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Plantation SDA Church

Don’t Say It’s Okay When It’s Not Okay!

Don’t Say It’s Okay When It’s Not Okay!

Welcome! Our speaker today is Pastor Joseph Salajan

Locations & Times

Plantation SDA Church

400 NW 118th Ave, Plantation, FL 33325, USA

Saturday 9:00 AM

Saturday 11:30 AM

Welcome to our Online Bulletin.

The online bulletin has been enhanced with additional information to make it more relevant to you. It includes:

• Links to the live stream and service rebroadcasts
• Sermon Outline.
• Bulletin
• Church Newsletter

Feel free to take notes. Save the bulletin so you can review the sermon information
Online Services

If you'd like to watch today's service again or if you can't make it to church, here are some links so you can view the live service and/or sermon/service rebroadcast.

Watch the Service Live

We stream our services live every Sabbath. If you can't be at the church, this is the next best thing. Watch at:

Watch the service Live on YouTube!

Our live stream is also available on YouTube

Watch the service Live on Facebook!

Our live stream is also available on Facebook

Missed a Service?

Unable to make a service? Don't worry, we've got all sermons and many complete services archived back to 2004!

You can also watch previous services on our video channels

Vimeo (Commercial free):


Pastor Joseph Salajan's Bio

Pastor Joe was born in the little town of Crasna (Romania). Ever since he was a child, he has been fascinated by the unique connection between pastors and their special book, the Bible. When at the age of 7 he received his first little Bible from a brave pastor who was able to procure it for him in spite of the interdictions of the communist regime, he felt special and decided one day he would become a pastor.

After serving as a Pastor for 8 years in Romania, in 2013 he immigrated to the USA. He currently serves as Lead Pastor of Plantation Seventh-day Adventist Church. Along with his wonderful wife Anda and their gorgeous daughter Alessandra, he enjoys proclaiming God’s grace and ministering to his fellows.

Pastor Joe is currently enrolled in a doctoral Program (DMin in Preaching) with Andrews University. His hobbies are languages, music, and poetry.

Pastor Joe's Sermons

All of Pastor Joe's sermons are on the new Plantation SDA Media Centre
Sermon Theme:

Forgiveness entails rebuke on the part of the one the suffered the harm and repentance on the side that harmed

Social Media Tags to share with your friends:

#forgiveness #forgive #rebuke #harm #repent #repentance #suffer #suffering
1. Rebuke

If you go to an English dictionary you may get the impression that to rebuke means to or to put someone down with wordssharp and short. To re-back... to force back… beat back… It seems that etymologically the English rebukecomes from the OldFrench wordbucher,to cut down wood.

For a correct meaning we need to go to the Bible. The Greek verb for “rebuke” is epitimao (epi means upon, timao means to honor, to value, to estimate). So epitimao literally means, “to put honor/value/price upon something or someone,” like putting a price tag/label on a product…
Jesus rebukes the wind (From what? From blowing…!) So what does it mean? Stop it! He rebukes sickness… (from what? From ruining the human being.) What does it mean? Stop it! He also rebukes the unclean spirits/the demons… Then he rebukes people from talking about His identity (Matthew 12:16). What is the obvious meaning of the word? Stop it!
The disciplesrebuked the mothers that wanted to bring their children to Jesus. The Pharisees tried to rebuke people from openly praising Jesus. One of the thieves on the cross rebuked the other… from blaspheming…

Peter rebuked Jesus for talking about his own death… In response, Jesus rebuked Peter for rebuking him… The Bible consistently uses this word with the meaning of stop it!
But there is more to it…It seemsthatthe word also conveys the idea that the rebukere honor/the authority to do so!

So what does it mean, “to rebuke” my brother that sinned against me (that squeezed me)? It means that I have the honor/authority to label his act with its right value and honorably tell him/her: Please, stop it right away!
The purpose of rebuke:

biblical rebuke aims to move the person toward repentance not toward rejection. Always ask yourself: Am I doing this to help that person Or am I just squeezing back right where the stitches are?

