CrossWay Church

November 22, 2020: Joseph Sees God's Providence
These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 9:30 PM
Genesis 50:15-26: Joseph Sees God's Providence
I) Joseph's brothers didn't trust Joseph's forgiveness and grace.
A) The brothers were afraid that Joseph kept his anger ___________ while their father was alive.
B) The brothers lied and said their father told them to ask Joseph to _____________ them.
C) The brothers tried to earn Joseph’s favor by ______________ themselves to him.
II) Joseph's Response
A) Joseph ____________ when his brothers don’t get it.
B) Joseph urged his brothers to not be _____________.
C) Joseph acknowledged the _________ his brothers committed.
**This is one of the first steps of forgiveness.**
D) Joseph left their ________________ in God’s hands.
**This is an important part of forgiveness process.**
Who do you struggle show forgiveness to?
E) Joseph focused on the ways that God sovereignly used this for _____.
1) God used Joseph to ______ the family of Israel and nation of Egypt.
2) God used adversity to __________ Joseph.
F) Joseph promised to continue to ___________ for their needs.
III) Joseph's Death
A) Before he died, Joseph ______________ that God would return Israel’s family back to the promised land.
B) Joseph entrusted his brothers to take his ________ and bury it with his ancestors.
IV) God’s plan of redemption for today!
A) When we _______ God’s grace and forgiveness and try to earn his favor, Joseph’s love for his brothers shows Christ’s love for believers.
B) When life doesn’t make ________, Joseph’s comforting words to his brothers can speak to our hearts too!
1) We do not need to be _______ because God will provide for us.
2) God can use all things -even evil done to us - to ___________ us and accomplish his will.
I realized that the tragedy itself, however catastrophic, could actually play a less significant role than what God could do with it and how I would respond to it. Would it cause a downward spiral of destruction, or would it illumine and illustrate a story of grace and redemption? I chose to believe it would tell a redemptive story, trusting that God was still God, sovereign and wise and good, however miserable I felt and distant God seemed to be. I set my mind to ponder the redemptive course that was laid out before me, shrouded, as it was, in mystery. - Jerry Sittser A Grace Revealed
I) Joseph's brothers didn't trust Joseph's forgiveness and grace.
A) The brothers were afraid that Joseph kept his anger ___________ while their father was alive.
B) The brothers lied and said their father told them to ask Joseph to _____________ them.
C) The brothers tried to earn Joseph’s favor by ______________ themselves to him.
II) Joseph's Response
A) Joseph ____________ when his brothers don’t get it.
B) Joseph urged his brothers to not be _____________.
C) Joseph acknowledged the _________ his brothers committed.
**This is one of the first steps of forgiveness.**
D) Joseph left their ________________ in God’s hands.
**This is an important part of forgiveness process.**
Who do you struggle show forgiveness to?
E) Joseph focused on the ways that God sovereignly used this for _____.
1) God used Joseph to ______ the family of Israel and nation of Egypt.
2) God used adversity to __________ Joseph.
F) Joseph promised to continue to ___________ for their needs.
III) Joseph's Death
A) Before he died, Joseph ______________ that God would return Israel’s family back to the promised land.
B) Joseph entrusted his brothers to take his ________ and bury it with his ancestors.
IV) God’s plan of redemption for today!
A) When we _______ God’s grace and forgiveness and try to earn his favor, Joseph’s love for his brothers shows Christ’s love for believers.
B) When life doesn’t make ________, Joseph’s comforting words to his brothers can speak to our hearts too!
1) We do not need to be _______ because God will provide for us.
2) God can use all things -even evil done to us - to ___________ us and accomplish his will.
I realized that the tragedy itself, however catastrophic, could actually play a less significant role than what God could do with it and how I would respond to it. Would it cause a downward spiral of destruction, or would it illumine and illustrate a story of grace and redemption? I chose to believe it would tell a redemptive story, trusting that God was still God, sovereign and wise and good, however miserable I felt and distant God seemed to be. I set my mind to ponder the redemptive course that was laid out before me, shrouded, as it was, in mystery. - Jerry Sittser A Grace Revealed