Real Life Church KC

Locations & Times
Kentucky Trail Elementary
8301 E 163rd St, Belton, MO 64012, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
What in your relationships is broken?
It all starts by realizing our own brokenness.
How do you fix what is broken?
Encourage you to take one small step in the right direction.
Below are five very practical, very real first steps in the right direction. Not asking you to do them all... I’m asking you to do one.
Encourage you to take one small step in the right direction.
Below are five very practical, very real first steps in the right direction. Not asking you to do them all... I’m asking you to do one.
1. Make your first Step... Stepping down to your KNEES!
Fully accept your brokenness... wherever you are in your relationships/marriage.
Fully accept your brokenness... wherever you are in your relationships/marriage.
2. Make you first Step a Step Backwards
Realign you heart; Set your heart & and mind to the things of God
Realign you heart; Set your heart & and mind to the things of God
3. Make you first step towards righteousness no matter how hard
Do what is right before wrong takes over - Obedience
Do what is right before wrong takes over - Obedience
4. Make your first step towards a healthy and godly communication.
5. Make your first step out of pure unselfish love
Develop and pursue unselfish love
Develop and pursue unselfish love
Look at how we are called to love:
It all starts with one small step
Jesus didn’t wait for us to take a step towards him!
Who is ready to take a step in the right direction?
Jesus didn’t wait for us to take a step towards him!
Who is ready to take a step in the right direction?
Listen to this song by casting crowns, "House of Their Dreams"What did you think about this song?
1. Pastor Brian flipped the script on “Knot easily broken” and started by asking the question, “Where is your current relationship already broken?” How would you answer that question? You can be as vague or specific as you want. Remember we are all broken people in need of a savior so keep it real.
2. There is so much power and truth packed into this message. What stood out to you the most between all the stories, verses, and encouragement to restore what is broken? In other words what was God saying to you?
3. Pastor Brian gave us five practice first steps to take to help restore what is broken. Which one spoke to you the most and why? The encouragement was to take one small step in the right direction. This week what is the one small step you can take in the right direction? What do you think will be the results of that step? Describe how big of deal this step will be. Now imagine you take 10 right steps, 100 rights steps, 1000 right steps, what difference can you see God doing in your broken relationships?
4. Read Romans 5:8 (see above) and stop and pray individually or a group for us to restore what is broken just like it all started for us with one small step from Jesus in our direction. Include thanksgiving and praise to God for him pursuing us and now we pursue others.
Listen to this song by casting crowns, "House of Their Dreams"What did you think about this song?
1. Pastor Brian flipped the script on “Knot easily broken” and started by asking the question, “Where is your current relationship already broken?” How would you answer that question? You can be as vague or specific as you want. Remember we are all broken people in need of a savior so keep it real.
2. There is so much power and truth packed into this message. What stood out to you the most between all the stories, verses, and encouragement to restore what is broken? In other words what was God saying to you?
3. Pastor Brian gave us five practice first steps to take to help restore what is broken. Which one spoke to you the most and why? The encouragement was to take one small step in the right direction. This week what is the one small step you can take in the right direction? What do you think will be the results of that step? Describe how big of deal this step will be. Now imagine you take 10 right steps, 100 rights steps, 1000 right steps, what difference can you see God doing in your broken relationships?
4. Read Romans 5:8 (see above) and stop and pray individually or a group for us to restore what is broken just like it all started for us with one small step from Jesus in our direction. Include thanksgiving and praise to God for him pursuing us and now we pursue others.
If you started a relationship with Jesus please let us know by checking "I committed my life to Christ" in your communication card or following the link below. GENEROSITY IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE
Thank you for being so faithful. We couldn't accomplish all we do without your support. Together let's pave the way to make much of Jesus!