Crossroads Church
Believing Like Jesus :: Part 3
The Cosmic Egg :: Ryan Howell
Locations & Times
Crossroads Church Loveland Campus
5420 N Taft Ave, Loveland, CO 80538, USA
Thursday 6:30 PM
Sunday 10:00 AM
Our Story: We Are
We all have our _____________ identities.
Identity in Nationalism, Cultural Religion, Ethnicity, Groupthink
My Story: Just Me
We all have a ______________ identity.
Identity in Power, Prestige and Possessions
Personal and group identities are not bad, they just aren’t _______________.
When we think _______ story is _______ story, we will fear ___________ story.
Why wasn’t Jesus afraid of the other and their story?
(Wisdom in John 4:5-24)
(Wisdom in John 4:5-24)
The woman was ____________ in her national and religious identities.
(John 4:5-9)
(John 4:5-9)
Jesus offers something that _________________ her identity stories.
(John 4:10-14)
(John 4:10-14)
Jesus _____________ her personal story first. (John 4:15-18)
Jesus invites her into ________ Story. (John 4:19-24)
Don’t Miss This
Jesus believed God is one: The _______________ of ___________.
Jesus believed God is one: The _______________ of ___________.
What about my everyday, peacemaking life?
_________________ is not the Kingdom of God.
______________ ________________ is the hard work of living in the story.
Practice __________ _____________ to center on the oneness of God. (Scripture honors all three levels.)
Read | Meditate | Pray | Rest
How can this make me a better human and our world a better place?
The Oneness of God saves us from the ________________ of “we” and the _______________ of “me."
The Oneness of God ____________ our fear of the other.
Jesus was never afraid of others because his “I am” was wholly rooted in the ____________ ___ ______.
What is God inviting you into today?
1. Recognize that my personal story and my group story is not the fullness of God’s Story.
2. See Christian spiritual formation as the way of rooting my “I am” in the Great
3. Try Lectio Divina once this week with John 4:21.
Thought Provoking Questions for Groups or Personal Reflection
1. How would you describe yourself? What makes you uniquely you? What groups are you a part of? How might those groups naturally be in opposition with other groups?
2. Why do you think Jesus dug into the woman’s personal story? Given what you know about Jesus, do you think Jesus was judging her or doing something else?
3. Why would Jesus’ statement regarding not worshipping in Jerusalem be so scandalous at the time of its writing?
3. Why would Jesus’ statement regarding not worshipping in Jerusalem be so scandalous at the time of its writing?
4. If you were to root your identity completely in the Great I Am, the Wholeness of Truth, rather than your personal and group identities, what fears would be healed in your heart?
4. If you were to root your identity completely in the Great I Am, the Wholeness of Truth, rather than your personal and group identities, what fears would be healed in your heart?