The Roads Church
Part 3 - Sun May 30, 2021
Locations & Times
The Roads Church - NC
583 US-45, Norris City, IL 62869, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Kingdom - basilĕia - Royalty, rule or realm; area ruled by a king
- Root - basis - To walk; the foot; the bottom of something or foundational, principal component of something
Mysteries - mustēriŏn - That which has not been known before but which has been revealed to an in-group or restricted constituency
Given - didōmi - To grant someone the opportunity or occasion to do something
Know - ginōskō - To come to know, acquire understanding or comprehension; progression
- Root - basis - To walk; the foot; the bottom of something or foundational, principal component of something
Mysteries - mustēriŏn - That which has not been known before but which has been revealed to an in-group or restricted constituency
Given - didōmi - To grant someone the opportunity or occasion to do something
Know - ginōskō - To come to know, acquire understanding or comprehension; progression
Kingdom of Heaven - The foundational, principal component of heaven; the system or culture of heaven
Kingdom Culture
- Culture - Webster - The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices of a society, institution or organization.
Kingdom Culture
- Culture - Webster - The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices of a society, institution or organization.
Sow - spĕirō - To place or scatter seeds in-ground for future growth
Doing something now that you will not see the benefit of until LATER!
Doing something now that you will not see the benefit of until LATER!
Wayside ground
- The word we do not understand (don’t meditate) gets snatched away
- The word we do not understand (don’t meditate) gets snatched away
Stoney Places
- We get excited in the beginning but have no root in ourselves means we cannot endure tribulation and persecution that comes for the word.
- We get excited in the beginning but have no root in ourselves means we cannot endure tribulation and persecution that comes for the word.
Thorns - akantha - A thorny plant; worthless weed, unpleasant and to be avoided
Among - ĕpi - A position within an area “determined” by other objects and distributed among them
Sprang up - anabainō - Increase in size by natural process; grow up, arise
What we allow in our life will grow in our life.
When we justify the presence of we will not get freedom from.
We cannot experience Liberty where we embrace a lie.
What we allow in our life will grow in our life.
When we justify the presence of we will not get freedom from.
We cannot experience Liberty where we embrace a lie.
Choked - apŏpnigō - To cause the death of plants by other plants crowding them out, overwhelm or overshadowing them, to inhibit the action, function or development of something.
Cares of this world
Cares - mĕrimna - Concerned, anxious, worried, nervous
World - aiōn - An age; unit of time or era; world system
Cares - root word means to divide, disunite
Cares - mĕrimna - Concerned, anxious, worried, nervous
World - aiōn - An age; unit of time or era; world system
Cares - root word means to divide, disunite
Riches - plŏutŏs - Wealth, money, possessions; comes from the root word to fill, furnish or fulfill
Deceitfulness - apatē - Delusion, cheat, deceive or cause to have misleading or erroneous views about the truth
Deceitfulness - apatē - Delusion, cheat, deceive or cause to have misleading or erroneous views about the truth
Love - philarguria - Extreme love for money or wealth
Desires - ĕpithumia - Deep desire, longing, craving; A self-indulgent craving that displaces proper affection for God.
Entering in - ĕispŏrĕuŏmai - To enter, go into, of things, as food
Unfruitful - akarpŏs - Barren, producing no fruit or harvest
What thorns are "choking" my walk with Jesus?
- Cares of this world
- Deceitfulness of riches
- Desires for other things
- Cares of this world
- Deceitfulness of riches
- Desires for other things