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Dover Assembly of God

7.1.2018 | The Greatest of These

7.1.2018 | The Greatest of These

Locations & Times

Dover Assembly of God

4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA

Sunday 10:30 AM


Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly.

This Week's Bulletin

July 1, 2018

Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.


9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service



We have scheduled our VBS for NEXT WEEK!July 8-11 from 6:30 pm—8:30 pm. The theme in case anyone was wondering, is BIG CITY HEROES!We still need everyone to help in some way. We need volunteers to work, give, invite and PRAY! Begin praying now for God to use this to reach the children in our neighborhoods.

To Register your children, go to

Men's Breakfast
The men will be going to Dover Valley Restaurant for breakfast on Sat. July 7 at 8:00 am. Sign up in the lower foyer and be sure to invite a friend!


Mandated Clearances for Childcare Workers
It is time to revisit every children’s ministry worker’s need for update clearances. If you work or deal in ANY capacity with children at Dover Assembly and are over 18, you are required by law to have current State Police and ChildLine clearances and Mandated reporter training. Pastor Jeff will be approaching those who need such clearances. If your clearances are out of date (older than 5 years) or we do not have them in our files, you will need to apply for them ASAP. No one will be permitted to work with children until all clearances have been obtained.

Never Miss A Service!
Can't join us in person? We stream our services live online every Sunday morning at 10:30 am. This is also a great way to invite others to check out our church. To watch online, visit or visit the Watch Live tab in our app. You can also watch via Facebook Live by visiting our Facebook page at

In addition to streaming live, each sermon is posted to Vimeo early in the week. Check out those you may have missed or would like to hear again at

New Entrance Doors Into The Lower Level
In our desire to heighten the security for our children, we have installed new doors that lead into the lower part of our church where the children’s ministries take place. In a week or so, we will be adding a security lock which will require anyone seeking entrance, to buzz and wait to be let in. The doors will be locked from 9:30-10:15 and again from 10:30-noon.

Faith Pledges
So far we have raised $7,412.50 towards our matching goal of $10,000 towards our debt of $50,000. Thank you for your faithfulness! Help us to meet that challenge.

Independence Day
There will not be an evening service THIS Wednesday, July 4. Enjoy the day with family and friends!

Girls' Ministry
After many years of faithful service, Lynette Miller has stepped down as our Girl’s Ministry Coordinator. We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to her for her dedication to and love for the girls at Dover Assembly.
Please be in prayer about her replacement. We believe that God equips every church with all the leaders necessary to carry out His work. Maybe you are the one that God is calling.

Please take time to review and pray for those on this list. Drop them a card or call to set up a time to visit. They will be blessed!
~ Helen S.
Prayer Needs
~ Robin H.
~ Rose K.
~ Phil & Murina S.
~ Marian T.

Download the Dover Assembly app!

Connect with Dover Assembly as we connect to God, build people, and offer hope. Keep up to date with the latest news and events, watch our latest videos, and more all within our app!

7.1.2018 - Pastor Keith Miller

Last week we discussed faith - and there is immense power associated with it.

We learned in John 1 how Jesus is referred to in the beginning as the Word of God.
What were some things created?
~ Genesis account - all the things on the earth (microcosms on up)
~ Planets
~ Stars
~ Galaxies
~ Black holes
~ Super Massive Black Holes - can devour entire galaxies
How did it come about?
~ God spoke - and what He spoke was spoken in faith
What are some things Jesus did by faith?
~ Caused the blind to see - Matthew 9:27-30
~ Multiplied food - Matthew 14:19
~ Transmutation - water to wine - John 2
~ Healed incurable diseases - Mark 1:42
~ Healed deformities - Mark 3
~ Raised the dead - Lazarus, then later, Himself - John 11
~ Ascended to Heaven - Acts 1:9
Faith also features prominently throughout the Bible
~ God created the universe
~ Abel’s sacrifice
~ Enoch taken to Heaven
~ Noah
~ Abraham
~ Sarah - conception
~ Isaac
~ Jacob
~ Joseph
~ Moses
~ Walls of Jericho
~ Rahab
~ Gideon, Barak, Samson, David, etc.

And powerful as Faith is, the Bible says there is something greater still...

Wordly Definition:
~ Relies on feelings - acceptance, belonging
~ Can change moment to moment
~ Is never constant
~ Is used interchangeably with acceptance (in other words - no correction)
~ Must include happiness
~ Generally implies some form of physical contact between people
~ Biggest difference: Worldly love always focuses inward / on self

Biblical definition:
~ Greek: Agape - affection or benevolence
~ Greek: Agapao - to love in a social or moral sense
~ Greek: Phileo - to be a friend to
~ Greek: Philoteknos - maternal love of children
~ Hebrew: Chashaq - To cling, delight in, deliver
~ Hebrew: Ahab - to have affection forAlways focuses outward
Of the three mentioned in 1 Corinthians Hope leads to Faith. Faith is the power that gets the job done, but it is love that prompts us to action.
Jesus’ love for his friend prompted Him to take action in faith; this action became a witness to others, who in turn put their faith in Him.

Go back to the list read earlier of just some of the miracles Jesus performed - what was the motivating factor behind all of them? Love.
It is love that prompts us to action - it isn’t works of themselves - it is the motivation behind the works. This is why we should always be looking to serve. If we’re not looking for opportunities to serve others or meet a need etc., it may be a good time to take a measure of where our love walk is at. But it has to be genuine. It cannot be service out of obligation - it has to be motivated by love. There is an older song that says “If we are the body, why aren’t His hands healing?” It could be a good sign of God waiting on us, rather than us waiting on God.
God will always see our intent before the deed itself.

Are you holding a grudge against someone? Do you feel that you have been wronged? Or maybe you’ve wronged someone else.

Or perhaps you feel condemned and unloved - this is motivated by fear.
Why the constant focus on love? Because we have to have love to prompt faith into action.
If Satan can knock us off our love walk then he’s basically benched us.
The Apostle Paul, under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, said it best in 1 Corinthians 13
Let’s take a moment to examine where we are - if we need to ask for forgiveness, let today be the day; whether it’s from God or someone else. If we need to get something right in our hearts, let today be the day. God gave us the greatest of these so we could reach the least of these.

Thank you for joining us!

If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!