(Watch yourself!) If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and IF he repents, forgive him. Repentance means a change of mind. The verb is metanoeo, which comes from the noun metanoia meaning beyond the mind (meta-nous)! In order for forgiveness to really take place, the squeezer has to go beyond his/her mind! Otherwise, he/she will go on doing the same!

You cannot solve a problem if you stay in the same mindset in which you created the problem! Don’t expect to be forgiven without you changing your mind! The offended person may be ready to forgive you or may have even forgiven you… but that does not mean you are actually forgiven! The test of receiving forgiveness is repentance…
Repentance includes sorrow for sin and a turning away from it. We shall not renounce sin unless we see its sinfulness; until we turn away from it in heart, there will be no real change in the life (SC, 23).

This is not about numbers… it is not a quantitative limitation of forgiveness. This is a hyperbole… a literary device that uses intentional exaggeration to make a point: there is no limit for forgiveness!!! As many times as needed!!!
Alright, BUT… what if the offender does not repent?
We should not think that unless those who have injured us confess the wrong we are justified in withholding from them our forgiveness.It is their part, no doubt, to humble their hearts by repentance and confession; but we are to have a spirit of compassion toward those who have trespassed against us, whether or not they confess their faults. However sorely they may have wounded us, we are not to cherish our grievances and sympathize with ourselves over our injuries; but as we hope to be pardoned for our offenses against God we are to pardon all who have done evil to us. (Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings, 114)
Forgiveness asks for some education. We have to learn and teach our children the right way. It’s not ok to say it’s ok when it’s not ok!

This section contains the traditional bulletin, including:

• The Ministry of Giving
• Service Order and Participants
• Songs in today's service
• Sunrise/Sunset times

Give Online to Plantation SDA Church

Did you know you can donate tithes and offerings to Plantation SDA church online? Just click on the link below and fill out the form. Your contribution can help us help those in need and also spread the gospel.Thank you!

Ministry of Giving

Offering Last Week: $2,795.96
Offering Month to Date: $11,542.95

2018 Offering Surplus (Deficit): $ (4,948.38)

Service Order and Participants

Praise And Adoration: Praise Team & Congregation

Welcome & Announcements: Addy Lubin

Children’s Story: Dorothy Felix

Pastor's Corner: Pastor Joseph Salajan

Ministry in Action: Church Picnic

Offering Call: Barbara Samuels

Praise And Adoration: Praise Team & Congregation

Intercessory Prayer: James Malone

Sermon: Pastor Joseph Salajan

Praise And Adoration: Praise Team & Congregation

Dedication in Song: Congregation

Benediction: Pastor Joseph Salajan

Afterglow: Praise Team & Congregation

Praise Leaders
Ahkeem Darden

Dorothy Felix
Vanessa Anderson
Wydnyr Richardson

Keka Knight
Swelenn Gomez
Tatiana Petrus

Dane Hurst
Jennifer Cheddar

Visual Arts/ProPresenter
Brendon Hernandez

Acoustic Guitar

Bass Guitar
Bryan Fanus

Joshua Callwood

Claude Dolce

Lisa Simpson

Praise and Worship Songs

Songs In Today's Service

• LORD I Lift Your Name on High
• Shoulders
• Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
• The Lion And The Lamb
• Cornerstone
• No Longer Slaves

Sunset Information

Today: 7:47 PM
Next Friday: 7:41 PM

The last section of the online bulletin is the newsletter. Its similar to the print version but enhanced with live web links and other interactive features. It includes:

• Prayer Ministry Update
• Calendar of Events
• Social Media Links for Plantation SDA Church

Need someone to pray for/with you?

Sick or hurting and need prayer?

Send your request to

Online Calendar

You can view all of our upcoming events with this link

Add Plantation to Your Calendar!

Click on the link below to add Plantation SDA Church's calendar to your Google, Yahoo or Microsoft calendars and also have access to the calendar or your phone or tablet.

