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OneLife Church

Unlikely Disciples: Part 5 - Counterintuitive

Unlikely Disciples: Part 5 - Counterintuitive

Locations & Times

North Campus

3503 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

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BOTTOM LINE: When I need what I've never had before, God will do what He's never done before.
1. God’s new way of doing things in my life is unlike anything I’ve seen before.
2. My comfort does not equal confirmation.
3. Jesus is serving me in new ways even when He knows I won't serve Him.
4. Jesus serves me in new ways so I will do the same for someoneelse.
Start Talking

When have you experienced something that was new, and it even seemed counterintuitive? Like, "Why would I need that when I already have this?" Or "That will never work." But now you look back and realize it was just because it was new and maybe uncomfortable, and now you are thankful for it.

Start Thinking

Read John 13:1-3. What details about Jesus in these verses give context for why He is about to wash the disciple's feet? Why do you think these verses show us why He chose now to teach this lesson and give this example?

Read John 13:4-5. What do you think was going through the disciples minds as Jesus started doing this? What would you have thought? What would you have maybe said? Why?
Start Sharing

Read John 13:6-7. When have you experienced something in your life, or more specifically something that God was doing in your life, and you didn't understand it at the time, but you did later? How hard was it to trust God since you had never experienced that before? How did it build your faith and trust for future experiences after you began to understand it better later?

Read John 13:8-9. When have you tried to argue or barter with God when you were experiencing something new or being pushed by Him to do something you had never done before? When God's Word or the Holy Spirit seemed to make it clear that God wanted you to do something, what did you try to add or adjust because it was uncomfortable to you?

How does this statement convict you or impact you: "My comfort doesn't equal confirmation"?
Start Doing

Read 2 Corinthians 5:17, Ezekiel 11:19, Ezekiel 36:26, and Isaiah 43:18-19. What do you sense the Holy Spirit is saying to you is the new spirit or new thing He wants you to do or experience? How is He stretching you and growing you?

Read John 13:13-17. How are you doing "these things" for other people? What new way of serving others or what new thing that will impact others for the Kingdom can you do? How can sharing your story and living on mission to those far from God be a new way to serve others and a new thing God wants you to experience?

Start Praying

Pray for each other to be open to the Holy Spirit's leading to new things and new convictions. Pray specifically for the answers you each gave in the previous section, and pray that each other will trust God that even if you don't understand it now, someday you will.

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