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Dewey Community Church

11/1/20 - Seeing What Jesus Saw: Weeping

11/1/20 - Seeing What Jesus Saw: Weeping

Locations & Times

Dewey Community Church

16 3rd St, Dewey, IL 61840, USA

Sunday 12:30 AM

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Welcome to all who are worshiping with us at the Dewey Community church this morning. May we all be grateful to God for the reminder that, for his children, worship is essential and not non-essential.

This Sunday's sermon will be available later this week at

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Seeing What Jesus Saw: Weeping
John 11:17-44

Jesus ministers to us when we are thrown off balance by crisis experienced. The story Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead demonstrates 4 ways Jesus ministers to us in those times of crisis.
I. In a crisis, Jesus ministers to us by Absorbing our Accusations.
II. In a crisis, Jesus ministers to us by inviting us to Reaffirm our Trust in him.
III. In a crisis, Jesus ministers to us by Entering into our Pain.
IV. In a crisis, Jesus ministers to us by Working for our Good and for the Father’s Glory.
Conclusion: Jesus saw her weeping…

1. …and through those tears Jesus saw Trust in him and Obedience to him by those who were in a very deep valley.

2. …and in those tears Jesus saw the pain caused by death and Satan and he Grieved with the Grief-Stricken.

3. …and in those tears Jesus saw the pain caused by death and Satan and he Demonstrated his Authority over them.
It is death that is the object of his wrath, and behind death him who has the power of death, and whom he has come into the world to destroy. Tears of sympathy may fill his eye but His soul is filled with rage: he advances to the tomb, in Calvin’s words, ‘as a champion who prepares for conflict.’ The raising of Lazarus thus becomes, not an isolated marvel, but a decisive instance and open symbol of Jesus’ conquest of death and hell. Not in cold unconcern, but in flaming wrath against the foe, Jesus smites in our behalf. He has not only saved us from the world’s evils which oppress us; he has felt for and with us in our oppression, and under the impulse of those feelings has wrought out our redemption. (The Person and Work of Christ, B.B. Warfield)
Childcare Today (11/1)
Sunday School Nursery - Jane H.
Children's Church - Ava H.

Childcare Next Week (11/8/)
Sunday School Nursery - Karen H. & Millie W.
Children's Church - No Children's Church this week
Remember to Pray…for members of our church family who are residing in nursing care and assisted living facilities: Dave and Rose B, Mary C, Lola K…for Nikolas H. and Chase V. as they serve our country in the U.S. Army…for the Stewardship Committee and DCC leadership Team as they meet on Tuesday…for the Search Committee as they prepare to interview a potential candidate…that God’s will will be accomplished in the upcoming election on Tuesday…for our school’s administrators, faculty and staff…for our missionaries serving overseas.
SUN, NOV 1 @ 12:00 PM // Bible Quiz Team Lunch & Practice
TUE, NOV 3 @ 8:00 AM // Fisher-Area Ministers' Association Breakfast

TUE, NOV 3 @ 7:00 PM // Stewardship Cmtee/Leadership Team Mtg
The Stewardship Committee/ DCC Leadership Team will meet for their quarterly meeting. All leaders of Christian Education, Fellowship committee, worship Committee, Preschool and Stewardship Committee are encouraged to attend..
WED, NOV 4 @ 7:00 PM // Prayer Gathering
Join together with others to pray for concerns within our congregation, community, country and world.
FRI - SAT, NOV 6-8 // Pastor Neal Weekend Off
Pastor Neal will be taking the weekend off. He will be in the office until 1:30 pm on Friday. If a special need arises, you can contact him via email or text. You may also contact one of the church Elders: Dennis B, Dan G, or David P.
SUN, NOV 8 @ 10:35 AM // Worship Service
In the Worship service, Maynard B. will be speaking in Pastor Neal’s absence.
The Table of Books located across from the offices are from the library of Justin and Maris K. Feel free to look through them and take any which are of interest to you. Those not claimed will be taken to Orphans’ Treasure Box in Champaign.
Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Boxes: The Dewey Church will once again participate in “Operation Christmas Child” sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse. Boxes and packing instructions are available on the table in the fellowship area by the offices. The boxes need to be prepared and returned to DCC on or before November 15.
The Community Thanksgiving Service will be held at East Bend Mennonite Church on Sunday, November 22 at 7:00 pm. The service is sponsored by the Fisher-Area Ministerial Association and an offering will be received in support of their ministries. The East Bend leadership does ask that everyone in attendance wear a mask while entering and exiting the building and while singing.

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