Dewey Community Church

12/6/20 - The Shepherd of Micah: Our Source of Peace
Locations & Times
Dewey Community Church
16 3rd St, Dewey, IL 61840, USA
Saturday 12:00 PM
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Welcome to all who are worshiping with us at the Dewey Community church this morning. May we all be grateful to God for the reminder that, for his children, worship is essential and not non-essential.
This Sunday's sermon will be available later this week at
If you are not already receiving DCC emails but would like to be, contact the church office at
Welcome to all who are worshiping with us at the Dewey Community church this morning. May we all be grateful to God for the reminder that, for his children, worship is essential and not non-essential.
This Sunday's sermon will be available later this week at
If you are not already receiving DCC emails but would like to be, contact the church office at
The Shepherd of Micah: Our Source of Peace
Micah 5:1-5
Jesus is the ‘One’ who provides for us a path to peace. In our text we discover that peace is found as we yield to Jesus as both our Ruler and our Shepherd.
Micah 5:1-5
Jesus is the ‘One’ who provides for us a path to peace. In our text we discover that peace is found as we yield to Jesus as both our Ruler and our Shepherd.
I. Jesus, our Ruler, is the ‘One’ who arose out of Obscurity.
II. Jesus, our Ruler, is the ‘One’ who Serves God Faithfully.
III. Jesus, our Ruler, is the ‘One’ who is both Human and Divine.
Conclusion: And he will be their peace.

Childcare Today (12/6)
Sunday School Nursery - No nursery this week
Children's Church - Maynard & Jennifer B.
Childcare Next Week (12/13)
No childcare next week
Sunday School Nursery - No nursery this week
Children's Church - Maynard & Jennifer B.
Childcare Next Week (12/13)
No childcare next week
Remember to Pray…for the A. family as Jerry went home to Jesus on Saturday... for Dave B. who has been diagnosed with COVID-9…for Justin K. who is spending the month of December with his daughter Monique, before relocating to Wisconsin to be close to Justin, Jr…for all who are either recovering from the coronavirus or quarantined due to exposure to the virus…for God’s protection of our health-care workers and school employees…that God will guide the search process as it moves forward…that God will move in people’s hearts during the Advent season…for our missionaries serving overseas.
THU, DEC 10 @ 7:00 PM // Dewey Ladies' Book Club
The Dewey Ladies' Book Club will meet to discuss “Skipping Christmas” by John Grisham. All women of the church and community are welcome to participate. Please bring your own personal snack to enjoy.
The Dewey Ladies' Book Club will meet to discuss “Skipping Christmas” by John Grisham. All women of the church and community are welcome to participate. Please bring your own personal snack to enjoy.
SUN, DEC 6 @ 10:35 AM // Worship Service
In the Worship service, Pastor Neal will continue the Advent series, “The Shepherd of Micah” from the Old Testament book of Micah. The message, drawn from Micah 5:3-4, will continue our look at “Our Source of Peace.”
In the Worship service, Pastor Neal will continue the Advent series, “The Shepherd of Micah” from the Old Testament book of Micah. The message, drawn from Micah 5:3-4, will continue our look at “Our Source of Peace.”
Christmas Eve Service: Currently, the plan is to hold the annual Christmas Eve service on Thursday, December 24 at 6:30 pm. Stay tuned for further developments.
Mittens, gloves, hats and scarves will be collected on Sundays, November 29, December 6 and 13. The items will be distributed through the Salvation Army. An opportunity will be given to the children to hang these items on the Christmas tree during the Worship Service on those Sundays.
Take the opportunity during the holidays to send a note to those in our congregation serving in the military, including Nikolas H. and Chase V. Check the bulletin or contact the church office for addresses.
DCC Women’s Fellowship: Here is a link to a survey prepared for the women of DCC. The survey is provided to gather information which will prove useful for planning for the present and future. The link is The link was also sent via email this past week so check you inbox.
Advent Devotionals titled ”Joy to the World” by John Piper are available on the tables in the entry way. The devotions are intended to “deepen and sweeten our adoration of Jesus this December and keep him as the center and greatest treasure of our Christmas season.” Pick up your copy today.
Our Daily Bread: Copies of this daily devotion for the new quarter (December-February) are available on the tables in the entryway.

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