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Dewey Community Church

10/11/20 - Seeing What Jesus Saw: Making Headway Painfully

10/11/20 - Seeing What Jesus Saw: Making Headway Painfully

Locations & Times

Dewey Community Church

16 3rd St, Dewey, IL 61840, USA

Sunday 12:30 AM

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Welcome to all who are worshiping with us at the Dewey Community church this morning. May we all be grateful to God for the reminder that, for his children, worship is essential and not non-essential.

This Sunday's sermon will be available later this week at

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Seeing What Jesus Saw: Making Headway Painfully
Mark 6:45-52

Jesus is faithful to his followers. In this account, we see 3 expressions of Jesus’ faithfulness to his disciples during a wind-blown night on the sea of Galilee.
I. Jesus expressed his faithfulness to his disciples by showing concern for them.
II. Jesus expressed his faithfulness to his disciples by keeping an eye on them.
III. Jesus expressed his faithfulness to his disciples by being patient with them.
Conclusion: That night as Jesus saw his disciples making headway painfully, they were right where Jesus wanted them to be.
Childcare Today (10/11)
Sunday School Nursery - Elizabeth R.
Children's Church - No Children's Church

Childcare Next Week (10/18)
Sunday School Nursery - Erin H.
Children's Church - Ben H.
Remember to Pray…for Emily C. and her family as her hospitalization has entered its third month…for Diana W. as she continues radiation treatments…for the safety of our farmers as they harvest their crops…for Rhonda H's family, and especially for her step-mother (Barb), as they adjust to Gary’s absence from their lives…for our nursing care residents: Mary C, Geneva I. and Lola K...for This Little Light of Mine Preschool as the school year continues…for our missionaries serving overseas…for Nikolas H. and Chase V. as they serve our country as members of the U.S. Army…that each of us will have the courage and confidence during the election season to pray as Jesus did, “Thy will be done.”
SUN, OCT 11 @ 12:00 PM // Bible Quiz Team Lunch & Practice
SUN, OCT 11 @ 5:00 PM // Elder Board Meeting
MON, OCT 12 // Columbus Day
This Little Light of Mine Preschool will not be in session.
SUN, OCT 18 @ 10:35 AM // Worship Service
In the Worship service, Ben and Erin Harrison will bring their daughter, Audrey, before the Lord in dedication. In addition, Pastor Neal will continue the series, “Seeing What Jesus Saw” with a look at Mark 10:13-31.
Congratulations to Caleb and Kirsten B. who were united in marriage on Saturday, October 10 at the Dewey Community Church. Pray for God’s blessing to fall upon them as they embark on their married life together.
Right Now Media provides a treasure-trove of resources including Bible Studies, devotionals, teaching videos for adults and Bible-based videos for children. You can check out what they have to offer at If you would like to access their online video library, please contact Pastor Neal.

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