Upcoming Events


August 26 – Safety & Security Seminar

Sept 1 – AY

Sept 1 – Movie Night

Sept 2 – Church Picnic

Sept 8 – Youth Ministry Sabbath

Sept 8 – Luncheon

Sept 8 – Afternoon Program

Sept 9 – Elder’s Meeting

Sept 9 – Discipleship Meeting

Sept 9 – Mission Council Meeting

Sept 9 – Admin Advisory Meeting

Sept 11 – SAS Board Meeting

Sept 15 – Baby Dedication

Sept 15 – AY

Sept 18 – Church Board Meeting

Sept 22Communion 6:00 PM

Preaching Training for Teenagers

Where: Today at 1:30PM, In the Fellowship Hall

What: If you are a teenager (ages 13-19), Pastor Joe is inviting you to be part of a special get-together in which he will introduce you to your great opportunity of becoming an excellent preacher. You don’t want to miss this!

Men’s Prayer session

The Planation Men's ministry host a prayer session immediately following second service. Come and join us as we pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit!

Sabbath Afternoon Bible Study

Join us at 6 PM in the the Youth room as we continue our study of Genesis. starting at Genesis 47:20. Everyone is welcome

Monthly Prayer Summit

Monthly Prayer Summit

Come join us on the 3rd Sunday of each Month from 5:00AM to 10:00AM as we pray for healing, revival and reformation for our community and our nation. Let’s unite with one voice to cry out for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. For more information, contact Dion Walden or Angela Smith.

Women's Prayer Session

The women hold a prayer session the Second Sabbath of each month, immediately after second service in the Prayer Room

Social Media

You can follow us on the various social media sites below for the latest videos, photos and news updates.






We look forward to interacting with you.

Own a Business? Let Everyone Know About It

If you own or run your own business, please let other church members know what goods and/or services you provide. Email with these details:

Business Name:

Phone #(s):

Service(s) provided:

Hours of Operation:

Address (if available):

Email (if available):

Web site (if available):

Social Media links (if available):

Fax # (if available)

Logo (if available)

Church Business Directory

Our members run a wide variety of businesses. Take a look at our church businesses directory and see if there's a good or service that would be of interest to you.

Help Needed! Parking Ministry

The Parking Ministry is looking for a few men and women who can dedicate one Sabbath a month to serve the church. If interested, please
contact Mozart Porcena or Michael Adden

MERGE: Young Adult Ministry

Young Adults are experiencing faith, friendship, and service.

Plantation’s Young Adult Ministry meets Saturdays at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall.

For questions or more information email us at


call Nikita Marseille

You can also download Celly app:

and look us up


Important Tax Announcement

Please make sure you legibly print your first and last names and address (including apartment number) on the tithe envelope every time you turn one in to keep our records current.

We have several families with the same last name, so if you want to have an accurate tithe report at the end of the year, please be specific regarding your name and address.

If we can't read your name or you don't give us an address, unfortunately, we can't provide you with a tax receipt.

Interested in Bible Study?

If you or someone you know would like to know God better and study for baptism, please contact Alex Graham.

Also, please come to the Baptismal Study Group at 10:40 on Sabbath morning and say hello!

Hope Ministry Needs You!

The Hope (Helping Oppressed People Everyday) Ministry makes life changing impacts in the lives of those without housing or shelter, the battered and abused and those in need of food.

But to continue to make this impact, we need

Monetary donations
Goods such toothbrushes, tooth-paste, and soap.

Please contact Jesse Guillaime at

and visit

to learn more about this ministry

Sick and Shut-ins

Enid Cawley

Paul Van Putten Sr

Mary Kopp

Jeremy Gayle is home after bicycle accident. His dad is Franz Gayle, father

Marvel Jones

Elaine Stephenson – please pray for a speedy recovery after knee surgery.

Lilett Cunningham (Vida’s Mother)

Bob Velez – Bob is now home from the hospital. Please keep him in your prayers.

Cherita Lewis’ mother-in- law had a serious stroke this week. Please keep
them in your prayers.

Plantation Pathfinder and Adventurer Clubs

Upcoming Calendar

Oshkosh Camporee 2019 is only 12 months away & preparation has begun. If you want your PF to experience this once-in-a-lifetime event, please sign them up. The first $100 registration is due on July 15th and the 2nd $100 installment is due on August 22nd . PF leadership will be present at church both days to accept payments. Thank you.


