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LifePoint Church

Stop Going to Church (Week 2)

Stop Going to Church (Week 2)

Did you know that of all the things that Jesus instructed his followers to do before he left Earth, "going to church" didn't even make the list? Let's spend the next 5 weeks investigating what did...

Locations & Times

LifePoint Church

2220 Edgerton St, St Paul, MN 55117, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM


As you look back over the last week...what stands out to you? What were the high's? What were the low's?

If the Holy Spirit were wanting to tell you something or show you something in the midst of any of these events...what might He be trying to tell or show you?

One of the biggest themes throughout all of the Old Testament is "rescue." Over and over, God rescues his people from people and things that want to harm or destroy them.

God's role as "rescuer" is so poignant that we refer to it with a lot of our "Christian" terms without even realizing it.

"Savior" is "one who saves," or "one who rescues."

"Redeem" means "to rescue through purchase or payment."
As Ben teaches, consider the following questions, and respond in the notes section below each question:

1) In chapter 10, Jesus sends out his disciples to "do the things that he did"...preaching, teaching, healing, etc. What might you find most difficult or intimidating if Jesus sent you out to do the things that He did?
2) John the Baptist was thrown into prison for publicly condemning the sin of King Herod's wife. What do you think of this? Was it appropriate for John the Baptist to publicly critique the sin of someone else?

Have you ever been in this sort of situation? What did you do?
3) Jesus states that the "the Kingdom of God has suffered violence and the violent take it by force."

How have you seen the Kingdom of God come under attack?

In your life, have you ever found yourself attacking the Kingdom of God without realizing it?
4) Jesus asked the student of John the Baptist, "What do you see?"

When you read about all that Jesus said and did...what stands out to you as most interesting?
5) In your life, what do you feel like you need to be rescued from?

6) Verse 6 uses the term (skandalizo) meaning "to cause someone to experience anger and/or shock because of what has been said or done.

What about Jesus' words and actions do you find to be most shocking and/or angering?

In considering Dan's challenge:

7) How is the Holy Spirit telling you to respond in obedience to Him? (Be as specific as possible)
8) Who do you know that is looking for "rescue" elsewhere that you know only Jesus can provide?
9) Where in your life are you looking elsewhere for "rescue" that only Jesus can provide?

Collecting for Afghan Refugees

Starting this week, LifePoint and several other Converge Churches will be collecting supplies for Afghan refugees awaiting resettlement. Our drop-off site will be Calvary Baptist Church in Roseville. Contact info for Calvary, as well as a list of items being collected, can be found in LifePoint Church's Facebook Group. Click on the link below to be redirected to our Facebook Group.

Join a Discovery Group

Would you like to pursue the life and mission of Jesus alongside other LifePoint Followers of Jesus?
Do you crave growth in your personal journey with Jesus?
Do you long for a group of Jesus-followers to serve alongside?
Email Ben Northcutt ( and get plugged into a Discovery Group...starting in October!
Or click on the link below to contact LifePoint directly.

At LifePoint This Week!

Click on the link below to see upcoming events and ways to participate with our LifePoint Family...

LifePoint Giving

While we want you to feel freedom from any pressure to participate financially in the ministry of LifePoint Church...if you would like to support the work and ministry of this spiritual family, click on the link below:

Completing the Great Commission

Completing the Great Commission