is the only one worthy of worship.

He created the universe he created us, and he alone is worthy of worship.
Babylon represents the religious, political and economic systems of the world--its collapse and destruction is foretold.

The great city-Just like Nebuchadnezzar said to himself.
Babylon was a great city in its day. It was the center of commerce and religion.

Just like what it represents in this prophecy. The world’s economic (commerce) and religion (anti-Christ).

Babylon is God’s name for the world system of THE BEAST.

The harlot is God’s name for the apostate religions of the BEAST.

When the anti-Christ starts his own religion, he will destroy the harlot.

But God will destroy Babylon. It’s also the same prophecy Isaiah gave in his time, but also foreshadowed this event.
The reason it fell?
The terminology here indicates a saturation. Like a soaking or irrigating of the fields.

The world has been so saturated by immorality, that it brought about God’s wrath.

Just like Sodom & Gomorrah
You know the story, Abraham begs for the innocent people in that town, but as he kept asking God for their safety, but he couldn’t even find 10 people in that town that lived right.
So he got Lot out of there and destroyed it.
The same thing will bring down the Babylon of the end times.
The vision goes on with a 3rd angel. This message is further warning of coming judgment and God wants everyone to hear it.

For those who take the mark, which is actually submitting to the worship of the anti-Christ, their fate is already sealed.

They will receive the full punishment (UNDILUTED) of God’s wrath.

The word wrath is not an emotional word. It doesn’t indicate any emotion on God’s part. It references God’s holy and righteous judgment against sin.

It’s like treating a cancer. The doctor doesn’t have any emotional attachment to the cancer. He just knows the devastation it causes, so he needs to destroy it.

The angel is giving a last warning to those who will be about to face God’s wrath who have not taken the mark.

But it seems that they aren’t listening.
This is a unique and disturbing statement. He is talking about hell and the punishment of eternal fire.

But it also says “in the presence of the holy angels and the Lamb. Most take this to mean that they will be in hell, but will be near enough to see God.

They will be able to see what they missed. Just like Luke 16, Lazarus and the rich man. But this will only be a one-way viewing. The saints in heaven won’t be able to see them.

Only the presence of the angels and Lamb are mentioned, not people.

The dead in hell can see the angels and Jesus, and what could have been.
Again, the reason they are there is because they took the mark which was in fact, worshipping the anti-Christ.

It also says that this torment is never ending. Some believe hell isn’t real, some believe it is temporary, some believe hell will annihilate us eventually. Some think it’s for purification.

That the time we spend there will get rid of our sins. And everyone will saved in the end.

Salvation can never be through the lake of fire, if so, why do we need Jesus? We could just suffer a bit and get to heaven eventually.

But this verse is pretty plain. It doesn’t end, there is no relief.

There is no other way to heaven except through Jesus.
This vision is not meant only for those in the tribulation, but for all believers to encourage us to stand tall in the persecutions and hardships.

We always want to know when God is going to right all the wrongs in the world.

This is telling us that YES, there is coming that time, but we need to hang on until then.

Remain patient, remain firm in your trust in Jesus, keep obeying his word and keep trusting in Him.

No matter what!
They will be released from their suffering at the hands of the anti-Christ.

Contrasting this with the eternal punishment of the world.

It is better reign with Christ forever than with the anti-Christ for a few short years. Better to endure persecution patiently now than to escape it now but suffer through eternity.

Thank you for joining us!

If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!

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