Dover Assembly of God

1.31.2021 | Nehemiah - Week 8
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly. Bulletin
January 31, 2021
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Hour
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
7:00 pm ~ Deacon Board Meeting
Wednesday ~ PRAYER & FAST DAY
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT
8:00 am ~ Men’s Breakfast @ Lyndon Diner
6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service
Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study
For the next 2 Wednesday nights, we will watch a video series on America’s role in the end times. Do we have one? Will American be around at that time?
Men's Breakfast
The guys will be meeting at Lyndon Diner this Saturday, Feb 6 at 8:00 for a great time of fellowship and good food! We’d love to have everyone join us! Please sign up in the lower foyer and bring a friend!
Easter Egg Hunt
We will be having our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday, March 28 immediately following the morning service. We are currently collecting small candies that are able to fit inside a plastic egg. Please place your candy gift in the bucket in the upper foyer. We will be assembling the eggs on Wednesday, March 28. Thank you for your help!
Water Baptism
If you would like to be water baptized, please complete the form found at the Information Center, place it in Pastor Jeff’s door. The baptism service will be February 21 and the class will be during Sunday School on February 14.
COVID-19 Information
In this time of COVID, we wanted to keep everyone updated on what has been outlined by the CDC in response to the COVID virus for those who test positive.
FROM THE CDC: Once an individual has tested positive for Covid, the return-to-work criteria are as follows:
(we are using this same guideline for return-to-church activities as it is the right thing to do)
~ Must be fever-free 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medications)
~ Respiratory and other symptoms have improved
~ It has been at least ten (10) days from the onset of symptoms.
Please let's all do our part; if sick, stay home; if fevered, stay home and contact your healthcare provider for his/her advice.
We will get through this together!
Feb 1 ~ Sheila Reed
Feb 2 ~ Daci Miller
Feb 3 ~ Edith Nunez
Feb 8 ~ Kendra Knaub
Feb 15 ~ Abigail Reed
Feb 26 ~ Lacey Shumaker
Feb 26 ~ Gary Landis
Feb 12 ~ Tom & Darlene Osborn
Join us for 21 in ’21!
God Answers Prayer
21 Wednesdays of Fasting and Prayer
Wed., Jan. 6 ~ Wed., May 26, 2021
We will fast Breakfast and Lunch and take time to pray for:
Salvation for our families, friends and community
1 Timothy 2:3-4 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. NIV
Health for our families and church body
James 5:15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. NIV
The Lord’s direction for our property
Proverbs 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. NIV
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Hour
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
7:00 pm ~ Deacon Board Meeting
Wednesday ~ PRAYER & FAST DAY
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT
8:00 am ~ Men’s Breakfast @ Lyndon Diner
6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service
Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study
For the next 2 Wednesday nights, we will watch a video series on America’s role in the end times. Do we have one? Will American be around at that time?
Men's Breakfast
The guys will be meeting at Lyndon Diner this Saturday, Feb 6 at 8:00 for a great time of fellowship and good food! We’d love to have everyone join us! Please sign up in the lower foyer and bring a friend!
Easter Egg Hunt
We will be having our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday, March 28 immediately following the morning service. We are currently collecting small candies that are able to fit inside a plastic egg. Please place your candy gift in the bucket in the upper foyer. We will be assembling the eggs on Wednesday, March 28. Thank you for your help!
Water Baptism
If you would like to be water baptized, please complete the form found at the Information Center, place it in Pastor Jeff’s door. The baptism service will be February 21 and the class will be during Sunday School on February 14.
COVID-19 Information
In this time of COVID, we wanted to keep everyone updated on what has been outlined by the CDC in response to the COVID virus for those who test positive.
FROM THE CDC: Once an individual has tested positive for Covid, the return-to-work criteria are as follows:
(we are using this same guideline for return-to-church activities as it is the right thing to do)
~ Must be fever-free 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medications)
~ Respiratory and other symptoms have improved
~ It has been at least ten (10) days from the onset of symptoms.
Please let's all do our part; if sick, stay home; if fevered, stay home and contact your healthcare provider for his/her advice.
We will get through this together!
Feb 1 ~ Sheila Reed
Feb 2 ~ Daci Miller
Feb 3 ~ Edith Nunez
Feb 8 ~ Kendra Knaub
Feb 15 ~ Abigail Reed
Feb 26 ~ Lacey Shumaker
Feb 26 ~ Gary Landis
Feb 12 ~ Tom & Darlene Osborn
Join us for 21 in ’21!
