The Roads Church

Part 11 - Sun Sep 05, 2021
Locations & Times
The Roads Church - NC
583 US-45, Norris City, IL 62869, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Kingdom - basilĕia - Royalty, rule or realm; area ruled by a king
- Root - basis - To walk; the foot; the bottom of something or foundational, principal component of something
Kingdom of Heaven - The foundational, principal component of heaven; the system or culture of heaven
- Culture - Webster - The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices of a society, institution or organization.
Kingdom Culture - Set of attitudes, values, goals and practices of the kingdom of heaven
- Root - basis - To walk; the foot; the bottom of something or foundational, principal component of something
Kingdom of Heaven - The foundational, principal component of heaven; the system or culture of heaven
- Culture - Webster - The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices of a society, institution or organization.
Kingdom Culture - Set of attitudes, values, goals and practices of the kingdom of heaven
The current age before Jesus returns - Two camps:
- Jesus is sowing seeds - Sons of the kingdom - sheep
- Satan is sowing seeds - Sons of the wicked one - goats
- Jesus is sowing seeds - Sons of the kingdom - sheep
- Satan is sowing seeds - Sons of the wicked one - goats
His own resources - idiŏs - Exclusive property of someone
Practices - pŏiĕō - To behave in a certain manner; to do or perform
Manifested - phanĕrŏō - Make known by revealing clearly; made visible
Destroy - luō - to cause to cease to exist—‘to cause to come to an end, to cause to become nothing, to put an end to
Destroy - luō - to cause to cease to exist—‘to cause to come to an end, to cause to become nothing, to put an end to
Endure hardship - kakŏpathĕō - Experience and suffer physical harm or distress, emotional pain
Endure Afflictions - kakŏpathĕō - Experience and suffer physical harm or distress, emotional pain
Persecuted - diōkō - To become subject to systematic harassment and attack due to one’s religious beliefs