Dover Assembly of God
3.7.2021 | Nehemiah - Week 12
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly. Bulletin
March 7, 2021
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Hour
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
Wednesday ~ PRAYER & FAST DAY
6:30 pm ~ Family Night
6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service
Easter Egg Hunt
Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Palm Sunday, March 28 immediately following the morning service. We are collecting candies that are able to fit inside the plastic eggs. Please place your candy donations in the bucket in the upper foyer. We will be assembling the eggs on Wednesday, March 24. Volunteers appreciated! There is a sign up sheet in the lower foyer to sign up your children and / or their friends.
Youth Convention
It’s that time again! Instead of a 3 day weekend at the convention center and hotel, this year it will be a one-day event held at Harrisburg 1st A/G. It is open for grades 6th grade through high school. The date is Friday, April 2 and the cost is $40 per student. If your child would like to attend, please sign up in the lower foyer or see Pastor Jeff. Scholarships available.
Girls' Night In!
Joyce Meyer is planning another in-church conference scheduled for Friday April 16 at 8:00 pm. If you are interested in joining Anna for this event, please sign up at the women’s table in the upper foyer.
Prayer Warriors!
On the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm, Pastor Jeff and Anna will have a time of prayer for 30 minutes in the church sanctuary. We will be praying for specific church needs. If you would like to join us, please sign up in the upper foyer!
Community Outreach
Coming soon! More information will be provided regarding an outreach Dover Assembly will be doing to the community on Carlisle Rd. Stay tuned. . .
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
We are in the planning stages of our annual VBS. The theme is LEGOS and is scheduled for July 11-14. Before we order curriculum and begin advertising, we need excited volunteers. If you are able to commit to this tremendous outreach opportunity, please sign up in the upper foyer.
Birthday Correction
Loralei Wible was listed as March 19, it should have been listed as March 9!
Daylight Savings Time
Begins this coming Saturday night. Be sure to turn your clocks AHEAD one hour.
JOIN US FOR 21 IN ’21!
God Answers Prayer
21 Wednesdays of Fasting and Prayer
Wed., Jan. 6 ~ Wed., May 26, 2021
We will fast Breakfast and Lunch and take time to pray for:
Salvation for our families, friends and community
1 Timothy 2:3-4
This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. NIV
Health for our families and church body
James 5:15
And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. NIV
The Lord’s direction for our property
Proverbs 2:6
For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. NIV
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Hour
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
Wednesday ~ PRAYER & FAST DAY
6:30 pm ~ Family Night
6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service
Easter Egg Hunt
Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Palm Sunday, March 28 immediately following the morning service. We are collecting candies that are able to fit inside the plastic eggs. Please place your candy donations in the bucket in the upper foyer. We will be assembling the eggs on Wednesday, March 24. Volunteers appreciated! There is a sign up sheet in the lower foyer to sign up your children and / or their friends.
Youth Convention
It’s that time again! Instead of a 3 day weekend at the convention center and hotel, this year it will be a one-day event held at Harrisburg 1st A/G. It is open for grades 6th grade through high school. The date is Friday, April 2 and the cost is $40 per student. If your child would like to attend, please sign up in the lower foyer or see Pastor Jeff. Scholarships available.
Girls' Night In!
Joyce Meyer is planning another in-church conference scheduled for Friday April 16 at 8:00 pm. If you are interested in joining Anna for this event, please sign up at the women’s table in the upper foyer.
Prayer Warriors!
On the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm, Pastor Jeff and Anna will have a time of prayer for 30 minutes in the church sanctuary. We will be praying for specific church needs. If you would like to join us, please sign up in the upper foyer!
Community Outreach
Coming soon! More information will be provided regarding an outreach Dover Assembly will be doing to the community on Carlisle Rd. Stay tuned. . .
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
We are in the planning stages of our annual VBS. The theme is LEGOS and is scheduled for July 11-14. Before we order curriculum and begin advertising, we need excited volunteers. If you are able to commit to this tremendous outreach opportunity, please sign up in the upper foyer.
Birthday Correction
Loralei Wible was listed as March 19, it should have been listed as March 9!
Daylight Savings Time
Begins this coming Saturday night. Be sure to turn your clocks AHEAD one hour.
JOIN US FOR 21 IN ’21!
