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Elements City Church

Disciple series wk7: A Forgiving Faith

Disciple series wk7: A Forgiving Faith

Jesus called his followers to follow after him. To be His disciple or apprentice if you will. In the process of living life with him they were changed. Their hearts, minds, actions, motives began to reflect more and more the one they followed. We want to examine some of the key interactions, teachings and modeling Jesus used to grow and transform his disciples found within the Gospel of Matthew. There are incredible insights and important foundational truths that are meant to challenge and change us as we seek to follow Jesus today.

Locations & Times

Elements City Church

1825 N Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85712, USA

Sunday 5:00 PM

Thanks for being here...

We pray that tonight would be encouraging for you. If you're a guest here with us, we invite you to fill out our connection card in our app or at the Next Steps table in the back of the auditorium after service. We'd love to meet you and we have a free gift for you. Click the link below to see THE WEEKLY - our digital announcements/info for all things happening in and around Elements...or find everything ya need in our app.
As we look at this series – we’ll be looking through the lens of ‘disciple’ – how did Jesus disciple the disciples? How did He go about training them to have his heart, attitudes, actions replicated within them? How is He still wanting to be doing that within us? A disciple is NOT an intern. The life of following after a Rabbi was one of apprenticeship & thus active 'followership'. “May the dust of your rabbi always be upon you” was a famous saying to a disciple…meaning may your proximity to the one you follow be so close that their dust rests upon you. That you would see how they see, act as they act, do as they do.
*If you've missed any of the past weekends, catch up with the sermons via our app.
We live in a culture that likes to keep score – we do it at the office, in sports and especially within our relationships.
In the NT, Apostle Paul reminds us: “love keeps no record of when it’s been wronged” (see 1 Cor. 13); but unchecked bitterness, well that likes to keep a detailed ledger and comprehensive journal. And so we see Peter wrestling with the limits of forgiveness...
What forgiveness is NOT:
Forgiveness is NOT saying that what that person did to you, or what you did was okay or even alright. Some of you have suffered harm at the hands of others and it’s NOT OKAY. It is what was, but it doesn’t mean it’s okay or alright.
Forgiveness is NOT giving permission for that person to do that again to you; it’s not meaning that we must become a ‘doormat’ and let people walk all over us; We can set healthy and appropriate relational boundaries.
-It is possible to forgive an offense that would be impossible to forget.
It isn't necessary to forget when we forgive.
What forgiveness is:
-Choosing to let go of the offense and not carry it around…choosing the sacrifice of Jesus paid that debt…Jesus had to die for that wrong.
-Taking them off the hook of your heart & letting them be on God’s hook.
("Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. -Romans 12:19)
This notion of: forgiving others is not a decision we’re to perform just when we feel like it, it’s a habit Jesus desires to form within our hearts. It’s how we are to now live…because we are JESUS followers AND we have BEEN forgiven.
It’s like Jesus is saying to Peter: “If you want to follow me, Peter, you have to put down the stones of revenge and the scorecard of bitterness.
You must travel light. You can carry your grudges and follow your anger or you can carry your cross and follow me. You cannot do both.
Forgiveness is NEVER free, but it is ALWAYS freeing.
Lewis Smedes said,
“When I genuinely forgive, I set a prisoner free and then discover that the prisoner I set free was me.”

Sheila's Story...

click here for the full video of Sheila's God led her on the path of forgiveness and ultimately to himself.
Forgiven people, forgive people.

-The flow of forgiveness is to flow within our hearts and out into our relationships. Forgiveness finds its ROOTS at the foot of the Cross.
It’s at the foot of the Cross: where we experience a mercy & kindness that goes beyond anything that we deserve! It’s in the practice of coming to the foot of the Cross – where we find the forgiveness we need and are fueled again to offer forgiveness that we can not create on our own!
Who do you need to give forgiveness to?
Who do you need to seek forgiveness from?
NEED PRAYER? ....we've got some of our prayer team and pastors available following service to pray with you. You can also submit your prayer request via our app. We look forward to partnering with you in prayer.

thanks for partnering with us...

Every gift you give enables us to move the mission of Elements and the Hope and Light of Jesus forward in our city and beyond. Thank you for financially & faithfully partnering with us! You can give here, online or easily within our free app on your phone or tablet.
AFTER-PARTY coming Sunday, October 21st!
Join us for a shortened service and then stick around for baptism celebration, food trucks, games, music and some fun. INVITE some friends - take some invite cards from the tables around the room! You can text an invite from within the app. If you want to get baptized, let us know!
Thanks for coming again. If YOU'RE NEW, please join us in the back of the room for our 10 MINUTE PARTY.
If you're NEW it's just for YOU! andit starts as soon as service is over...