The Summit Church
FOOLPROOF: Fool: Can't Teach Them
Discussion Guide: Week 2
Locations & Times
  • The Summit Church
    Thursday 11:59 PM
Pastor Jonathan shared some insights from Dr. Henry Cloud. When light is shown on the life of the wise, he/she responds by adjusting him/herself. When light is shown on the life of the fool, he/she adjusts the light (won't change). What are your thoughts on this observation?
We all have at least one area of our lives that it's difficult to receive suggestions or constructive feedback. How are you likely to react when this happens?
Defend ("no, you're wrong")
Dismiss ("it's no big deal" or "it's just the way I am")
Deflect (blame or change the subject)
Take your time reading through the following verses. How do you respond to the wisdom of King Soloman? What are you discovering about yourself?
*There are more things you don't know than things you do know. Do you find this realization frustrating or freeing? Why?
It's common to connect "knowing" with strength and "not knowing" as weakness. What area of your life are you more likely to experience this?
What can we do to avoid foolishly adjusting the light? Discuss these suggestions as a group and how you can apply them to different roles you play.
*Show me: choose to remain curious and open to feedback.
*Teach me: remain willing and open to learning more
*Help me: choose a posture of humility and vulnerability.
Close in prayer, asking for God to illuminate our lives and give us the courage to choose wisdom.