The Roads Church

Part 8 - Sun Aug 15, 2021
Locations & Times
The Roads Church - NC
583 US-45, Norris City, IL 62869, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Again - palin - Repetition, return back, once more, another time
Kingdom - basilĕia - Royalty, rule or realm; area ruled by a king
- Root - basis - To walk; the foot; the bottom of something or foundational, principal component of something
Kingdom of Heaven - The foundational, principal component of heaven; the system or culture of heaven
- Culture - Webster - The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices of a society, institution or organization.
Kingdom Culture - Set of attitudes, values, goals and practices of the kingdom of heaven
- Root - basis - To walk; the foot; the bottom of something or foundational, principal component of something
Kingdom of Heaven - The foundational, principal component of heaven; the system or culture of heaven
- Culture - Webster - The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices of a society, institution or organization.
Kingdom Culture - Set of attitudes, values, goals and practices of the kingdom of heaven
Treasure - thēsaurŏs - Treasure box with valuable objects in it; wealth of great value, laid up or stored in something
Hidden - kruptō - Conceal; hide, keep secret; make invisible so as not to be found, cover over
Found - hĕuriskō - To learn the location of something either by intentional searching or accidental discovery
Found - hĕuriskō - To discover, or to find after a search, to conclude after an investigation, to obtain for oneself, arrive at a particular state or condition
Found - hĕuriskō - To discover, or to find after a search, to conclude after an investigation, to obtain for oneself, arrive at a particular state or condition
Joy - chara - Cheerfulness, delight, great happiness