Plantation SDA Church

Dirty Hands Should Never Touch a Wound!
Welcome! Our speaker today is Pastor Joseph Salajan
Locations & Times
Plantation SDA Church
400 NW 118th Ave, Plantation, FL 33325, USA
Saturday 9:00 AM
Saturday 11:30 AM
The online bulletin has been enhanced with additional information to make it more relevant to you. It includes:
• Links to the live stream and service rebroadcasts
• Sermon Outline.
• Bulletin
• Church Newsletter
Feel free to take notes. Save the bulletin so you can review the sermon information
If you'd like to watch today's service again or if you can't make it to church, here are some links so you can view the live service and/or sermon/service rebroadcast.
Watch the Service Live
Watch the service Live on YouTube!
Watch the service Live on Facebook!
Missed a Service?
You can also watch previous services on our video channels
Vimeo (Commercial free):
Pastor Joe's Bio
After serving as a Pastor for 8 years in Romania, in 2013 he immigrated to the USA. He currently serves as Lead Pastor of Plantation Seventh-day Adventist Church. Along with his wonderful wife Anda and their gorgeous daughter Alessandra, he enjoys proclaiming God’s grace and ministering to his fellows.
Pastor Joe is currently enrolled in a doctoral Program (DMin in Preaching) with Andrews University. His hobbies are languages, music, and poetry.
Pastor Joe's Sermons
f you're a follower of Christ you should follow Christ's protocol for dealing with other people's sin. You can't be indifferent; you are the keeper of your brother!
#arbitration #sin #fault #hurt #wrong #witness #witnesses #lawsuit
Not everybody that has a scalpel is a surgeon. Not anyone that puts on a clean robe has his/her hands clean... Only God can heal the wound...! There is a specific protocol to be strictly followed. Never allow people with dirty hands touch a wound... The infection can be more dangerous than the wound itself...
Jesus describes a three-step protocol to follow when your brother wounded you.
“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him ALONE!” Don’t involve anybody. Not even a friend, or your pastor!!! You and him alone!!!
This applies to sin in general. Now, of course, you cannot invent sins…! Only if your brother sins…
Am I my brother’s keeper?
I know this goes against the grain of our individualistic American society… but the answer is: Yes, you are!
If step #1 fails, (reconciliation cannot happen) you “kick it up a notch.” This doesn’t mean you get angry and start a public campaign…! Jesus tells you exactly what that “notch” is: But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that `by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. (v. 16)
The 2 or 3 witnesses was standard judicial procedure in the Old Testament and in early Christianity. A single witness was not enough to establish facts in the courtroom. Only on the testimony of two or three witnesses can a charge be established.
Why are the witnesses needed? You may assume your brother is wrong! What if you are wrong? What if both of you are wrong? Who will establish the truth?
Please understand: that doesn’t mean you come in front of the congregation in a worship service. The role of a worship service is neither to make publicity to sin, nor to put people to shame. The church has a body of spiritual leaders that can be asked to look into this situation and if they deem it necessary they will bring it to the church business meeting.
If even this effort fails: “…let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.”
What does this mean? Start over and introduce Jesus to them –love on those people. Start with the basics of the Gospel…What was Jesus’ attitude toward the heathen and the tax collectors? The point is not to get rid of the sinner; it’s all about winning a sinner back…
The goal is: do your best to solve the problem at the lowest level possible... Negotiation->Mediation->Arbitration (Don’t go outside the church for arbitration!).
Not every process ends with a happy end. Don’t give up easily... Follow the protocol!
Dirty Hands Should Never Touch A Wound!
