The Bridge Church

Daniel and the Lion's Den (2)
November 15, 2020
Locations & Times
SKY Academy
881 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
How to live faithfully in difficult times:
1. Faithful people stand out
1. Faithful people stand out
Working with integrity is a witness
2. Faithful people are dependent people
“A believer who knows how to kneel in prayer has no problem standing in the strength of the Lord.” —Warren Wiersbe
3. Faithful people point people to a faithful God
Takeaway: Faithfulness to God is directly related to our walk with God.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time - Text “Believe” to 941-909-3376
We will text you back with a form to fill in your name and any information you are comfortable sharing.
We will text you back with a form to fill in your name and any information you are comfortable sharing.
I need to be baptized – email:
I need prayer - Text “Pray” to 941-909-3376
We will text you back with a form to fill in your name and your prayer request.
We will text you back with a form to fill in your name and your prayer request.