Peninsula Covenant Church

5/2/21 Message Notes
Message Title: Unity in Diversity Date: May 2, 2021
Locations & Times
Peninsula Covenant Church
3560 Farm Hill Blvd, Redwood City, CA 94061, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Sunday 11:30 AM
Message Title: Unity in Diversity
Date: May 2, 2021
Date: May 2, 2021
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70% of white evangelicals think minorities are treated equally in the justice system
80% of minority evangelicals think that minorities are NOT treated equally in the justice system
Is racism systemic or by individual?
White Christians - 61% individual
BIPOC* Christians - 67% systemic
*Black, Indigenous, People of Color
What is the Gospel version of love, grace, truth, reconciliation?
70% of white evangelicals think minorities are treated equally in the justice system
80% of minority evangelicals think that minorities are NOT treated equally in the justice system
Is racism systemic or by individual?
White Christians - 61% individual
BIPOC* Christians - 67% systemic
*Black, Indigenous, People of Color
What is the Gospel version of love, grace, truth, reconciliation?
Being created in God's image with equal dignity before God
--no one is more or less of an image bearer of God
Acts 17:26 From one man he made all the nations.
Embracing the Gospel
--God's passion for unity
--See people in a whole new light - loved by God, worth a Son, in desperate need of reconciliation to God and each other
--no one is more or less of an image bearer of God
Acts 17:26 From one man he made all the nations.
Embracing the Gospel
--God's passion for unity
--See people in a whole new light - loved by God, worth a Son, in desperate need of reconciliation to God and each other
Jesus: Never lived with a "Rights Privilege"
--Built bridges to those outside of Israel
--Validated the faith of a Roman centurion
--Chose to travel through Samaria
--Built bridges to those outside of Israel
--Validated the faith of a Roman centurion
--Chose to travel through Samaria
The Church: Pentecost
--The first Christians experienced life together
--Vision of PCC: no division based on ethnicities in our gatherings - one people
Acts 10:34-35 Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.
--The first Christians experienced life together
--Vision of PCC: no division based on ethnicities in our gatherings - one people
Acts 10:34-35 Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.
Leads to Heaven
--The vision of Heaven is every nation, tribe, people
--All unified around and fixated on worshipping Jesus
Heart issue
How multi-ethnic is your life?
--The vision of Heaven is every nation, tribe, people
--All unified around and fixated on worshipping Jesus
Heart issue
How multi-ethnic is your life?
May you jump into the arms of Jesus and may He push out into the world. May you be healed as you participate in the healing of others. Not because you must, but because you may. This is why we were born!
May you jump into the arms of Jesus and may He push out into the world. May you be healed as you participate in the healing of others. Not because you must, but because you may. This is why we were born!
At PCC, we want any person from any racial or ethnic background to feel like they are among family. In order to do so, we must become more aware of God’s heart for racial reconciliation, key historical events and the hurt caused to many. Each week, our “Be The Bridge” (BTB) series will help us journey toward greater understanding, empathy and, in time, action. This week, we focus on humility, history and God’s desire for unity in diversity.
Individual / Group Discussion Questions
1. How are you feeling about entering into these challenging and complex conversations about racial reconciliation? (I am feeling… frustrated, confused, scared, excited, hopeful, etc.) And what are your thoughts about being the bridge for racial reconciliation in your world?
2. Why is humility so important as we enter into these conversations? How does this relate to Philippians 2:3-5. What might you need to do internally or externally to live out humility as you participate in this series or your group? (see pp. 7-9 in BTB book, start at bottom of page 7.)
3. Note the following statement from BTB p.28: Forgiveness and healing cannot begin until we become aware of the historical roots of the problem [of race] and acknowledge the harm caused. Why is this statement so important to racial reconciliation? How would you rate the depth of your understanding of the biblical and secular history of race (shallow, mid-level, deep)? From where and who have you received your best “non-white washed” biblical and secular history lessons?
4. With regards to race, Gary Gaddini, our Lead Pastor, stated the following in his Sunday message. “God has designed humanity (the human race) so that we share a common ancestry and from that have grown into a diverse family dwelling all over the world with differing looks, customs and cultures... the life of Jesus and the church in the NT model a supernatural unity that transcends race, ethnicity, culture, class and gender.” How do these passages support Gary’s statement? Gen 1:26-27, Acts 2:5–11, Acts 10:34-35, Acts 17:26, Galatians 3:28, Rev 7:9-10
5. Read pp. 22-23 in BTB. What else is this telling you about the origin of race and the healthy kingdom perspective/approach we need to take as the church?
6. What interactions does Jesus have that gives witness to the fact that He was the ultimate bridge builder when it came to cross cultural engagement? (e.g. women at the well, Romans, Gentiles, etc.) Prior, have you viewed these interactions as examples of racial reconciliation? What hinders you from engaging cross culturally like Jesus more?
