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Peninsula Covenant Church

4/18/21 Message Notes

4/18/21 Message Notes

Message Title: New Touch Date: April 18, 2021

Locations & Times

Peninsula Covenant Church

3560 Farm Hill Blvd, Redwood City, CA 94061, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Sunday 11:30 AM

Message Title: New Touch
Date: April 18, 2021
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The Kingdom of Heaven: the new way of life that Jesus modeled
AND the way we can live, too.

Matthew records 10 miracles by Jesus -- THIS is what the Kingdom looks like!
--People being save (rescued)

The miracles display:
--Jesus' authority
--Jesus' compassion
Verse 2: (And behold) a man with leprosy...
Word omitted in English translation, meaning "Look!"'

--Discarded people physically
--Discarded people socially
--Discarded people spiritually

This leper believed Jesus COULD heal, and wondered WOULD he?

How Jesus responds to the leper:
--with compassion: "Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man."

--with authority: "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy.

Are we able to bring our brokenness to Jesus?
Do we see ourselves as untouchable -- identify with the leper?

Jesus came not just to cure but to change.

Are we living with a Brand:New willingness?
May you jump into the arms of Jesus and may He push out into the world. May you be healed as you participate in the healing of others. Not because you must, but because you may. This is why we were born!
How should the world view the church? Unfortunately, we've got to own the fact that we’ve created a brand for the church that Jesus never intended. But we have the opportunity to give everyone a Brand: New perspective. In this 3-part series, Brand:New, we will look at how we can return Christianity to the hope-filled, life-giving brand Jesus intended.

1. When Jesus came to earth He modeled for us a Brand new way to live. What does that look like for us today?

2. According to Lead Pastor Gary Gaddini, the book of Matthew records 10 miracles that Jesus performed. Diseases are cured, the dead are raised, storms are calmed, and spiritually oppressed are set free. Which of these areas of restoration stand out to you? Jesus meets us in our brokenness and sin as well. Have you ever witnessed or been the beneficiary of a miracle?

3. These miracles display (at least) two characteristics of Jesus: His compassion and His authority. Name and reflect on as many of Jesus’ characteristics as you can. Which of His characteristics are standing out to you in your life right now?

4. Read Matthew 8:1-4. What do you notice about the posture and demeanor of the man with leprosy when he came to Jesus? What can we learn from the man about how we should come to Jesus?

5. Humans are wired to be touched. Human touch is vital for our mental, emotional, and physical health. And Gary stated, “the holy one grabs hold of us before he makes us holy.” Now put yourself in the position of the man with leprosy. How did Jesus show compassion and use of authority in his response to the man? We are also wired to be spiritual beings. How has Jesus “touched you” spiritually lately, showing His compassion and authority?

6. Sometimes we see ourselves as so unclean or unworthy it prevents us from wanting a relationship with the Lord. Is there anything that is standing in your way of entering into a relationship (or a closer relationship) with Jesus? And how could you be a healer toward a friend who feels unworthy/unclean? See Romans 5:8, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.

Resources (see links below)
1. Support a graduating High School Foster Teen
2. Join an upcoming Be The Bridge Group (May 2 - June 13)
3. Register for Live on the Lawn for Sunday, April 25

1. Support a Senior

Find out how to come alongside a graduating senior who is in the foster system

2. Join a Be The Bridge Group

May 2 - June 13 -- Register for a group!

3. Register for 4/25 Live on the Lawn

Sunday, April 25 at 10am Live on the Lawn worship gathering

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Fiscal year (June 1 - To Date)

Giving Update
Budgeted Giving: $4,072,377
Giving to Date: $2,910,721
Still Need: $1,161,656