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Valley Church

Street Smarts and Bold Love

Street Smarts and Bold Love

We look forward to worshipping with you today!

Locations & Times

Valley Church

4343 Fuller Rd, West Des Moines, IA 50265, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Welcome to Valley!
We are so glad that you could celebrate with us today.

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Community Card

Let us know you're here!
Celebrate whenever God shows up.
But don’t be naive.
Go the extra mile.
Allow the possibility that “no good deed goes unpunished."
Realize crowds can be badly mistaken.
Look for the opportunity in the chaos.
Rejoice in what God has done, but be prepared for anything.

Never underestimate the destructive power of pride, envy, and gossip.

Take the high road. Never become a slave to your freedom.

People will misunderstand your intentions. Love them anyway.

Always point everybody to Jesus.

Discussion Questions

1. Share about a time when you used some ingenuity, street smarts, MacGyver-skills, or shrewd moves to solve a problem, avoid a crisis, or get through a tricky situation.

2. Are you more of a grace-giver or truth-teller? Share an example. How would you like to grow in 2022 to do whatever it takes to see Christ formed in you? and to share the love of Christ with others?

3. What is at least one good strategy to eliminate gossip in your life and in your relationships? How can we take the danger of gossip more seriously in our own lives?

4. If we’re not careful, the hostility of our culture to Christianity can make us jaded, indifferent, or even antagonistic to people outside the faith. What are some possible steps to keep your heart tender and to persevere in showing bold love to spiritual outsiders?

5. Read Titus 3:1-8. What words or phrases stand out to you as you think about living in a post-Christian culture? Of the many traits and commands listed, which one comes more easily to you? Which one is a challenge for you?

6. Spend some time praying for specific people who are far from Christ, perhaps the One Life whom God has placed in your path to love and influence toward Jesus. Pray for street smarts and bold love as you interact with this person whom God created in his own image.