God Answers Prayer
21 Wednesdays of Fasting and Prayer
Wed., Jan. 6 ~ Wed., May 26, 2021
We will fast Breakfast and Lunch and take time to pray for:
Salvation for our families, friends and community
1 Timothy 2:3-4
This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. NIV
Health for our families and church body
James 5:15
And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. NIV
The Lord’s direction for our property
Proverbs 2:6
For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. NIV
Download our app!
Download the Dover Assembly app to stay connected all week! Keep up to date with the latest news and events, watch our latest videos, and more all within our app! We're back on Google Play for Android users! Also available on the iOS App Store. Giving
Thank you for your faithfulness! You can now give to Dover Assembly online at your convenience. Click the link to learn more! Check-In
Enjoying following along with Pastor Jeff's sermon notes here in the Bible app? Take a moment to check-in and let us know. Your feedback is greatly appreciated! 12 - March 7, 2021 - Pastor Jeff Bender
We are finishing up our series on Nehemiah today. We're going to combine chapters 9 & 10 this morning.
We are still in the 7th month. (some translations say Oct)
A lot has been happening these 20 + days.
1st day of the month
Feast of Trumpets, New Year, Rosh Hashanah
10th day of the month
Yom Kippur-Day of Atonement
15th-21st days of the month
Feast of Tabernacles-Sukkot
Pretty much non-stop interaction with God. Another aspect of revival!
We are still in the 7th month. (some translations say Oct)
A lot has been happening these 20 + days.
1st day of the month
Feast of Trumpets, New Year, Rosh Hashanah
10th day of the month
Yom Kippur-Day of Atonement
15th-21st days of the month
Feast of Tabernacles-Sukkot
Pretty much non-stop interaction with God. Another aspect of revival!
They had finished celebrating the goodness and majesty of God. But as always happens as we study in depth the true character and nature of God, we see our own shortfalls.
Have you ever had the experience of either in a time of worship or in a class setting or in your own devotions, read something, during prayer, you feel the conviction of your own sins?
Whether past, forgiven sins or present day “I’m still involved in those” sins?
The more you worship a holy God or study about who God is and how he deals with people, we discover that we are very similar to those in the Bible that sometimes do bad things?
If we are honest with ourselves, what is happening is we realize how really sinful we are.
The Jews got together again because in their time of celebration of the goodness of God and his blessings, they realized how wicked they were.
They had the celebration, realized God’s goodness and blessing.
Have you ever had the experience of either in a time of worship or in a class setting or in your own devotions, read something, during prayer, you feel the conviction of your own sins?
Whether past, forgiven sins or present day “I’m still involved in those” sins?
The more you worship a holy God or study about who God is and how he deals with people, we discover that we are very similar to those in the Bible that sometimes do bad things?
If we are honest with ourselves, what is happening is we realize how really sinful we are.
The Jews got together again because in their time of celebration of the goodness of God and his blessings, they realized how wicked they were.
They had the celebration, realized God’s goodness and blessing.
So they came, not to celebrate, but to repent.
When we realize how good God has been, we want to be right with Him as well.
They fasted and dressed in burlap (sackcloth) and put dust (ashes) on their heads.
Sackcloth and ashes was a symbol of intense mourning and need for repentance and asking God for help.
When we realize how good God has been, we want to be right with Him as well.
They fasted and dressed in burlap (sackcloth) and put dust (ashes) on their heads.
Sackcloth and ashes was a symbol of intense mourning and need for repentance and asking God for help.
The word of God should allow us to discover how truly sinful we are. The ultimate goal of that is not condemnation, but repentance.
When we see how bad we are and how much we have really sinned, only then can we realize how good God really is to us and how merciful he is to us.
When we see how bad we are and how much we have really sinned, only then can we realize how good God really is to us and how merciful he is to us.
Years ago, church services would last several hours. Some that I know today, still do. They will worship for more than an hour and then the sermon would last over an hour and then altar time would go on until mid-afternoon.
Many countries other than America this is the norm. Nowhere to run off to.
We American churches seem to have put God on a clock. We have a strict format and God stops moving at noon.
These folks stood for 3 hours to hear the sermon and 3 more hours they confessed their sins.
A six-hour church service. REVIVAL was continuing!
God was doing a tremendous work in their lives and it sometimes takes more than 90 minutes.
Many countries other than America this is the norm. Nowhere to run off to.
We American churches seem to have put God on a clock. We have a strict format and God stops moving at noon.
These folks stood for 3 hours to hear the sermon and 3 more hours they confessed their sins.
