Sarnia EMC
no more excuses
no more excuses
Locations & Times
707 Talfourd St, Sarnia, ON N7T 1S1, Canada
Sunday 10:30 AM
What excuses do you make for not sharing your faith with others?
Lessons from Elijah
Three excuses that derail our faith:
- We feel we’ve done ___________________.
- The opposition seems _________________.
- We feel _____________________________.
Grace is not only God’s undeserved favour, it is also his generous empowerment.
Grace moves us from:
working for faith to faithfully allowing God to work through us.
- God’s grace _______________us in our need.
- God’s grace _______________us to be faithful where we are.
- God’s grace is the_________by which God’s Kingdom grows.
Challenge for this week: What have you learned about God today? What action will you take as a result of what you’ve learned? Who will you share this with?