7. With regards to racial reconciliation, what is God revealing about the state of your heart and mind (denial, defensiveness, defeat, open to discovery and desiring to take action)? What next step will you take to help you move forward in this journey? (e.g. pray, read next chapter, talk to someone, etc.)
A Prayer of Humility (BTB p.11)
Lord, we ask that the words within the Bible and the BTB book fall on the soil of our hearts. Come into our brokenness and our lives with your love that heals all. Consume our pride and replace it with humility and vulnerability. Allow us to make space for your correction and redemption. Allow us to bow down with humble hearts, hearts of repentance.
Bind us together in true unity and restoration. May we hear your voice within the words of these pages. Give us collective eyes to see our role in repairing what has been broken. Allow these words to be a conduit for personal transformation that would lead to collective reproduction.
Resources (see links below)
1. Get a FREE Be the Bridge Book! [Pick up at church or request to be sent to your home]
2. Get in a Be the Bridge Group [Starts this week! / read chap.1-2 prior]
3. Read chapter 3 prior to Week 2 [Be the Bridge - Schedule]
At PCC, we want any person from any racial or ethnic background to feel like they are among family. In order to do so, we must become more aware of God’s heart for racial reconciliation, key historical events and the hurt caused to many. Each week, our “Be The Bridge” (BTB) series will help us journey toward greater understanding, empathy and, in time, action. This week, we focus on humility, history and God’s desire for unity in diversity.
Individual / Group Discussion Questions
1. How are you feeling about entering into these challenging and complex conversations about racial reconciliation? (I am feeling… frustrated, confused, scared, excited, hopeful, etc.) And what are your thoughts about being the bridge for racial reconciliation in your world?
2. Why is humility so important as we enter into these conversations? How does this relate to Philippians 2:3-5. What might you need to do internally or externally to live out humility as you participate in this series or your group? (see pp. 7-9 in BTB book, start at bottom of page 7.)
3. Note the following statement from BTB p.28: Forgiveness and healing cannot begin until we become aware of the historical roots of the problem [of race] and acknowledge the harm caused. Why is this statement so important to racial reconciliation? How would you rate the depth of your understanding of the biblical and secular history of race (shallow, mid-level, deep)? From where and who have you received your best “non-white washed” biblical and secular history lessons?
4. With regards to race, Gary Gaddini, our Lead Pastor, stated the following in his Sunday message. “God has designed humanity (the human race) so that we share a common ancestry and from that have grown into a diverse family dwelling all over the world with differing looks, customs and cultures... the life of Jesus and the church in the NT model a supernatural unity that transcends race, ethnicity, culture, class and gender.” How do these passages support Gary’s statement? Gen 1:26-27, Acts 2:5–11, Acts 10:34-35, Acts 17:26, Galatians 3:28, Rev 7:9-10
5. Read pp. 22-23 in BTB. What else is this telling you about the origin of race and the healthy kingdom perspective/approach we need to take as the church?
6. What interactions does Jesus have that gives witness to the fact that He was the ultimate bridge builder when it came to cross cultural engagement? (e.g. women at the well, Romans, Gentiles, etc.) Prior, have you viewed these interactions as examples of racial reconciliation? What hinders you from engaging cross culturally like Jesus more?
7. With regards to racial reconciliation, what is God revealing about the state of your heart and mind (denial, defensiveness, defeat, open to discovery and desiring to take action)? What next step will you take to help you move forward in this journey? (e.g. pray, read next chapter, talk to someone, etc.)
A Prayer of Humility (BTB p.11)
Lord, we ask that the words within the Bible and the BTB book fall on the soil of our hearts. Come into our brokenness and our lives with your love that heals all. Consume our pride and replace it with humility and vulnerability. Allow us to make space for your correction and redemption. Allow us to bow down with humble hearts, hearts of repentance.
Bind us together in true unity and restoration. May we hear your voice within the words of these pages. Give us collective eyes to see our role in repairing what has been broken. Allow these words to be a conduit for personal transformation that would lead to collective reproduction.
Resources (see links below)
1. Get a FREE Be the Bridge Book! [Pick up at church or request to be sent to your home]
2. Get in a Be the Bridge Group [Starts this week! / read chap.1-2 prior]
3. Read chapter 3 prior to Week 2 [Be the Bridge - Schedule]
1. Request home delivery
Get a free "Be the Bridge" book delivered to your home Join a Be The Bridge Group
Groups run from 5/02-6/13 -- Register for a group today! to PCC through Pushpay
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Budgeted Giving: $4,072,377
Giving to Date: $2,994,878
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Giving Update
Budgeted Giving: $4,072,377
Giving to Date: $2,994,878
Still Need: $1,077,499