The Roads Church

Part 12 - Sun Sep 12, 2021
Locations & Times
The Roads Church - NC
583 US-45, Norris City, IL 62869, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Kingdom - basilĕia - Royalty, rule or realm; area ruled by a king
- Root - basis - To walk; the foot; the bottom of something or foundational, principal component of something
Kingdom of Heaven - The foundational, principal component of heaven; the system or culture of heaven
- Culture - Webster - The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices of a society, institution or organization.
Kingdom Culture - Set of attitudes, values, goals and practices of the kingdom of heaven
- Root - basis - To walk; the foot; the bottom of something or foundational, principal component of something
Kingdom of Heaven - The foundational, principal component of heaven; the system or culture of heaven
- Culture - Webster - The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices of a society, institution or organization.
Kingdom Culture - Set of attitudes, values, goals and practices of the kingdom of heaven
Shaken - salĕuō - Waver back and forth; to become emotionally unsettled and distraught—to be deeply distressed, to be upset
Mind - nŏus - Way of thinking, attitude, reasoning and deciding
Troubled - thrŏĕō - Be in a state of fear, alarmed or frightened
Mind - nŏus - Way of thinking, attitude, reasoning and deciding
Troubled - thrŏĕō - Be in a state of fear, alarmed or frightened
Ashamed - ĕpaischunŏmai - Feelings of shame, guilt or embarrassment
Persuaded - pĕithō - To convince someone to believe to the extent that their actions change to match the new belief.
Persuaded - pĕithō - To convince someone to believe to the extent that their actions change to match the new belief.
Falling away - apŏstasia - (apostasy, rejection) - Defection from the truth, abandonment, rebellion, defiance of authority, act in complete opposition to its demands.
Depart - aphistēmi - To abandon a former relationship or association, disassociate, remove, forsake
Giving heed - prŏsĕchō - Turn one’s attention to, occupy oneself with
Deceiving - planŏs - Deliberate deceptiveness, impostor, lead astray
Doctrines - didaskalia - Instruction, teaching, information that is taught
Giving heed - prŏsĕchō - Turn one’s attention to, occupy oneself with
Deceiving - planŏs - Deliberate deceptiveness, impostor, lead astray
Doctrines - didaskalia - Instruction, teaching, information that is taught
Sin - hamartia - To act contrary to the will and law of God
Revealed - apŏkaluptō - To uncover, unveil, reveal, make known
Perdition - apōlĕia - To ruin, destroy, destruction beyond repair
Revealed - apŏkaluptō - To uncover, unveil, reveal, make known
Perdition - apōlĕia - To ruin, destroy, destruction beyond repair
Opposes - antikĕimai - Opposite to, hostile towards; adverse, againstHis principles or ideology will be opposite to, hostile towards or against Christianity or Christian principles
Exalts himself - hyperairomai - Pridefully lift oneself up above a rival
Exalts himself - hyperairomai - Pridefully lift oneself up above a rival
Beast has 7 Heads represent the seven Empires that persecuted the nation of Israel and will also persecute her offspring
1) Egyptian
2) Assyrian
3) Babylonian
4) Medo-Persian
5) Macedonian Greek Empire
6) Roman Empire
7) Ottoman Empire (Turks) - Islamic Empire
1) Egyptian
2) Assyrian
3) Babylonian
4) Medo-Persian
5) Macedonian Greek Empire
6) Roman Empire
7) Ottoman Empire (Turks) - Islamic Empire