Pathfinders: Peta Ann Anderson

Adventurers: Dawn Williams

Email address:

Religious Liberty: Legal Problems on the job or at school?

Is your employer threatening to fire you if you don't work on Sabbath?
Is your employer refusing to give you Sabbath off?
Is your school requiring you to take a test on Sabbath?

If so, we can help! please email

to understand your legal options and/or get some help.

Please don’t quit your job before talking with us.

Looking for a job?

Are you looking for a job or considering switching jobs?

Does your business need employees?

If so, contact Jonathan Williams at

Brother's Keeper's Jobs is a jobs registry that helps match those in need of employement with those looking to employ workers.

Baby Dedication

Upcoming Calendar:

September 15, 2018


For information regarding our next baby dedication, please contact Joie at the church office:



Florida Conference jobs

There are several positions available at the Florida Conference Office. Check out

to see if you meet the job requirements for the open positions.

We're Building a Social Media Team

Are you knowledgeable in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube?

Do you enjoy interacting with people?

If so, please contact

We want to ensure that our live stream viewers feel welcomed and part of the family. We need team members who are able to:

Answer questions from our viewers
Pray with viewers
Report audio/video issues that viewers are experiencing to the media team

Praise & Worship Coordinator Ministry

The Worship Coordinator Ministry is looking for Service Participants for Welcome, Children’s Story and Offering Call, and Coordinators for Divine Worship and Ministry Events. For more information or to sign up, please contact

Youth Sports Ministry

We just launched a new ministry. The Youth Sports Ministry

Contact Darren Smith for more information 702-917- 8004

Adventist Book Center Express Delivery

The ABC in Miami Springs closed effective December 3, 2017. Call 407-644-4255 or email to place your order for the next time they deliver.

Joining the Plantation Family

Interested in joining our Church family?

Please fill out a membership application/transfer form, located in the literature rack in the church foyer. Then place it in the Church Clerk’s mailbox located in the Ministries Office.

Contact our Church Clerk, Melissa Mangual at

or the church office at


for more information and the status of your transfer request. The average time for transfers to take place is:

Domestic – 3 months;

International – 4 to 5 months.

Children’s Baptismal Classes

The class meets from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM in the prayer room . All children ages 8-12 who are interested in being baptized are welcome to attend.

Contact Alex Graham to get more information.

Volunteers Needed

• Hope Ministry
• Usher Ministry
• Deacon and Deaconess Ministries
• Worship Coordinators
• Children’s Sabbath School
• Pathfinders
• Parking Ministry
• People willing to do the welcome
• Children’s Story
• Offering Call
• Maintenance workers
• Family Life Ministry leader
• Visual Arts Media
• Media Ministry
• Social Media Ministry

Please contact the church office


if you are interested in helping with any of these positions.

Children's Ministry

Children’s Baptismal Classes have resumed - 10:30-11:30 AM in the Prayer Room. All children ages 8-12 who are interested in being baptized are welcome to attend.

Children’s Choir rehearsals have been suspended.

Church Office Hours

The office is open from

9:30 AM to 2:00PM Monday - Friday.

Please leave a voicemail or email message during all other hours.

Phone: 954-473-4991

Children's Choir

Children’s Choir rehearsals have been temporarily suspended.

Deacon of the Day

Brendon Hernandez

Nurse on Call

If you have a medical problem during Sabbath church service please contact DonnyLee Graham and Millicent McIntosh

Health Nugget:

The best way to prevent getting the flu is by proper hand-washing. Clean hands save lives, so please wash…wash…wash your hands.

Planned Giving

From the Development and Planned Giving Department:

Have you created an estate and legacy plan for you and your family’s future? Creating it is easy and free for members of the Florida Conference through the Florida Conference Association Development and Planned Giving Department.

Phone: 407-644- 5000, ext. 2241

Requesting an announcement for the bulletin/Youversion

If you would like to have an announcement put into the Church Newsletter, it should be 50 words or less and must be emailed to by 5:00 PM on Tuesday.