A six-hour church service. REVIVAL was continuing!
God was doing a tremendous work in their lives and it sometimes takes more than 90 minutes.
Here is where I’m going to skim over some parts. The rest of the chapter is the leaders led them in a prayer that gives a history of their people from Abraham to their current situation.
It talked about how many times they as a country walked away from God but God was merciful and caused them to come back.
Instead of just leaving them in the midst of their wicked sinful ways, God kept pursuing them.
Think about our own lives. How many times did we hear about the goodness of God before we trusted him?
It talked about how many times they as a country walked away from God but God was merciful and caused them to come back.
Instead of just leaving them in the midst of their wicked sinful ways, God kept pursuing them.
Think about our own lives. How many times did we hear about the goodness of God before we trusted him?
How many times after we trusted him have we failed him? Yet in all our mistakes and sinful ways, God still pursues us.
Our country was founded as a Christian nation, but over time, we have abdicated our responsibility as the church, many have left the faith, and we as a country are turning more and more secular.
In spite of the statistics that say a high percentage of Americans say they are Christian, church attendance is at its lowest in decades. How many churches have stopped believing and preaching the bible?
As a nation we are falling into more and more decadence and sin.
So after the people review their history as a nation and realize how they have fallen away from God, as they read the word, they commit to come back to God.
Revive me, you and then others will be saved. That’s what revival is!
Our country was founded as a Christian nation, but over time, we have abdicated our responsibility as the church, many have left the faith, and we as a country are turning more and more secular.
In spite of the statistics that say a high percentage of Americans say they are Christian, church attendance is at its lowest in decades. How many churches have stopped believing and preaching the bible?
As a nation we are falling into more and more decadence and sin.
So after the people review their history as a nation and realize how they have fallen away from God, as they read the word, they commit to come back to God.
Revive me, you and then others will be saved. That’s what revival is!
First, the leaders had to do it if they wanted the people to follow. Can’t be a leader if you’re not willing to make the same sacrifices as everyone else.
It lists the leaders then it’s the people’s turn to commit themselves to God.
I can’t ask you to pray for revival if I’m not.
It lists the leaders then it’s the people’s turn to commit themselves to God.
I can’t ask you to pray for revival if I’m not.
The people were vowing to make a new beginning.
The past was behind them. They couldn’t change it. But they were committed to making a new start.
Alexander Whyte says, “The Victorious Christian life is a series of new beginnings.”
No matter where we are today, whether we are a nominal believer, or someone who has totally fallen off the track, every day can be a day of new beginning for you.
The past was behind them. They couldn’t change it. But they were committed to making a new start.
Alexander Whyte says, “The Victorious Christian life is a series of new beginnings.”
No matter where we are today, whether we are a nominal believer, or someone who has totally fallen off the track, every day can be a day of new beginning for you.
So the Jewish people repented for their nation’s sinning and their own as well. They committed to following God and to receive His blessings.
But the real proof is in what happens next.
How many of us or people we know that leave the altar, crying and promising to follow God, until they wake up the next day? Then they go back to where they were?
There will be evidences in our lives if our desire to follow God is sincere.
They promised to follow God’s word even if it meant hardship to them.
But the real proof is in what happens next.
How many of us or people we know that leave the altar, crying and promising to follow God, until they wake up the next day? Then they go back to where they were?
There will be evidences in our lives if our desire to follow God is sincere.
They promised to follow God’s word even if it meant hardship to them.
Sometimes we will obey God’s word until it tells us to do something that we really don’t want to do.
They were not to marry outside of their faith.
We are not to be unequally yoked. Means as Christians, we can’t marry someone who is not. That means we have to be objective in our feelings. Not everyone who says they are Christians are really Christians.
They were not to marry outside of their faith.
We are not to be unequally yoked. Means as Christians, we can’t marry someone who is not. That means we have to be objective in our feelings. Not everyone who says they are Christians are really Christians.
They say they are until they get married. I think every person here knows what I mean and if we look at our potential spouse objectively, we know whether or not they are. Dating too!
They also weren’t allowed to do work or make money at certain times because they were set apart for God. God said he will provide in the absence of them working. Doesn’t mean we don’t work.
They also weren’t allowed to do work or make money at certain times because they were set apart for God. God said he will provide in the absence of them working. Doesn’t mean we don’t work.
We just need to have work in it’s right place in our priorities.
