Sunday, Oct 25, 2020 - Part 2
Locations & Times
The Roads Church - NC
583 US-45, Norris City, IL 62869, USA
Monday 8:30 AM
Monday 10:30 AM
Let Deceive - ĕxapataō - To lead out of the right way, To cause someone to have misleading or erroneous views concerning the truth
Deceive - Webster - To mislead, cause to believe or accept as true what is false or to disbelieve what is true
Means - trŏpŏs - How something is done, how it happens: Spirit, Word or Letter
Deceive - Webster - To mislead, cause to believe or accept as true what is false or to disbelieve what is true
Means - trŏpŏs - How something is done, how it happens: Spirit, Word or Letter
Take heed - blĕpō - To see, be aware of, watch out for
Falling away - apŏstasia - (apostasy, rejection) - Defection from the truth, abandonment, rebellion, defiance of authority, act in complete opposition to its demands.
1) Shaken in Mind - To be unsettled and waver back and forth in your emotions and attitude, way of thinking, and decision making
- Shaken - salĕuō - Waver or shake back and forth; to become emotionally unsettled and distraught—to become unsettled, to be deeply distressed, to be upset
- Mind - nŏus - Facility of understanding, reasoning, and deciding; a way of thinking, attitude
2) Troubled - thrŏĕō - Be in a state of fear, alarmed or frightened
1) Shaken in Mind - To be unsettled and waver back and forth in your emotions and attitude, way of thinking, and decision making
- Shaken - salĕuō - Waver or shake back and forth; to become emotionally unsettled and distraught—to become unsettled, to be deeply distressed, to be upset
- Mind - nŏus - Facility of understanding, reasoning, and deciding; a way of thinking, attitude
2) Troubled - thrŏĕō - Be in a state of fear, alarmed or frightened
CDC Website - USA - Cases
- 8.5M Cases-223,393 Deaths
- 2.64% - Mortality
- 97.36% - Recovered
CDC Website - USA - Population
- 8.5M Cases-223,393 Deaths
- Pop - 331M
- 0.067% - Mortality (1 out of every 1,500)
- 99.93% - Living
CDC Website - USA - 65 and up - 16% of Pop
- 80% of deaths - 178,714 - 0.337%
- 47% Nursing Home residents - 84,000
- 99.66% - Living
CDC Website - USA - 64 & under
- 84% of Pop
- 44,679 - deaths - 0.016% (1 out of every 6,235) 99.98% - Living
- CDC Website - 2018
CDC - 2018
- Drunk Driving - 10,511 - 29/day
- Traffic Crashes - 36,560 - 100/day
- Flu/Pneumonia - 61,000 - 167/day
- Smoking - 480,000 - 1,315/day
- Cancer - 599,274 - 1,642/day
- Heart Disease - 655,381 - 1,796/day
CDC Website - 2020
- Suicides - 48,344
- 132/day - 1/11 min
- 8.5M Cases-223,393 Deaths
- 2.64% - Mortality
- 97.36% - Recovered
CDC Website - USA - Population
- 8.5M Cases-223,393 Deaths
- Pop - 331M
- 0.067% - Mortality (1 out of every 1,500)
- 99.93% - Living
CDC Website - USA - 65 and up - 16% of Pop
- 80% of deaths - 178,714 - 0.337%
- 47% Nursing Home residents - 84,000
- 99.66% - Living
CDC Website - USA - 64 & under
- 84% of Pop
- 44,679 - deaths - 0.016% (1 out of every 6,235) 99.98% - Living
- CDC Website - 2018
CDC - 2018
- Drunk Driving - 10,511 - 29/day
- Traffic Crashes - 36,560 - 100/day
- Flu/Pneumonia - 61,000 - 167/day
- Smoking - 480,000 - 1,315/day
- Cancer - 599,274 - 1,642/day
- Heart Disease - 655,381 - 1,796/day
CDC Website - 2020
- Suicides - 48,344
- 132/day - 1/11 min
Depart - aphistēmi - To abandon a former relationship or association, disassociate, remove, forsake
Giving Heed - prŏsĕchō - Turn one’s attention to, occupy oneself with, devote or give yourself to
Deceiving - planŏs - Deliberate deceptiveness, impostor, lead astray
Doctrines - didaskalia - Instruction, teaching, information that is taught
Christ vs. Anti-Christ
Giving Heed - prŏsĕchō - Turn one’s attention to, occupy oneself with, devote or give yourself to
Deceiving - planŏs - Deliberate deceptiveness, impostor, lead astray
Doctrines - didaskalia - Instruction, teaching, information that is taught
Christ vs. Anti-Christ
Perilous - chalĕpŏs - Hard to bear, painful, difficult, violent, distressful, sufferings that reduce strength
Lovers of themselves - philautŏs - Self-centered affections for one’s own advantages to the exclusion of others.
Lovers of pleasure - philēdŏnŏs - Given to fulfilling one’s own desires
Form - mŏrphōsis - Appearance, embodiment, essential features
Godliness - ĕusĕbĕia - Religion, devout practice and beliefs of God
Denying - arnĕŏmai - To disregard, refuse to recognize or acknowledge, pay no attention to
Power - dunamis - Might, able; Demonstration or display of divine supernatural ability
Lovers of themselves - philautŏs - Self-centered affections for one’s own advantages to the exclusion of others.
Lovers of pleasure - philēdŏnŏs - Given to fulfilling one’s own desires
Form - mŏrphōsis - Appearance, embodiment, essential features
Godliness - ĕusĕbĕia - Religion, devout practice and beliefs of God
Denying - arnĕŏmai - To disregard, refuse to recognize or acknowledge, pay no attention to
Power - dunamis - Might, able; Demonstration or display of divine supernatural ability
Learning - manthanō - Acquire information, gain knowledge or skills
Persecution - diōkō - To systematically organize a program to oppress and harass people—to persecute
Impostors - gŏēs - One who habitually fools or deceives people through pretense; deceiver who works by trickery or persuasive speech
Deceiving - planaō - To cause to wander from a proper belief or course of action
Wise - sŏphizō - Good judgment; Skilled expert, to have wisdom and understanding
Salvation - sōtēria - Safety, deliverance, rescued, health, welfare, preservation
Persecution - diōkō - To systematically organize a program to oppress and harass people—to persecute
Impostors - gŏēs - One who habitually fools or deceives people through pretense; deceiver who works by trickery or persuasive speech
Deceiving - planaō - To cause to wander from a proper belief or course of action
Wise - sŏphizō - Good judgment; Skilled expert, to have wisdom and understanding
Salvation - sōtēria - Safety, deliverance, rescued, health, welfare, preservation