Peninsula Covenant Church

11/15/20 Message Notes
Message Title: Faithfulness Date: November 15, 2020
Locations & Times
Peninsula Covenant Church
3560 Farm Hill Blvd, Redwood City, CA 94061, USA
Wednesday 9:00 AM
Wednesday 10:30 AM
Message Title: Faithfulness
Date: November 15, 2020
Date: November 15, 2020
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Big Idea: The foundation we build our lives on determines both the fortitude and faithfulness of our lives.
Faithful: at war with the spirit of compromise
Compromise destroys trust, erodes the fabric of relationships, creates deep wounds in our lives and in the lives of people we love.
Compromise destroys trust, erodes the fabric of relationships, creates deep wounds in our lives and in the lives of people we love.
Faithfulness defined: tenacious trustworthiness
1. Faithfulness is about who we love
“Christianity has no meaning devoid of Christ. The noble principles of Christianity remain abstract until they are personified in a person called Christ. Christ becomes the center or the pivotal point around which everything in the Christian faith revolves.” --Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
1. Faithfulness is about who we love
“Christianity has no meaning devoid of Christ. The noble principles of Christianity remain abstract until they are personified in a person called Christ. Christ becomes the center or the pivotal point around which everything in the Christian faith revolves.” --Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
2. Faithfulness is about who we trust
Belief - an assumption you hold...Trust: A conviction that holds you!
Belief - an assumption you hold...Trust: A conviction that holds you!
In what area is God calling you to biblical faithfulness?
May you jump into the arms of Jesus and may He push out into the world. May you be healed as you participate in the healing of others. Not because you must, but because you may. This is why we were born!
May you jump into the arms of Jesus and may He push out into the world. May you be healed as you participate in the healing of others. Not because you must, but because you may. This is why we were born!
The Essentials 9-week series will focus on what it means to reflect the character of Jesus. Each week we will wrestle with one of the essential characteristics of Jesus with the hope of it bearing fruit in our lives as we become more dependent on the Spirit to lead us. This week our focus is on the seventh fruit of the Spirit - Faithfulness.
1. Describe what a faithful person is like. Who comes to your mind when you think of a faithful person? Why? What is counterfeit faithfulness?
2. This week's speaker and Lead Pastor, Gary Gaddini, used an illustration of the largest residential building in San Francisco called the Millennium Tower. While it has won many awards and has attracted famous residents, it has one major flaw. Because of its poor foundation, it is sinking! What does Scripture say about the importance of our spiritual foundation? See Matthew 7: 24-27.
3. No one would be happier for our faithfulness to be compromised than the enemy! Our faithfulness is being attacked and is at war with compromise. What area of your life do you feel pressured to compromise? When at the crossroads of compromise and faithfulness, what does Scripture encourage us to do? See Romans 12:2 and Hebrews 10:23.
4. Faithfulness is about in whom and where we place our trust. No matter how hard you believe that a two-legged chair will hold you up, it won’t! It will let you down every time. Where does Proverbs 3: 5,6 say that we should put our trust?
5. We know God’s character never changes, and that the Israelites spoke of His character repeatedly. What does Psalms 33: 4-5 and Psalms 36:5 say about God’s character? How do these verses make a difference to you in a world of brokenness and compromise? How did Jesus show faithfulness in spite of obstacles and temptations? What does that mean to you?
6. In his book Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit, Christopher J. H. Wright states that we “should have an unwavering commitment and faithfulness to Christ, as Lord and Savior, the Bible, the gospel, faithfulness to the church, and to the work God has given you to do.” He goes on to say “Faithfulness means to know what you really believe, who you really love, and what you are ultimately committed to. Faithfulness means being sure of what you want to live for and what you’re willing to die for.” What area is God calling you to biblical faithfulness?
