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OneLife Church

The Power of One

The Power of One

Locations & Times

North Campus

3503 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849, USA

Sunday 11:00 AM

About OneLife Church

OneLife Church exists to see people discover God and how their one life can make a difference. We are passionate about it! Head over to to learn more about us!

The difference between here and my best year is one!
What is the one step I can take to be more like Jesus?
Who is the one person I can impact to know Jesus?
1. Follow don't force!
2. God will make it happen.
3. God will be put on display!

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Online Connection Card

Let us know that you were here, what your next step is that you are taking, or how we can pray for you and help you!

1. When have you made one simple change or taken one simple step that made a big change for your life (not drinking sweet tea, waking up earlier each day, etc.)?


1. Read Zechariah 4:6. What are ways we try to force or use our own strength rather than rely on the Spirit? How does it look different if we live by the Spirit rather than by force and strength?

2. Read verse 6 again, along with Psalm 46:7 and Isaiah 8:13. More than 300 times in the Old testament, God calls Himself the "Lord of Heaven's Armies." Why is this important? What does it mean? In light of the promise that living by His Spirit rather than force and strength will be the breakthrough for Zerubbabel - and you - how does seeing God as the "Lord of Heaven's Armies" give us hope?


1. When have you forced something in your personal or spiritual life that God wanted you to wait on His Spirit for? What was the cost of trying to force it? What was different, or when was a time, that His Spirit provided for you rather than your own force and strength? How was it different?

2. Read Zechariah 4:7. What is a mighty mountain that you have faced - or are facing - that might seem to be keeping you from what God wants for you? How have you seen God make it a level plain? How does this give you hope for the future and help you persevere?

3. Read Zechariah 4:8-9 and Philippians 1:6. What is the work that you are trusting God to complete? Even if you are like Zerubbabel and have daily reminders of how the work has not been progressing, how do these verses motivate you to continue seeking the Spirit?


1. What is the one change or one step you are going to take in 2021 to become more like Jesus, and how will you begin that this week?

2. Who is one person you can impact to know Jesus, and what can you do this week to begin investing in this relationship?


Pray for each other in the micro church to take the step you each shared to be more like Jesus in 2021, and for the person each of you will be investing in to impact in 2021!