God Answers Prayer
21 Wednesdays of Fasting and Prayer
Wed., Jan. 6 ~ Wed., May 26, 2021
We will fast Breakfast and Lunch and take time to pray for:
Salvation for our families, friends and community
1 Timothy 2:3-4 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. NIV
Health for our families and church body
James 5:15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. NIV
The Lord’s direction for our property
Proverbs 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. NIV
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Download the Dover Assembly app to stay connected all week! Keep up to date with the latest news and events, watch our latest videos, and more all within our app! We're back on Google Play for Android users! Also available on the iOS App Store. Giving
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Enjoying following along with Pastor Jeff's sermon notes here in the Bible app? Take a moment to check-in and let us know. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
Week 8 - January 31, 2021 - Pastor Jeff Bender
Last week we continued our study in Nehemiah.
We said that any work of God will face opposition from the enemy, and it may even come from within our own ranks.
But Nehemiah handled it the same way we should handle internal conflict.
Now we come to chapter 6. The internal trouble had ended for now and they were back full steam rebuilding the wall.
We said that any work of God will face opposition from the enemy, and it may even come from within our own ranks.
But Nehemiah handled it the same way we should handle internal conflict.
Now we come to chapter 6. The internal trouble had ended for now and they were back full steam rebuilding the wall.
First, we see that even with the external and internal opposition and struggle, the people were still able to complete their mission.
Considering that the wall was 2.5 miles long, 39 feet high and 8 feet thick and they had no power tools, I’d say it was nothing short of a miracle.
Because they did all of it (the wall anyways) in less than 2 months.
Considering that the wall was 2.5 miles long, 39 feet high and 8 feet thick and they had no power tools, I’d say it was nothing short of a miracle.
Because they did all of it (the wall anyways) in less than 2 months.
Regardless of what opposition they faced, if they kept doing what God called them to do, they were able to complete the impossible.
We have been talking about “rebuilding” after 2020 as a church. But what things in your life seem impossible to “rebuild”? Do you feel there it too much against you? The work will be too hard? Not enough time?
What has God put in your heart to change for you personally, or rebuild, like relationships? Or who are you praying for?
If you start the process of changing or rebuilding, or praying for someone, trust God to complete the work.
We mentioned back in chapter 4 that God had put a stop to the enemy.
We have been talking about “rebuilding” after 2020 as a church. But what things in your life seem impossible to “rebuild”? Do you feel there it too much against you? The work will be too hard? Not enough time?
What has God put in your heart to change for you personally, or rebuild, like relationships? Or who are you praying for?
If you start the process of changing or rebuilding, or praying for someone, trust God to complete the work.
We mentioned back in chapter 4 that God had put a stop to the enemy.
It was temporary. The opposition will always come back and we need to be ready for it.
But the opposition doesn’t always use the same tactics.
But the opposition doesn’t always use the same tactics.
Their attempts to stop the people didn’t work, and since the gates still had to be installed, there was still time for them to stop God’s work.
So they realized their attack on the workers didn’t work, so they sought to go after the leader.
If they could stop him or discredit him, then the people will follow suit.
If you are a leader in your ministry or even in your own home, the enemy will go after you because if he gets you, it affects the whole ministry or family.
So they realized their attack on the workers didn’t work, so they sought to go after the leader.
If they could stop him or discredit him, then the people will follow suit.
If you are a leader in your ministry or even in your own home, the enemy will go after you because if he gets you, it affects the whole ministry or family.
How often when we hear about a leader failing, do others who follow them get affected?
They were trying to draw him away from his work. There will always be things to get our attention and try to draw us away from what God has called each of us to do.
And they may sound like important things.
They were trying to draw him away from his work. There will always be things to get our attention and try to draw us away from what God has called each of us to do.
And they may sound like important things.
Nehemiah could have thought, “Hey they want to meet and possibly talk about cooperating."
The enemy never wants to compromise; he wants to eventually take over.
He will compromise just to get a foothold, but then kick the door in at the first opportunity. If he can compromise the leader, then the whole town can be compromised.
If we as Christians or as a church compromise to avoid any conflict, then the enemy already has his foot in the door.
The current climate in our society is to compromise.
To “go along to get along”
One definition of that phrase is: “To conform in order to have acceptance and security”
The church and believers are called to just the opposite.
The enemy never wants to compromise; he wants to eventually take over.
