Central Ministries
Family Advent Devotional - Day 3
We hope you will enjoy this devotional with your family or loved ones as you prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus!
Locations & Times
Central Ministries
5801 Schwartz Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46835, USA
Monday 5:00 AM
The purpose of this devotional is to help prepare you for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. You may do this as your own quiet time, but we would encourage you to gather some family or loved ones to go through it together.
Abram (later Abraham) was blessed by God in many ways. God had given him many servants and possessions and he even had a small army! But he didn’t have a son. It’s very interesting to note that God tells Abram that He Himself was Abram’s very great reward. Right after that is when Abram asked God, “What can you give me since I remain childless?” At first it might sound like Abram wasn’t satisfied with God as his reward, but God was speaking to Abram about eternal things, while Abram was speaking about earthly things. And did you notice how God didn’t get mad at Abram for asking this? He assures him he won’t be able to count how many descendants he’ll have! Abram decided to trust what God said and that made God very happy with him.
Years later, Abraham’s wife Sarah did indeed have a son, just like God had promised. Not only that, but He did it when He said He would. God’s timing doesn’t always make sense to us, but we can know for sure that His way is better. God’s plan was so amazing, it brought laughter to all who heard of it!
In one of the more shocking scenes in the Bible, Jesus declares to all who were around Him, “before Abraham was born, I am!” Not only is Jesus saying that He is God, He’s also connecting His arrival with God’s master plan: the one God speaks of to Abram! How many times do we fail to see the many facets of God’s work? His ways are so much higher than ours. So trust Him today, and every day. He sees us and will take care of us!
-Chris Lyles, Technical Director
Years later, Abraham’s wife Sarah did indeed have a son, just like God had promised. Not only that, but He did it when He said He would. God’s timing doesn’t always make sense to us, but we can know for sure that His way is better. God’s plan was so amazing, it brought laughter to all who heard of it!
In one of the more shocking scenes in the Bible, Jesus declares to all who were around Him, “before Abraham was born, I am!” Not only is Jesus saying that He is God, He’s also connecting His arrival with God’s master plan: the one God speaks of to Abram! How many times do we fail to see the many facets of God’s work? His ways are so much higher than ours. So trust Him today, and every day. He sees us and will take care of us!
-Chris Lyles, Technical Director