Elements City Church

CHANGED - changed purpose
...life with Jesus leads to a changed life. A look at 1 Peter and some key markers that are to mark the life of followers of Jesus. Peter is encouraging us to stand strong and stay faithful. To understand WHO we are before God and all we've been given in Christ. He reminding us of the change that has occurred as we trust in Jesus and the change God's still doing, so we can be influencers and agents of change in our world.
Locations & Times
Elements City Church
1825 N Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85712, USA
Sunday 5:00 PM
Thanks for being here...
We pray that tonight would be encouraging for you. If you're a guest here with us, we invite you to fill out our communication card in our app or at the Next Steps table in the back of the auditorium after service, we'd love to meet you and we have a free gift for you. Click the link below to see THE WEEKLY - our digital announcements/info for all things happening in and around Elements...or find everything ya need in our app.
http://elem.cc/weeklyThere are certain things that mark us – and we’re tagged as being that type or kind of person. Maybe you've been tagged a hard worker, loyal, happy-go-lucky person, smart or other label. There's some spiritual markers that are to mark our lives as we follow Jesus.
Tonight: changed purpose
Tonight: changed purpose
Truth: It is impossible to follow Jesus and NOT be changed in the process.
Peter is at first, highlighting a couple lenses we’re to use as we navigate life. We should live our life in light of the fact that the end is near.
Such perspective helps one recognize how many activities don’t make any eternal difference. This world is not going to last, it’s not all there is – eternity hangs in waiting. We’re to give ourselves, our efforts, our resources, our time to the things that matter and that will last!
-we can enjoy ‘now’ things, but don’t become consumed by ONLY ‘now’ things
-The question of eternity is when Christ returns will he find us asleep at the wheel so to speak, or will He see us diligently working to fulfill His Great Commission to make disciples & being about His good within this world?
Such perspective helps one recognize how many activities don’t make any eternal difference. This world is not going to last, it’s not all there is – eternity hangs in waiting. We’re to give ourselves, our efforts, our resources, our time to the things that matter and that will last!
-we can enjoy ‘now’ things, but don’t become consumed by ONLY ‘now’ things
-The question of eternity is when Christ returns will he find us asleep at the wheel so to speak, or will He see us diligently working to fulfill His Great Commission to make disciples & being about His good within this world?
*Live with the end in mind helps determine what you give yourself too, but also “keep fervent in your love for one another. ”
A Christian’s unselfish love & concern for others should be exercised to the point of sacrificially living for the welfare of others. We are to love (agape) each other deeply. Let your love be without reservation, hesitation or qualification. Such love is the most needed quality in a church - within our church family. It's what we're called to above all.
A Christian’s unselfish love & concern for others should be exercised to the point of sacrificially living for the welfare of others. We are to love (agape) each other deeply. Let your love be without reservation, hesitation or qualification. Such love is the most needed quality in a church - within our church family. It's what we're called to above all.
Peter (in verse 10) now emphasizes something that hits at our challenge to live life with a divinely inspired purpose. We’re changed to live for a bigger purpose – a godly purpose.
Biblical teaching is clear: WE ALL (men & women) have a contribution to make, where God wants us to serve in a significant fashion. Everyone has a "spiritual gift" - an ability that equips us to serve God & His Church in a special way. *(you can read about them in 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12 and Ephesians 4 and also here briefly in 1 Peter 4)
“When we employ our spiritual gifts others benefit. Others are encouraged. Others gain fresh hope. And interestingly, so do we!”
-Charles Swindoll
“When we employ our spiritual gifts others benefit. Others are encouraged. Others gain fresh hope. And interestingly, so do we!”
-Charles Swindoll
The Bible teaches that believers are called to be good stewards of God's vast resources. The gifts God gives are varied. Some are very public in expression, some are not. = BUT, All are significant and needed! The church is healthy & at it’s best when the people of God are involved in ministry of His kingdom. But when “God’s gifted” sit on the sidelines - the church – the movement of Jesus can become hindered and handicapped.
We each have a role to play - a gift to use – a contribution to make!
Ministry is not just for the "professionals" - it is for every disciple - everyone who has said yes to Jesus and is following after him…
We each have a role to play - a gift to use – a contribution to make!
Ministry is not just for the "professionals" - it is for every disciple - everyone who has said yes to Jesus and is following after him…
**We have a value around here that the “bleachers are the cheap seats” –meaning: we’re all meant to play a part in the game of life with God – we’re not called to be spectators, we’re called to be participants in the Kingdom of God and His activity in this world!
Spectators are those who often settle in - live with the notion of BEING SERVED. Participants are those who seek TO SERVE…
-Disciples of Jesus are living with purpose, they’re ACTIVELY using their gifts, serving wholeheartedly, giving sacrificially to God’s will, seeking to multiply their impact & reach –bringing the HOPE and LIGHT of Jesus wherever they go!
Spectators are those who often settle in - live with the notion of BEING SERVED. Participants are those who seek TO SERVE…
-Disciples of Jesus are living with purpose, they’re ACTIVELY using their gifts, serving wholeheartedly, giving sacrificially to God’s will, seeking to multiply their impact & reach –bringing the HOPE and LIGHT of Jesus wherever they go!
Bottom Line:
a God-changed life is a God-gifted life, and gifts are meant to be shared.
-God has gifted you, friend.
And gifts are best, when they’re not left wrapped up, locked away, hoarded or stockpiled just for you; they’re best when shared.
-Everybody is gifted and enlisted to participate – to be a kingdom influencer
(Christianity is not a spectator sport; everyone has a role to play and contribution to make) - we’re not to live or think: ‘it’s somebody else's job’.
a God-changed life is a God-gifted life, and gifts are meant to be shared.
-God has gifted you, friend.
And gifts are best, when they’re not left wrapped up, locked away, hoarded or stockpiled just for you; they’re best when shared.
-Everybody is gifted and enlisted to participate – to be a kingdom influencer
(Christianity is not a spectator sport; everyone has a role to play and contribution to make) - we’re not to live or think: ‘it’s somebody else's job’.
NEED PRAYER? ....we've got some of our prayer team and pastors available following service to pray with you. Or you can text the word "prayer" to our phone number: #520-300-9001 to submit your prayer request or submit one via our app. We look forward to partnering with you in prayer.
Thanks for partnering with us...
Every gift you give enables us to move the mission of Elements and the Hope and Light of Jesus forward in our city and beyond. Thank you for financially faithfully partnering with us! You can give here or easily within our free app on your phone or tablet.
Join us next weekend for Mother's Day!
Spiritual Gifts Survey
here's a spiritual gifts survey (from LifeWay publishing) that you can use to begin to discover and explore understanding your spiritual gifts...