Valley Church

Living as a VIP
We look forward to worshipping with you today!
Locations & Times
Valley Church
4343 Fuller Rd, West Des Moines, IA 50265, USA
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Welcome to Valley!
We are so glad that you could celebrate with us today.
We are so glad that you could celebrate with us today.
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2. Excel in doing GOOD WORKS in this WORLD.
4. Stay FAITHFUL to Jesus to the END.
Discussion Questions
1. What was a new insight, a good reminder, or an encouraging word from your message notes and the passage?
2. Jesus said to the church at Thyatira: “I know your works—your love, faithfulness, service, and endurance. I know that your last works are greater than the first.” Jesus also said that believers are “the light of the world” shining in a dark world through our good works (Matthew 5:14-16). He has made us Very Important People with a mind-boggling role to play in the world. Does this encourage you? Overwhelm you? Empower you? Why?
3. Read Titus 3:1-9 noting carefully the good works listed (esp. v. 1-2). Paul writes that believers are to “be careful to devote themselves to good works” (v. 8). Which of these good works stand out to you as especially important in these days? Why?
4. How can your Life Group devote yourselves to good works toward one another? Give practical examples.
5. How can your Life Group participate in Love You Des Moines Days to shine the light of good works in our community? Choose one (or more) of the 200+ activities and decide how to be involved.
6. Part of our faithfulness to Jesus is to “avoid the common pitfalls and cultural comprises.” Pastor Quintin shared a list of sins commonly known as the 7 Deadly Sins. Review the list below with the short definitions and the opposites. In your own life, share honestly where you feel pressure or temptation or more awareness of the struggle in our culture. How can we encourage one another to follow Jesus and overcome these common pitfalls?
• pride (preoccupation with self) vs humility
• greed (excessive desire for material things) vs generosity
• lust (unrestrained sexual craving) vs self-control/purity
• envy (jealousy toward another’s happiness) vs thankfulness/contentment
• gluttony (over-indulgence) vs moderation
• wrath (uncontrolled feelings of hatred or anger) vs patience/kindness
• sloth (laziness or lack of effort to fulfill responsibilities) vs diligence
7. In overcoming the common pitfalls, why is sheer willpower not enough? Why is a vital connection to Jesus and to the power of the Holy Spirit essential? What are practical steps we can take to strengthen this daily relationship with God?
2. Jesus said to the church at Thyatira: “I know your works—your love, faithfulness, service, and endurance. I know that your last works are greater than the first.” Jesus also said that believers are “the light of the world” shining in a dark world through our good works (Matthew 5:14-16). He has made us Very Important People with a mind-boggling role to play in the world. Does this encourage you? Overwhelm you? Empower you? Why?
3. Read Titus 3:1-9 noting carefully the good works listed (esp. v. 1-2). Paul writes that believers are to “be careful to devote themselves to good works” (v. 8). Which of these good works stand out to you as especially important in these days? Why?
4. How can your Life Group devote yourselves to good works toward one another? Give practical examples.
5. How can your Life Group participate in Love You Des Moines Days to shine the light of good works in our community? Choose one (or more) of the 200+ activities and decide how to be involved.
6. Part of our faithfulness to Jesus is to “avoid the common pitfalls and cultural comprises.” Pastor Quintin shared a list of sins commonly known as the 7 Deadly Sins. Review the list below with the short definitions and the opposites. In your own life, share honestly where you feel pressure or temptation or more awareness of the struggle in our culture. How can we encourage one another to follow Jesus and overcome these common pitfalls?
• pride (preoccupation with self) vs humility
• greed (excessive desire for material things) vs generosity
• lust (unrestrained sexual craving) vs self-control/purity
• envy (jealousy toward another’s happiness) vs thankfulness/contentment
• gluttony (over-indulgence) vs moderation
• wrath (uncontrolled feelings of hatred or anger) vs patience/kindness
• sloth (laziness or lack of effort to fulfill responsibilities) vs diligence
7. In overcoming the common pitfalls, why is sheer willpower not enough? Why is a vital connection to Jesus and to the power of the Holy Spirit essential? What are practical steps we can take to strengthen this daily relationship with God?