Christ Community Downtown
Rediscovering Jesus' Kingdom - January 10 | Downtown
Nothing To Offer- 9 & 10:45am & ON-DEMAND
Locations & Times
  • Christ Community - Downtown Campus
    208 W 19th St, Kansas City, MO 64108, USA
    Friday 11:00 PM


Whether you are NEW online or visiting one of our campuses, we would love to get a chance to know you.

Prayer Requests

As a staff it is a privilege to pray for our congregation. Social distance does not change that! If you are in need of prayer click the link to fill out an online prayer request.
Title: Nothing To Offer
Scripture: Luke 18:15-17
Speaker: Gabe Coyle,
>> Children were in the background
>> “Become like a child.”
“The range of God’s effective will where what God wants done, is done.”
- Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy
“The Kingdom of God: GOD'S COMPREHENSIVE. RULE OVER ALL CREATION. If God's kingdom is comprehensive, so is His kingdom agenda—His plan and program for the people and places under His dominion.”
- Tony Evans, Oneness Embraced
>> What is it about Jesus’ kingdom that only people who become like children can enter it?

>> Children utterly rely on King Jesus; adults only resort to King Jesus.
“In his autobiography, King Abdullah II of Jordan writes, ‘On the night before [my father’s] funeral I went to bed with a family of four, and I woke up the next morning with a family of five million.’ King Abdullah II describes his role as being like a father to his people. This isn’t just flowery language. He understands the relationship [king and subjects] to include dynamics of responsibility, dependency, protection, and care.” - Richards, E. Randolph; James, Richard. Misreading Scripture with Individualist Eyes
>> Are you receiving Jesus’ Kingdom like a child?
“I feel simply carried along each hour, doing my part in a plan which is far beyond myself. This sense of of cooperation with God in little things is what so astonishes me, for I never have felt it this way before. I need something, and turn round to find it waiting for me. I must work, to be sure, but there is God working long with me.” - Frank Laubach, Practicing His Presence
>> Jesus won’t let anyone get in your way.

How Can You Help?

Can you can help fill a need for someone? Let us know! Fill out the form linked here.
Need pastoral care?
If you need care for a loss, relationships, marriage, illness, or anything else, please reach out to a pastor. Any of our pastoral staff would be glad to meet with you, as well as connect you with other resources, including counseling.

How can I give at Christ Community?

Giving is an important part of worship. Learn more about the various ways to generously give as part of Christ Community.