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Dewey Community Church

9/20/20 - Seeing What Jesus Saw: A Commotion

9/20/20 - Seeing What Jesus Saw: A Commotion

Locations & Times

Dewey Community Church

16 3rd St, Dewey, IL 61840, USA

Sunday 12:30 PM

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Welcome to all who are worshiping with us at the Dewey Community church this morning. May we all be grateful to God for the reminder that, for his children, worship is essential and not non-essential.

This Sunday's sermon will be available later this week at

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Seeing What Jesus Saw: A Commotion
Mark 5:21-24, 35-43

Jesus invites us to trust him through the turbulence of our lives. In the story of Jairus we discover 3 aspects of his faith and trust in the midst of his own personal turbulence.
I. The demonstrated Faith of Jairus.

A. These are the actions of a desperate man.

B. These are the actions of a believing man.
II. The rising fear and the shrinking Faith of Jairus.
III. The rewarded Faith of Jairus.

1. In the commotion, Jesus saw people whose world had turned upside down.

2. In the commotion, Jesus saw a person who refused to let loose of his grip on Jesus.

3. In the commotion, Jesus saw a person who reaped the blessing of his trust in Jesus.
Childcare Today (9/20)
Sunday School Nursery - Rachel H.
Children's Church - Rhonda & Allie H.

Childcare Next Week (9/27)
Sunday School Nursery - Ava H.
Children's Church - No Children's Church
Remember to Pray…for God’s blessing to fall upon Connor and Cayden V. and Glen and Bonnie J. as they follow the Lord in baptism…for Caleb B. and Kirsten K. as they anticipate their wedding on October 10…for Maynard B. as he recovers from recent eye surgery…for Rhonda H's father, Gary, as he receives hospice care due to cancer…for Diana W. as she continues chemotherapy treatments for cancer…for Emily C…for our nursing home residents: Mary C, Eleanor H, Geneva I, Lola K…for God’s leading us to the Associate Pastor he has called and prepared for ministry at DCC…for our missionaries in Bethlehem and Hebron as the schools are under Covid 19 precautions.
SUN, SEPT 20 @ 11:45 AM // DCC Fall Business Meeting
The DCC Fall Business Meeting will be held immediately following the Worship service. Agenda items include: 1) reading of the March 15, 2020 minutes; 2) 2019-2020 Treasurer’s Report; 3) presentation and adoption of 2020-2021 church budget; 4) a “Covid Conversation” as we look toward ministries during the coming year; 5) and an update from the Search Committee
SUN, SEPT 20 @ 12:00 PM // Bible Quiz Team Lunch & Practice
SUN, SEPT 20 @ 3:00 - 5:00 PM // Bridal Shower for Kirsten K.
You're invited to a Bridal Shower for Kirsten K. While masks will not be required, we do ask that you maintain safe social distancing practices. Refreshments will be served. Kirsten and Caleb are register at Amazon, Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond.
SUN, SEPT 20 @ 5:30 PM // Baptismal Service
A Baptismal Service will be held at Dennis and Debbie B's home on Greenwood Lake (check the church directory or contact the church office for their address). Glen & Bonnie J. and Connor & Cayden V. will be identifying with Christ through baptism.
WED, SEPT 23 @ 7:00 PM // Prayer Gathering
Gather with the DCC family in order to stay connected and to provide prayer support for the people and programs of DDC and beyond.
THU, SEPT 24 @ 7:00 AM // See You at the Pole
All students and adults are welcome to gather at the Fisher Jr/Sr High School Flag pole to seek God’s blessing on the coming school year. Refreshments will be served.

THU, SEPT 24 @ 7:00 PM // This Little Light of Mine Preschool Board Meeting
SUN, SEPT 27 @ 10:35 AM // Worship Service
In the Worship service, Pastor Neal will continue the series, “Seeing What Jesus Saw” with a look at John 6:1-15.
THU, OCT 1 @ 7:00 PM // DCC Ladies Book Club
The DCC Ladies Book Club will meet to discuss “A Man Called Ove” by Fredrik Backman.

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