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Yass Community Baptist Church

Crumbs From The Table

Crumbs From The Table

Part IV of our series Face To Face With God

Locations & Times

Yass Community Baptist Church

50 Laidlaw St, Yass NSW 2582, Australia

Sunday 10:00 AM

Today, we continue our series, "Face to Face with God".

Through this series, we will be looking at a number of one on one, personal encounters through the book of Matthew.

Hebrews 1:3 tells us that Jesus is the exact representation of God. Even Jesus Himself noted that seeing Him is to see the Father.

As we explore these face to face encounters with the person of Jesus, we will gain an insight into the very nature of God.

This week, join us as we look at how much power is in even the crumbs falling from the table we have been invited to sit at. And why we have an offer of so much more.
A curious trip
The scene for today’s encounter with Jesus is set in Jesus' withdrawal from Jewish territory to the region of Tyre and Sidon.

This region had become the proverbial pagan heart land in the minds of the Jewish people. A place removed from the hope of the Jewish faith.

What then was Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, doing there?

To understand this fully we need to look back before we can look forward, and ask ourselves; where do we reside?
Another outside perspective (do you see a trend?)
In the pagan heartland, we meet yet another outsider who saw what the insiders, the Jewish religious elite, did not.

There seems to be a recurring theme here.

They saw Jesus as one who transgressed basic religious practice, she saw the one who could save.

Who is Jesus to you?
A woman ahead of her time
Jesus’ response is not what we would have anticipated.

It is jarring.

What did Jesus mean that he is sent only to the lost sheep of Israel? Why did he call this woman a dog?
Are crumbs enough?
This woman (who was ahead of her time) was not discouraged. She could see that the Jewish messiah was not just for the Jews, but the saviour of all.

She understood that the kingdom could not be contained. She understood that even crumbs from the table are enough to revolutionise her world.

And in response, Jesus praised her great faith. More so, her daughter was healed that very hour!
A seat at the table
We have been invited to have a seat at the table. We have been adopted as children of God. Through Jesus we are no longer outsiders but have full access to God’s kingdom.

But have we become like the Pharisees, focussed on trivial minutiae of religion?

Or are we like this trailblazing Canaanite woman who could see that even mere crumbs of the kingdom are enough to transform the world?

Life Group Discussion Questions Below

As our life groups gather this week, we have attached our reference verse and some questions to prompt a deeper discussion and search into this week's topic.

If you are not currently part of a life group, and would like to join a small group of like minded people in fellowship and connection during the week, please contact Nick on 0417472474 to register your interest.
1. What stands out to you as you read this story?

2. Many times, Jesus heals without the discussion that is apparent in this passage. Why do you think that Jesus did not initially heal this woman’s daughter?

3. The Canaanite woman is called a "Woman (who has) great faith". What about her faith impressed Jesus?
4. Being led by the spirit is transformational. How is our standing before God changed?

5. The passage in Matthew shows a faith that is strong enough to argue a point, even with Jesus himself. What about God that the Canaanite woman saw do we need to not lose sight of?
Pray for your life group, and others you may feel led to pray for, that we may know God more, and grow ever closer to Him.

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