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Lifeway Church

Summer of Love

Summer of Love

Jesus commanded us to love one another as He loved us. Unfortunately, our love often limited to love as the world loves: we love those who think like us, act like us, believe like us and live like us. To love like Jesus we must understand how Jesus has loved us and how we live that out today. We Join us Sundays, 10:00 a.m., at the Lifeway Campus or on Lifeway at Home.

Locations & Times

Lifeway Church • Downtown Campus

114 S Congress St, York, SC 29745, USA

Sunday 8:30 AM


Free to Love

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In the Bible, people brought fruit, grain and goats to the temple. Thankfully, we've made it a little easier for you to support the mission and vision of Lifeway Church. Here is a quick way you can donate to Lifeway Church. Using your smartphone, tablet or computer, simply click the link below and make a quick donation through our online giving feature. You can use an online check from your checking account (ACH transaction), Visa, Mastercard, or debit card to make your donation. Once you setup your account, you can give a one time donation or you can setup your donation to reoccur weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Your one time setup is free and easy.
Your ability to love begins with the decision to forgive.
The ultimate expression of Jesus’ love for you is the forgiveness of your sin.
You can’t really love until you forgive.
Jesus sets the standard by which we’re to measure our love and judge our forgiveness.
You can’t leave your past in the past until you’ve dealt with your past.
Unforgiveness stands in the way of your relationship with God.
Unforgiveness hinders your ability to point others to God.
Forgiveness feels like you’re letting people off the hook.
When someone hurts you it creates a debt/debtor relationship.
Forgiveness is making the decision that the person simply doesn’t owe you anymore.
Forgiveness is deciding to cancel the debt.
We forgive because we’ve been forgiven.
Forgiveness demands nothing and offers everything.
Steps of Forgiveness
1) determine who owes you.
2) determine what they owe you.
You can’t forgive a debt you haven’t defined.
3) Decide to cancel the debt.
4) Dismiss the case.
Forgiveness is the gift you give yourself.
Forgiveness frees you to love.