7. The good news: we have a loving and merciful God. When the children of Israel repeatedly strayed from God, God’s promises to them remained faithful. Not one of God’s promises to them has ever failed. Although this is true for us as well, what is necessary on our part? See 1 John 1:9 , Hebrews 12:1-2, and Hebrews 10:24-25.
Series Daily Prayer:
“Heavenly Father, I pray that this day I may live in your presence and please you more and more.
Lord Jesus, I pray that this day I may take up my cross and follow you.
Holy Spirit, I pray that this day you will fill me with yourself and cause your fruit to ripen in my life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self- control.”
---John Stott (1921-2011), evangelist and scholar
Actions & Resources
--Make space for God this week. Declare the prayer daily.
--Memorize The Fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-23
--Read Chapter 8 (Gentleness) in Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit by Christopher J.H.Wright
--Join a House Church -- see below
The Essentials 9-week series will focus on what it means to reflect the character of Jesus. Each week we will wrestle with one of the essential characteristics of Jesus with the hope of it bearing fruit in our lives as we become more dependent on the Spirit to lead us. This week our focus is on the seventh fruit of the Spirit - Faithfulness.
1. Describe what a faithful person is like. Who comes to your mind when you think of a faithful person? Why? What is counterfeit faithfulness?
2. This week's speaker and Lead Pastor, Gary Gaddini, used an illustration of the largest residential building in San Francisco called the Millennium Tower. While it has won many awards and has attracted famous residents, it has one major flaw. Because of its poor foundation, it is sinking! What does Scripture say about the importance of our spiritual foundation? See Matthew 7: 24-27.
3. No one would be happier for our faithfulness to be compromised than the enemy! Our faithfulness is being attacked and is at war with compromise. What area of your life do you feel pressured to compromise? When at the crossroads of compromise and faithfulness, what does Scripture encourage us to do? See Romans 12:2 and Hebrews 10:23.
4. Faithfulness is about in whom and where we place our trust. No matter how hard you believe that a two-legged chair will hold you up, it won’t! It will let you down every time. Where does Proverbs 3: 5,6 say that we should put our trust?
5. We know God’s character never changes, and that the Israelites spoke of His character repeatedly. What does Psalms 33: 4-5 and Psalms 36:5 say about God’s character? How do these verses make a difference to you in a world of brokenness and compromise? How did Jesus show faithfulness in spite of obstacles and temptations? What does that mean to you?
6. In his book Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit, Christopher J. H. Wright states that we “should have an unwavering commitment and faithfulness to Christ, as Lord and Savior, the Bible, the gospel, faithfulness to the church, and to the work God has given you to do.” He goes on to say “Faithfulness means to know what you really believe, who you really love, and what you are ultimately committed to. Faithfulness means being sure of what you want to live for and what you’re willing to die for.” What area is God calling you to biblical faithfulness?
7. The good news: we have a loving and merciful God. When the children of Israel repeatedly strayed from God, God’s promises to them remained faithful. Not one of God’s promises to them has ever failed. Although this is true for us as well, what is necessary on our part? See 1 John 1:9 , Hebrews 12:1-2, and Hebrews 10:24-25.
Series Daily Prayer:
“Heavenly Father, I pray that this day I may live in your presence and please you more and more.
Lord Jesus, I pray that this day I may take up my cross and follow you.
Holy Spirit, I pray that this day you will fill me with yourself and cause your fruit to ripen in my life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self- control.”
---John Stott (1921-2011), evangelist and scholar
Actions & Resources
--Make space for God this week. Declare the prayer daily.
--Memorize The Fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-23
--Read Chapter 8 (Gentleness) in Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit by Christopher J.H.Wright
--Join a House Church -- see below
Series: The Essentials, Following Jesus From The Inside Out
Visit the series web page for an overview, video bumper, and resources. Essentials Prayer Card
Side 1: Galatians 5:22-23, NIV and Side 2: John Stott Morning Prayer Beyond Sunday
Download Beyond Sunday for independent or group study. This PDF version has quick links to Scripture passages and other references/resources. a House Church
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