Part 17 - Sun Oct 24, 2021
Locations & Times
The Roads Church - NC
583 US-45, Norris City, IL 62869, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Rising up out of the sea - Mediterranean Sea
- Gentile nations - Is 57:20-21
What does a beast represent? Beast - King/Kingdom
- Gentile nations - Is 57:20-21
What does a beast represent? Beast - King/Kingdom

“Like” a Leopard - Grecian
“Like” a Bear - Medo-Persian
“Like” a Lion - Babylonian
Power - dunamis - Force, miraculous power
Authority - exousia - Delegated influence; power or right to give orders or make decisions; authority to rule or jurisdiction
Throne - thronos - a stately seat
“Like” a Bear - Medo-Persian
“Like” a Lion - Babylonian
Power - dunamis - Force, miraculous power
Authority - exousia - Delegated influence; power or right to give orders or make decisions; authority to rule or jurisdiction
Throne - thronos - a stately seat

Marveled - thaumazō - To admire, wonder, be amazed
Followed - ŏpisō - After, behind
Followed - ŏpisō - After, behind
Worshiped - prŏskunĕō - To fawn, bow down to, kneel down in reverence
Given - didōmi - Come into possession of, bestow, grant, appoint
Mouth - stŏma - An opening, language, to communicate orally
Great things - mĕgas - Big, exceedingly great, high, large, loud, mighty
Blasphemies - blasphēmia - Serious insult, evil speaking, slander
Given - didōmi - Come into possession of, bestow, grant, appoint
Mouth - stŏma - An opening, language, to communicate orally
Great things - mĕgas - Big, exceedingly great, high, large, loud, mighty
Blasphemies - blasphēmia - Serious insult, evil speaking, slander
Given authority - Authority to rule, jurisdiction over a domain or sphere of influence; often pertaining to the political or religious sphere.
Continue - pŏiĕō - To behave, perform, act, carry out or accomplish
42 months - 42/12 = 3 ½ years - The 1st 3 ½ years!
True authority - can only be given by one in true authority
Continue - pŏiĕō - To behave, perform, act, carry out or accomplish
42 months - 42/12 = 3 ½ years - The 1st 3 ½ years!
True authority - can only be given by one in true authority
Blaspheme - blasphēmia - Serious insult, evil speaking, slander
Slander - A false and defamatory oral statement about a person
Slander - A false and defamatory oral statement about a person
Granted - didōmi - Come into possession of, bestow, grant, appoint
War - pŏlĕmŏs - To engage in open warfare against an enemy
Overcome - nikaō - To win a victory over; conquer, overpower, triumph or prevail
War - pŏlĕmŏs - To engage in open warfare against an enemy
Overcome - nikaō - To win a victory over; conquer, overpower, triumph or prevail
Overcame - nikaō - To win a victory over; conquer, overpower, triumph or prevail
By -dia - through; means by which
1) Blood of the Lamb - Supernatural Provision
2) Word of their testimony - Personal Application
- Testimony - marturia - Witness; evidence given
By -dia - through; means by which
1) Blood of the Lamb - Supernatural Provision
2) Word of their testimony - Personal Application
- Testimony - marturia - Witness; evidence given