He also would provide when they forgave debts. It may have been a struggle for them, but it was what God had told them to do.
God told them he would provide enough food in the 6th year to cover the 7th year that they didn’t work.
Sunday is not the day when we get caught up on all the stuff we didn’t do through the week including sleeping. Church services do not last 24 hours.
The same principle as tithing. If you give God time in worship, you will have time to do your other work.
He also would provide when they forgave debts. It may have been a struggle for them, but it was what God had told them to do.
God told them he would provide enough food in the 6th year to cover the 7th year that they didn’t work.
Sunday is not the day when we get caught up on all the stuff we didn’t do through the week including sleeping. Church services do not last 24 hours.
The same principle as tithing. If you give God time in worship, you will have time to do your other work.
The first was obedience in their life style and choices. This was obedience in giving to God.
God’s work has always been supported by God’s people. Giving is the only thing that God tells us to test him on.
God’s work has always been supported by God’s people. Giving is the only thing that God tells us to test him on.
Did God need their money? NO. Obviously, he could have provided all they needed to keep the temple operating.
Does God need our money? NO. He could provide all we need to do anything he asks us to do.
But He wants us to trust Him. It also allows us and them to know that they are a necessary part of God’s work.
If we just sat around and let God do everything for us, how would we grow? How would our faith grow? How could we really experience the goodness of God and have our trust in Him grow? How does that work for our kids and people in general?
If we just sit around and let others do everything for us (which is partly why our society is failing today) we become spoiled, lazy and dependent.
So we have addressed, our lifestyle and choices, the second was obedience in giving, now we have obedience in working in God’s kingdom.
Does God need our money? NO. He could provide all we need to do anything he asks us to do.
But He wants us to trust Him. It also allows us and them to know that they are a necessary part of God’s work.
If we just sat around and let God do everything for us, how would we grow? How would our faith grow? How could we really experience the goodness of God and have our trust in Him grow? How does that work for our kids and people in general?
If we just sit around and let others do everything for us (which is partly why our society is failing today) we become spoiled, lazy and dependent.
So we have addressed, our lifestyle and choices, the second was obedience in giving, now we have obedience in working in God’s kingdom.
The people all had to work in the maintaining of God’s temple. It wasn’t just the priests and Levites, but all the common people as well.
Everyone was important in the Jewish nation. Everyone had a part to play. Not just the leaders.
God wanted them to experience ownership in their land. When people take ownership of something, they put their best effort into making it great.
Everyone here is important to the well-being of our church. Everyone has a part to play. Not just the leaders. This is your church. Everyone should take pride in ownership.
We should want our church to be the best it can be and be willing to do what it takes to make it succeed.
Everyone was important in the Jewish nation. Everyone had a part to play. Not just the leaders.
God wanted them to experience ownership in their land. When people take ownership of something, they put their best effort into making it great.
Everyone here is important to the well-being of our church. Everyone has a part to play. Not just the leaders. This is your church. Everyone should take pride in ownership.
We should want our church to be the best it can be and be willing to do what it takes to make it succeed.
The remaining verses talk about how they were going to tithe a tenth of everything.
It wasn’t just so they could say the words. They had just read how God promised to bless and take care of them if they did this.
So they were excited to see how God would miraculously provide for them if they stepped out in faith.
They were just released from captivity and were on the verge of something new.
We come every Sunday, trusting and believing that God will do something miraculous.
C.S Lewis said “The mind which asks for a NON-miraculous Christianity is a mind in the process of relapsing from Christianity into mere Religion”.
It wasn’t just so they could say the words. They had just read how God promised to bless and take care of them if they did this.
So they were excited to see how God would miraculously provide for them if they stepped out in faith.
They were just released from captivity and were on the verge of something new.
We come every Sunday, trusting and believing that God will do something miraculous.
C.S Lewis said “The mind which asks for a NON-miraculous Christianity is a mind in the process of relapsing from Christianity into mere Religion”.
That’s great for the corporate setting, but don’t we want to see the miraculous happen in our personal lives?
We have our 21 in 21.
Do we believe in a miracle working God?
Do we believe that God can do something that we know is impossible?
If we commit to follow God’s word totally, we will see God move.
That is called revival.
We have our 21 in 21.
Do we believe in a miracle working God?
Do we believe that God can do something that we know is impossible?
If we commit to follow God’s word totally, we will see God move.
That is called revival.
Thank you for joining us!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!
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