Real Life Church KC

Locations & Times
Kentucky Trail Elementary
8301 E 163rd St, Belton, MO 64012, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
The road away from home
Cornelius Plantinga
“Many of us have lost this knowledge, and we ought to regret the loss. For slippage in our consciousness of sin, like most fashionable follies, may be pleasant, but it is also devastating. Self-deception about our sin is a narcotic, a tranquilizing and disorienting suppression of our spiritual central nervous system. What's devastating about it is that when we lack an ear for wrong notes in our lives, we cannot play right ones or even recognize them in the performances of others. Eventually we make ourselves religiously so unmusical that we miss both the exposition and recapitulation of the main themes God plays in human life. The music of creation and the still greater music of grace whistle right through our skulls, causing no catch of breath and leaving no residue. Moral beauty begins to bore us. The idea that the human race needs a Saviour sounds quaint”
“Many of us have lost this knowledge, and we ought to regret the loss. For slippage in our consciousness of sin, like most fashionable follies, may be pleasant, but it is also devastating. Self-deception about our sin is a narcotic, a tranquilizing and disorienting suppression of our spiritual central nervous system. What's devastating about it is that when we lack an ear for wrong notes in our lives, we cannot play right ones or even recognize them in the performances of others. Eventually we make ourselves religiously so unmusical that we miss both the exposition and recapitulation of the main themes God plays in human life. The music of creation and the still greater music of grace whistle right through our skulls, causing no catch of breath and leaving no residue. Moral beauty begins to bore us. The idea that the human race needs a Saviour sounds quaint”
The road home.
When your true heart felt prayers line up with Gods will for your life YOU BETTER BE READY!
When your true heart felt prayers line up with Gods will for your life YOU BETTER BE READY!
That field I now own!
Today, if you’re prodigal
“The only difference between a prodigal and someone who is already home is they listened to the voice of God”
Today, if you’re already home:
It’s time to turn the light on and it’s time to make this house as bright as possible!
It’s time to turn the light on and it’s time to make this house as bright as possible!
Today it’s time to come home
1. What part of Dan’s story spoke to you the most and why? What did God say to you throughout Dan’s message?
2. Mathew 13:44 says, “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells everything that he has, and buys that field” Dan Bray said, “I now own that field!” Can you say the same thing? Do you own that field? Take a few minutes and share your Jesus story and all that God means to you.
3. Dan Bray said to us as Jesus followers, “It’s time to turn on the lights and make this house shine bright!” What are two or three steps you can take to shine brighter this coming week?
4. The mission of the Real Life Church is to see people far from God discover their Real Life and Purpose in Jesus. Next week is Easter Sunday and very will maybe the greatest moment this year to invite prodigals home. Who in your life can we pray for to come home. What steps will you take to invite them home?
1. What part of Dan’s story spoke to you the most and why? What did God say to you throughout Dan’s message?
2. Mathew 13:44 says, “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells everything that he has, and buys that field” Dan Bray said, “I now own that field!” Can you say the same thing? Do you own that field? Take a few minutes and share your Jesus story and all that God means to you.
3. Dan Bray said to us as Jesus followers, “It’s time to turn on the lights and make this house shine bright!” What are two or three steps you can take to shine brighter this coming week?
4. The mission of the Real Life Church is to see people far from God discover their Real Life and Purpose in Jesus. Next week is Easter Sunday and very will maybe the greatest moment this year to invite prodigals home. Who in your life can we pray for to come home. What steps will you take to invite them home?
If you started a relationship with Jesus please let us know by checking "I committed my life to Christ" in your communication card or following the link below. GENEROSITY IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE
Thank you for being so faithful. We couldn't accomplish all we do without your support. Together let's pave the way to make much of Jesus!