He will compromise just to get a foothold, but then kick the door in at the first opportunity. If he can compromise the leader, then the whole town can be compromised.
If we as Christians or as a church compromise to avoid any conflict, then the enemy already has his foot in the door.
The current climate in our society is to compromise.
To “go along to get along”
One definition of that phrase is: “To conform in order to have acceptance and security”
The church and believers are called to just the opposite.
We need to be alert to things that sound good, that calls us to compromise, in order to get along, but actually draw us away from what really matters.
When the enemy tries to divert us, it is never for a noble reason. He has no interest in compromising and benefitting us.
He only wants to destroy God’s work in your life.
And we need to be confident and stand up to all those things that may distract us.
He only wants to destroy God’s work in your life.
And we need to be confident and stand up to all those things that may distract us.
Nehemiah wasn’t fooled by their request. He knew they meant him harm.
He had discernment. We all have God given discernment if we chose to use it.
If we step back for a moment and really think about the situation, and not let our emotions control the day, God will give you wisdom on how to handle it.
Nehemiah knew that those guys never wanted the Jews to succeed.
And now all of a sudden, they want to help?
He had discernment. We all have God given discernment if we chose to use it.
If we step back for a moment and really think about the situation, and not let our emotions control the day, God will give you wisdom on how to handle it.
Nehemiah knew that those guys never wanted the Jews to succeed.
And now all of a sudden, they want to help?
He also knew that for him to leave and talk with them meant he would have to stop what God called him to do.
He was able to prioritize his ministry.
Everyone here has to have a list of priorities.
What has God called each of us to do?
Here’s a good test to start with. It’s in most leadership books.
What are the things that only you can do? That no one else can do? Things that you can’t delegate? In other words, why did they hire you?
In ministry- I’m supposed to preach. With the exception of when I’m not here, that is my main thing. So praying and preparing messages is something I can’t delegate. It also means that I have to NOT do things that would take time away from the main thing.
Parenting: There are things as a parent that only you should do. Things that you can’t delegate to someone else.
In my opinion, boarding schools are a way of delegating a parent’s responsibility to someone else. You are abdicating your God given responsibility (things that only you should do) to a stranger.
Only you should apply correction to your child. You should be their main cheerleader. It’s not the same when someone else is more encouraging to your child than you.
If God calls you to lead a lay ministry, there are things that only you should do. Consistency in ministry is vital keep the work going.
People depended on Nehemiah to be there as their leader. People in your ministry depend on you to be there as well.
How do you think the people would have reacted if Nehemiah was only there half the time? That his heart wasn’t really in it?
They would have followed suit.
He was able to prioritize his ministry.
Everyone here has to have a list of priorities.
What has God called each of us to do?
Here’s a good test to start with. It’s in most leadership books.
What are the things that only you can do? That no one else can do? Things that you can’t delegate? In other words, why did they hire you?
In ministry- I’m supposed to preach. With the exception of when I’m not here, that is my main thing. So praying and preparing messages is something I can’t delegate. It also means that I have to NOT do things that would take time away from the main thing.
Parenting: There are things as a parent that only you should do. Things that you can’t delegate to someone else.
In my opinion, boarding schools are a way of delegating a parent’s responsibility to someone else. You are abdicating your God given responsibility (things that only you should do) to a stranger.
Only you should apply correction to your child. You should be their main cheerleader. It’s not the same when someone else is more encouraging to your child than you.
If God calls you to lead a lay ministry, there are things that only you should do. Consistency in ministry is vital keep the work going.
People depended on Nehemiah to be there as their leader. People in your ministry depend on you to be there as well.
How do you think the people would have reacted if Nehemiah was only there half the time? That his heart wasn’t really in it?
They would have followed suit.
Not only did Nehemiah have discernment, he had determination.
The enemy doesn’t usually tempt us one time and leave. He tempted Jesus 3 times in the garden. He will keep nagging at you until you give in or you keep resisting him and he will give up, for a time.
If the temptation as wrong the first time, it will be wrong no matter how often it is offered. If you have determination, no amount of temptations will defeat you.
Parents have to learn determination very early. Because kids can be relentless in wanting something. You have to stand tall regardless of how many thousand times they beg or whine about something.
School is a good example of determination. Every day kids beg to stay home. But you don’t give in. They go, kicking and screaming all the way. Because no amount of begging will change your mind. You are determined.
Parents should have that same determination when it comes to church.
So Nehemiah gets hit 4 times with that offer. When he refuses 4 times, the temptation goes away?