This section contains the traditional bulletin, including:
• The Ministry of Giving
• Service Order and Participants
• Songs in today's service
• Sunrise/Sunset times
Give Online to Plantation SDA Church
Ministry of Giving
Offering Month to Date: $11,803.55
2018 Offering Surplus (Deficit): $(4,317.50)
Service Order and Participants
Welcome & Announcements: Sasha-Marie Marshall
Children’s Story: Lavern Williams
Pastor's Corner: Pastor Joseph Salajan
Ministry in Action: Praise & Worship
Offering Call: Carlos Duncan
Praise And Adoration: Praise Team & Congregation
Intercessory Prayer: Dion Walden
Sermon: Pastor Joseph Salajan
Praise And Adoration: Praise Team & Congregation
Dedication in Song: Congregation
Benediction: Pastor Joseph Salajan
Afterglow: Praise Team & Congregation
Praise Leaders
Visual Arts/ProPresenter
Brendon Hernandez
Sasha-Kay Faulknor
Sound Engineer
Lawrence Sinclair
Ahren Anderson
Acoustic Guitar
Bass Guitar
Jeff Pierre
Jamar Kelley
Claude Dolce
Lisa Simpson
Praise and Worship Songs
• Shoulders
• Power in the Blood
• Free Indeed
• Break Every Chain
• No Longer Slaves
• Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
Sunset Information
Next Friday: 7:11 PM
The last section of the online bulletin is the newsletter. Its similar to the print version but enhanced with live web links and other interactive features. It includes:
• Prayer Ministry Update
• Calendar of Events
• Social Media Links for Plantation SDA Church
Need someone to pray for/with you?
Send your request to
Online Calendar
Add Plantation to Your Calendar!
Upcoming Events
Sept 29 - Hope Ministry Sabbath
Sept 29 – Hope Ministry Concert
Oct 5 –Oct 7 – Marriage Retreat 2018
Oct 6 – Children’s Ministry Sabbath
Oct 6 – AY – 4:30 pm
Oct 9-23 – Church Office Closed
Oct 9 – SAS Board Meeting
Oct 13 – Church Fire Drill
Oct 13 – Preaching Training with Pastor Joe
Oct 14 – Elder’s Meeting
Oct 14 – Discipleship Meeting
Oct 14 – Mission Council Meeting
Oct 14 – Admin Advisory Meeting
Oct 16 – Church Board Meeting
Oct 20 – Baptisms
Oct 20 – Community Guest Day Luncheon
Oct 20 – Constituency Meeting @ Fort Lauderdale Church
Oct 26-28 – Elder’s Retreat
Oct 27 – SAS Sabbath
Oct 27 – Youth Church – 2:00-7:00pm
Oct 29-Nov 2 – SAS Fall Week of Prayer

Communion This Evening at 6PM
Jennifer Archer from Maranatha SDA
Shanley & Rebekka Calliard from Eliathah SDA
Celia Casey from Ambassador SDA
Patricia Gustafsson from Life Fellowship of Coral Springs
Nicole Loiten from Sacramento Capitol City, CA
Chelsea, Margareth & Michael Arbens Nicolas from Hermon French SDA
Adanna Ryce from Austell Grandview SDA
Jennifer Archer from
Maranatha SDA
Rebekka Calliard from
Eliathah SDA
Shaniley Calliard from
Eliathah SDA
Celia Casey from
Ambassador SDA
Patricia Gustafsson from
Life Fellowship of Coral Springs
Nicole Loiten from
Sacramento Capitol City, CA
Chelsea Nicolas from
Hermon French SDA
Margareth Nicolas from
Hermon French SDA
Michael Arbens Nicolas from
Hermon French SDA
Adanna Ryce from
Austell Grandview SDA
Men’s Prayer session
Sabbath Afternoon Bible Study
Next week we resume at 5:30PM in the the Youth room as we continue our study of Ruth. tarting at Genesis 50:1. Everyone is welcome

Monthly Prayer Summit
Monthly Prayer Summit
Women's Prayer Session
Social Media
We look forward to interacting with you.
Own a Business? Let Everyone Know About It
Business Name:
Phone #(s):
Service(s) provided:
Hours of Operation:
Address (if available):
Email (if available):
Web site (if available):
Social Media links (if available):
Fax # (if available)
Logo (if available)
Church Business Directory
Help Needed! Parking Ministry
contact Mozart Porcena or Michael Adden
MERGE: Young Adult Ministry
Plantation’s Young Adult Ministry meets Saturdays at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall.
