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Lifeway Church

Summer of Love

Summer of Love

Jesus commanded us to love one another as He loved us. Unfortunately, our love often limited to love as the world loves: we love those who think like us, act like us, believe like us and live like us. To love like Jesus we must understand how Jesus has loved us and how we live that out today. We Join us Sundays, 10:00 a.m., at the Lifeway Campus or on Lifeway at Home.

Locations & Times

Lifeway Church • Downtown Campus

114 S Congress St, York, SC 29745, USA

Sunday 8:30 AM


Second Chances

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The ultimate expression of love is forgiveness.
You can’t really love until you forgive.
Forgiveness demands nothing and offers everything.
The depth of your relationship and commitment to God is demonstrated by how well you love others.
Love is patient.
patience - accept or endure delays, problems, and suffering without becoming annoyed, frustrated or anxious
(Greek) Makrothymia - long to or slow to anger
Anger (3 Greek Words)
(Greek) Orge - anger you feel when someone or something that you value is devalued.

Orge is justified anger.

(Greek) Parorgismos - submerged anger
Anger (3 Greek Words)
(Greek) Orge - anger you feel when someone or something that you value is devalued

Orge is justified anger.

(Greek) Parorgismos - submerged anger

(Greek) Thymos - explosive anger or rage
Kind - to generously serve in and give grace
Patience is enduring the pain of today in the hope of a better tomorrow.
Kindness is being generous with good things to make a better tomorrow possible.
Who do you know that tries your patience?
How could you boost them up to make a better tomorrow possible?