Nope, it gets ramped up.
The enemy doesn’t usually tempt us one time and leave. He tempted Jesus 3 times in the garden. He will keep nagging at you until you give in or you keep resisting him and he will give up, for a time.
If the temptation as wrong the first time, it will be wrong no matter how often it is offered. If you have determination, no amount of temptations will defeat you.
Parents have to learn determination very early. Because kids can be relentless in wanting something. You have to stand tall regardless of how many thousand times they beg or whine about something.
School is a good example of determination. Every day kids beg to stay home. But you don’t give in. They go, kicking and screaming all the way. Because no amount of begging will change your mind. You are determined.
Parents should have that same determination when it comes to church.
So Nehemiah gets hit 4 times with that offer. When he refuses 4 times, the temptation goes away?
Nope, it gets ramped up.
Not only does he want to draw Nehemiah away from what God called him to, now he is threatening to let everyone know that Nehemiah is starting a revolution against the government.
A coup. Sound familiar?
Letters like that were usually sealed so only the receiver would see it, but Sanballat wanted everyone to hear what it said.
In those days, any threat against a Persian king would be instantly and brutally put down.
Sanballat was hoping to put fear in the Jews. So much fear that the Jews would stop working for fear of what the government would do to them.
If some of the Jews believed the lie, Sanballat could get them to come to his side in an effort to again stop God’s work.
Does that sound familiar?
Bringing it to current day events, how often have we been made to be fearful of what the authorities might do if we continue to meet?
We’ve never been mandated to close, but in other states that has happened.
Small businesses have been made to be fearful of what might happen to them if they operated their businesses and lived up to their Christian convictions.
A coup. Sound familiar?
Letters like that were usually sealed so only the receiver would see it, but Sanballat wanted everyone to hear what it said.
In those days, any threat against a Persian king would be instantly and brutally put down.
Sanballat was hoping to put fear in the Jews. So much fear that the Jews would stop working for fear of what the government would do to them.
If some of the Jews believed the lie, Sanballat could get them to come to his side in an effort to again stop God’s work.
Does that sound familiar?
Bringing it to current day events, how often have we been made to be fearful of what the authorities might do if we continue to meet?
We’ve never been mandated to close, but in other states that has happened.
Small businesses have been made to be fearful of what might happen to them if they operated their businesses and lived up to their Christian convictions.
Nehemiah knew it was a lie and called him on it.
We need to stand up for the truth, even if it is unpopular.
Of course Sanballat knew it was a lie. But it didn’t stop him from spreading it.
Churchill said: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
The problem was that people might believe it.
In church work and I’m sure in every situation, you will hear the phrase:
“People are saying this”, or “it’s been reported”
A generic accusation that has no basis in fact. Usually “the people talking” is the person who is saying, “People are talking”.
Since that letter said he was planning a coup, it also said that he was planning on making himself the King. If this report got back to the king, and if Nehemiah could nip it in the bud there, it might be bad for him and everyone.
This lie was designed to keep people in fear.
We need to stand up for the truth, even if it is unpopular.
Of course Sanballat knew it was a lie. But it didn’t stop him from spreading it.
Churchill said: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
The problem was that people might believe it.
In church work and I’m sure in every situation, you will hear the phrase:
“People are saying this”, or “it’s been reported”
A generic accusation that has no basis in fact. Usually “the people talking” is the person who is saying, “People are talking”.
Since that letter said he was planning a coup, it also said that he was planning on making himself the King. If this report got back to the king, and if Nehemiah could nip it in the bud there, it might be bad for him and everyone.
This lie was designed to keep people in fear.
Even though it was a lie, the possibility of bad things happening was real.
Notice what he didn’t do. He didn’t try to defend himself to Sanballat. He didn’t respond which is exactly what Sanballat wanted. To get into a fight or discussion about this letter.
We have to be careful on how we respond to criticism or opposition. Sometimes it’s just not worth it to try and argue with someone who started the lie.
This is where your reputation comes into play.
Up until now, Nehemiah was doing everything right, he was working right with the men, he was a trustworthy leader, he supplied money and food to those who needed it, he fought for those who were being taken advantage of.
His reputation (along with God’s protection) would be his only means of defense.
When people bring false accusations against us, sometimes our reputation is the only thing that can help.
Warren Wiersbe says: "If we take care of our character, God will take care of our reputation."
He ignored the accusation, prayed to God about it and went back to work.