For questions or more information email us at
call Nikita Marseille
You can also download Celly app:
and look us up
Important Tax Announcement
We have several families with the same last name, so if you want to have an accurate tithe report at the end of the year, please be specific regarding your name and address.
If we can't read your name or you don't give us an address, unfortunately, we can't provide you with a tax receipt.
Interested in Bible Study?
Also, please come to the Baptismal Study Group at 10:40 on Sabbath morning and say hello!
Hope Ministry Needs You!
But to continue to make this impact, we need
• Monetary donations
• Goods such toothbrushes, tooth-paste, and soap.
Please contact Jesse Guillaime at
and visit
to learn more about this ministry
Sick and Shut-ins
• Paul Van Putten Sr
• Mary Kopp
• Jeremy Gayle is home after bicycle accident. His dad is Franz Gayle, father
• Marvel Jones –
Elaine Stephenson – please pray for a speedy recovery after knee surgery.
Lilett Cunningham (Vida’s Mother)
Bob Velez – Bob is now home from the hospital. Please keep him in your prayers.
Cherita Lewis’ mother-in- law had a serious stroke this week. Please keep
them in your prayers.
Plantation Pathfinder and Adventurer Clubs
Pathfinders: Peta Ann Anderson
Adventurers: Dawn Williams
Email address:
Religious Liberty: Legal Problems on the job or at school?
Is your employer refusing to give you Sabbath off?
Is your school requiring you to take a test on Sabbath?
If so, we can help! please email
to understand your legal options and/or get some help.
Please don’t quit your job before talking with us.
Looking for a job?
Does your business need employees?
If so, contact Jonathan Williams at
Brother's Keeper's Jobs is a jobs registry that helps match those in need of employement with those looking to employ workers.
Baby Dedication
September 15, 2018
For information regarding our next baby dedication, please contact Joie at the church office:
Florida Conference jobs
to see if you meet the job requirements for the open positions.
We're Building a Social Media Team
Do you enjoy interacting with people?
If so, please contact
We want to ensure that our live stream viewers feel welcomed and part of the family. We need team members who are able to:
• Answer questions from our viewers
• Pray with viewers
• Report audio/video issues that viewers are experiencing to the media team
Praise & Worship Coordinator Ministry
The Worship Coordinator Ministry is looking for Service Participants for Welcome, Children’s Story and Offering Call, and Coordinators for Divine Worship and Ministry Events. For more information or to sign up, please contact
Youth Sports Ministry
Contact Darren Smith for more information 702-917- 8004
Adventist Book Center Express Delivery
Joining the Plantation Family
Please fill out a membership application/transfer form, located in the literature rack in the church foyer. Then place it in the Church Clerk’s mailbox located in the Ministries Office.
Contact our Church Clerk, Melissa Mangual at
or the church office at
for more information and the status of your transfer request. The average time for transfers to take place is:
Domestic – 3 months;
International – 4 to 5 months.
Children’s Baptismal Classes
Contact Alex Graham to get more information.
Volunteers Needed
• Usher Ministry
• Deacon and Deaconess Ministries
• Worship Coordinators
• Children’s Sabbath School
• Pathfinders
• Parking Ministry
• People willing to do the welcome
• Children’s Story
• Offering Call
• Maintenance workers
• Family Life Ministry leader
• Visual Arts Media
• Media Ministry
• Social Media Ministry
Please contact the church office
if you are interested in helping with any of these positions.
Children's Ministry
Children’s Choir rehearsals have been suspended.
Church Office Hours
9:30 AM to 2:00PM Monday - Friday.
Please leave a voicemail or email message during all other hours.
Phone: 954-473-4991
Children's Choir
Deacon of the Day
Nurse on Call
Health Nugget:
Planned Giving
Have you created an estate and legacy plan for you and your family’s future? Creating it is easy and free for members of the Florida Conference through the Florida Conference Association Development and Planned Giving Department.
Phone: 407-644- 5000, ext. 2241
Requesting an announcement for the bulletin/Youversion