Dewey Community Church

12/20/20 - The Shepherd of Micah: He Hears Our Prayers!
Locations & Times
Dewey Community Church
16 3rd St, Dewey, IL 61840, USA
Sunday 12:30 AM
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Welcome to all who are worshiping with us at the Dewey Community church this morning. May we all be grateful to God for the reminder that, for his children, worship is essential and not non-essential.
This Sunday's sermon will be available later this week at
If you are not already receiving DCC emails but would like to be, contact the church office at
Welcome to all who are worshiping with us at the Dewey Community church this morning. May we all be grateful to God for the reminder that, for his children, worship is essential and not non-essential.
This Sunday's sermon will be available later this week at
If you are not already receiving DCC emails but would like to be, contact the church office at
The Shepherd of Micah: He Hears Our Prayers!
Micah 7:7, 14-20
In unsettling times as these, we are wise to follow Micah’s example and cry out to God that he might deliver us. In this text we see aspects of prayer which we would do well to emulate.
Micah 7:7, 14-20
In unsettling times as these, we are wise to follow Micah’s example and cry out to God that he might deliver us. In this text we see aspects of prayer which we would do well to emulate.
I. When misery comes our way, we would be wise to Persevere in prayer as Micah did.
II. When misery comes our way, we would be wise to follow the Pattern of prayer which Micah demonstrates for us.
III. When misery comes our way, we would be wise to give heed to the Persuasive Case for prayer which Micah makes for us.

Childcare Today (12/20)
Sunday School: None
Children's Church: Ben H.
Childcare Next Week (12/27)
No childcare next week
Sunday School: None
Children's Church: Ben H.
Childcare Next Week (12/27)
No childcare next week
Remember to Pray…that “the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored” (2 Thessalonians 3:1) during this Advent season…for Linda A's daughter and son-in-law, Jennifer and Bobby, who have been diagnosed with Covid-19…for the Cohoon family as Emily continues to receive treatment in Chicago…for those whose Christmas may be “blue” as they celebrate the day for the first time since the death of a loved one…for members of our church family who are currently quarantined in nursing care and assisted living facilities…for our missionaries who will be spending the holidays separated from loved ones.
THU, DEC 24 @ 6:30 PM // Christmas Eve Service
Come share an evening together as we celebrate the birth of Christ with Scripture readings, the singing of familiar carols, reflection upon God’s Word and the traditional lighting of candles. Invite your friends and family to join us for this special time.
Come share an evening together as we celebrate the birth of Christ with Scripture readings, the singing of familiar carols, reflection upon God’s Word and the traditional lighting of candles. Invite your friends and family to join us for this special time.
FRI, DEC 25 // Merry Christmas to all!
Enjoy a blessed, Christ-Centered day of celebration!
Enjoy a blessed, Christ-Centered day of celebration!
SUN, DEC 27 @ 10:35 AM // Worship Service
In the Worship service, Pastor Neal will continue the “Shepherd” theme from Micah’s prophecy with a look at John 10:11-18. The service will conclude with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper as we worship and rejoice in our Good Shepherd.
In the Worship service, Pastor Neal will continue the “Shepherd” theme from Micah’s prophecy with a look at John 10:11-18. The service will conclude with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper as we worship and rejoice in our Good Shepherd.
Our Sympathy to Dennis and Debbie B. upon the death of Debbie’s father, Dave Myers. Dave passed away on Monday, December 7 and a private family service was held this past Monday, December 14. Please keep Debbie’s mother, Ruth, and her entire family in your prayers as they grieve his passing.
Due to your generosity, four pairs of socks, four scarves, twenty-four hats and fifty-six pairs of mittens and gloves were delivered to the Salvation Army this past Tuesday. Thanks for helping others stay warm during this winter season.
Justin K. is staying with his daughter, Monique A, in Maryland through the end of the year. You can help brighten his season with a card or note. Check the bulletin or contact the church office for his address.
FYI: Pastor Neal will be on vacation from Monday, December 28 through Monday, January 4. If a special need arises, please contact one of our Elders (Dennis B, Daniel G, or David P.) Todd D. of Urbana Theological Seminary will be speaking in his absence on Sunday, January. 3.
Thanksgiving Offering 2020: This year’s offering totaled $6,360. The ministries supported included Living Alternatives: Pregnancy Resource Center ($1227:50); Local Needs ($1512.50); Samaritan’s Purse ($2077.50); and the Seattle Project ($1542.50). Thanks for giving
generously again this year.
generously again this year.
Take the opportunity during the holidays to send a note to those in our congregation serving in the military, including Nikolas H. and Chase V. Check the bulletin or contact the church office for addresses.

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