It’s easy to get drawn away in defending yourself and then the work of God suffers.
If Billy Graham had to answer every negative things said about him, he would never have time to preach.
He maintained a good character, trusted God to defend him and kept on working.
Notice what he didn’t do. He didn’t try to defend himself to Sanballat. He didn’t respond which is exactly what Sanballat wanted. To get into a fight or discussion about this letter.
We have to be careful on how we respond to criticism or opposition. Sometimes it’s just not worth it to try and argue with someone who started the lie.
This is where your reputation comes into play.
Up until now, Nehemiah was doing everything right, he was working right with the men, he was a trustworthy leader, he supplied money and food to those who needed it, he fought for those who were being taken advantage of.
His reputation (along with God’s protection) would be his only means of defense.
When people bring false accusations against us, sometimes our reputation is the only thing that can help.
Warren Wiersbe says: "If we take care of our character, God will take care of our reputation."
He ignored the accusation, prayed to God about it and went back to work.
It’s easy to get drawn away in defending yourself and then the work of God suffers.
If Billy Graham had to answer every negative things said about him, he would never have time to preach.
He maintained a good character, trusted God to defend him and kept on working.
So now, Sanballat and the others realized that they themselves would have no effect on Nehemiah.
So they hired a false prophet to do their work.
So they hired a false prophet to do their work.
So we have this dude, Shemaiah, who pretended to be afraid of Sanballat and his crew and was hiding in his house.
And he comes to Nehemiah and says basically “I’m afraid of those guys and you should be too, they are coming to kill you, how about we hide in the temple? I’m a priest, so it’s ok that we go in there. They wouldn’t dare follow us in God’s house.”
Once again we see the attempt to bring fear into Nehemiah’s life.
The enemy’s perfect weapon is fear. If he can make you so afraid of what might happen, you could become crippled in your life.
We see that now with:
Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms of anxiety in situations where the person perceives their environment to be unsafe with no easy way to escape.
Fear can paralyze us. We see a bit of that today. So much fear in the world right now and it’s creeping into the church.
Was the possibility of Nehemiah being killed real? Yeah, most likely. If they had a chance they would probably kill him.
So the probability was real.
But Nehemiah didn’t let fear stop him.
And he comes to Nehemiah and says basically “I’m afraid of those guys and you should be too, they are coming to kill you, how about we hide in the temple? I’m a priest, so it’s ok that we go in there. They wouldn’t dare follow us in God’s house.”
Once again we see the attempt to bring fear into Nehemiah’s life.
The enemy’s perfect weapon is fear. If he can make you so afraid of what might happen, you could become crippled in your life.
We see that now with:
Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms of anxiety in situations where the person perceives their environment to be unsafe with no easy way to escape.
Fear can paralyze us. We see a bit of that today. So much fear in the world right now and it’s creeping into the church.
Was the possibility of Nehemiah being killed real? Yeah, most likely. If they had a chance they would probably kill him.
So the probability was real.
But Nehemiah didn’t let fear stop him.
How did Nehemiah know he was a false prophet?
Because he knew God's word and the law said that nobody could go into the temple.
Because he knew God's word and the law said that nobody could go into the temple.
He had discernment because he knew God’s word.
It also says that if a prophet is right all the time but misses once, he’s not God’s prophet.
If we expect to have discernment in difficult situations, we need to know what God already said about it.
Nehemiah was a true shepherd and not a hireling.
It also says that if a prophet is right all the time but misses once, he’s not God’s prophet.
If we expect to have discernment in difficult situations, we need to know what God already said about it.
Nehemiah was a true shepherd and not a hireling.
If he would have run away and hid, his reputation would have been ruined, the people would have been scattered by fear and God’s work would stop.
We cannot be ruled by fear, but by trust.
We cannot be ruled by fear, but by trust.
He recognized that there was a conspiracy against him that included at least two prophets.
This might be a problem because the people still looked up to their prophets.
But Nehemiah who was layman who was opposed by the “professionals” still stood his ground.
Christians shouldn’t be intimidated by those who call themselves professionals yet deny the basics of Christianity.
What happens when we trust God and not let fear rule the day?
This might be a problem because the people still looked up to their prophets.
But Nehemiah who was layman who was opposed by the “professionals” still stood his ground.
Christians shouldn’t be intimidated by those who call themselves professionals yet deny the basics of Christianity.
What happens when we trust God and not let fear rule the day?
We don’t look for signs and wonders in order to prove God, but God does them to show the world.
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