Dewey Community Church

9/27/20 - Seeing What Jesus Saw: Faith
Locations & Times
Dewey Community Church
16 3rd St, Dewey, IL 61840, USA
Sunday 12:30 AM
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Welcome to all who are worshiping with us at the Dewey Community church this morning. May we all be grateful to God for the reminder that, for his children, worship is essential and not non-essential.
This Sunday's sermon will be available later this week at
If you are not already receiving DCC emails but would like to be, contact the church office at
Welcome to all who are worshiping with us at the Dewey Community church this morning. May we all be grateful to God for the reminder that, for his children, worship is essential and not non-essential.
This Sunday's sermon will be available later this week at
If you are not already receiving DCC emails but would like to be, contact the church office at
Seeing What Jesus Saw: Faith
Mark 2:1-12
Mark 2:1-12
I. The setting of the Story.
II. The characters in the Story.
A. The Crowds
B. The Paralytic and his Friends
C. The Scribes
D. Jesus
A. The Crowds
B. The Paralytic and his Friends
C. The Scribes
D. Jesus
III. The storyline of the Story.
IV. The conclusion of the Story.
A. Jesus saw the evidence of their faith which stood is stark contrast with those who lacked it.
B. Jesus saw their faith and he met all of their needs.
C. Jesus saw their faith through their actions.
D. Jesus saw their faith and it filled him with joy.
A. Jesus saw the evidence of their faith which stood is stark contrast with those who lacked it.
B. Jesus saw their faith and he met all of their needs.
C. Jesus saw their faith through their actions.
D. Jesus saw their faith and it filled him with joy.

Childcare Today (9/27)
Sunday School Nursery - Ava H.
Children's Church - No Children's Church
Childcare Next Week (10/4)
Sunday School Nursery - Connie K.
Children's Church - Maynard & Jennifer B.
Sunday School Nursery - Ava H.
Children's Church - No Children's Church
Childcare Next Week (10/4)
Sunday School Nursery - Connie K.
Children's Church - Maynard & Jennifer B.
Remember to Pray…for Geneva I. as she transitions to the Annex in Gibson City…for Maynard B. as his eye continues to heal following a recent surgery…for Rhonda H's family as her father’s health continues to decline…for Diana W. as she receives chemotherapy treatments…for Emily C…for Kirsten K. and Caleb B. as their wedding day approaches…that God will lead us to our next Associate Pastor…for our missionaries serving overseas.
SUN, SEPT 27 @ 12:00 PM // Bible Quiz Team Lunch & Practice
TUE, SEPT 29 @ 7:00 PM // This Little Light of Mine Preschool Board Meeting
THU, OCT 1 @ 7:00 PM // DCC Ladies Book Club
The DCC Ladies Book Club will meet at Connie K's home (check the bulletin or church director for address) to discuss “A Man Called Ove” by Fredrik Backman. All women of the church and community are welcome to participate. Please bring snacks to enjoy following the discussion.
The DCC Ladies Book Club will meet at Connie K's home (check the bulletin or church director for address) to discuss “A Man Called Ove” by Fredrik Backman. All women of the church and community are welcome to participate. Please bring snacks to enjoy following the discussion.
SUN, OCT 4 @ 10:35 AM // Worship Service
In the Worship service, Ben and Erin Harrison will dedicate their daughter, Audrey, to the Lord. Pastor Neal will continue the series, “Seeing What Jesus Saw” with a look at Mark 6: 45-56.
In the Worship service, Ben and Erin Harrison will dedicate their daughter, Audrey, to the Lord. Pastor Neal will continue the series, “Seeing What Jesus Saw” with a look at Mark 6: 45-56.
Our Sympathy to the family of Eleanor H. as they grieve her passing. Eleanor died on Monday, September 21 following a short illness. Please keep her children (Rod H. and Peg S.) and their families in your prayers as they adjust to her absence in their lives.
Right Now Media provides a treasure-trove of resources including Bible Studies, devotionals, teaching videos for adults and Bible-based videos for children. You can check out what they have to offer at If you would like to access their online video library, please contact Pastor Neal.
Congratulations and God’s Blessings to Connor and Cayden V. and Glen and Bonnie J. who testified publicly to their faith in Christ through baptism this past Sunday evening. As they continue in their walk with Christ, pray that they will “Be on [their] guard; stand firm in the faith; be people of courage; and do everything in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

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