Dewey Community Church

9/13/20 - Seeing What Jesus Saw: An Invalid
Locations & Times
Dewey Community Church
16 3rd St, Dewey, IL 61840, USA
Sunday 12:30 AM
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Welcome to all who are worshiping with us at the Dewey Community church this morning. May we all be grateful to God for the reminder that, for his children, worship is essential and not non-essential.
This Sunday's sermon will be available later this week at
If you are not already receiving DCC emails but would like to be, contact the church office at
Welcome to all who are worshiping with us at the Dewey Community church this morning. May we all be grateful to God for the reminder that, for his children, worship is essential and not non-essential.
This Sunday's sermon will be available later this week at
If you are not already receiving DCC emails but would like to be, contact the church office at
Seeing What Jesus Saw: An Invalid
John 5:1-15
Jesus shows mercy and compassion to people who are in distress. In this account, we see ways Jesus showed mercy and compassion to an invalid.
John 5:1-15
Jesus shows mercy and compassion to people who are in distress. In this account, we see ways Jesus showed mercy and compassion to an invalid.
I. Jesus shows mercy and compassion for the man by taking notice of him.
II. Jesus shows mercy and compassion for the man by healing him.
III. Jesus shows mercy and compassion for the man by teaching him.
1. Jesus saw a man who was invisible to most people.
2. Jesus saw a man who needed help and he helped him.
3. Jesus saw a man who experienced mercy and compassion but was not changed by it.
1. Jesus saw a man who was invisible to most people.
2. Jesus saw a man who needed help and he helped him.
3. Jesus saw a man who experienced mercy and compassion but was not changed by it.

Childcare Today (9/13)
Sunday School Nursery - Heidi G. & Millie W.
Children's Church - No Children's Church
Childcare Next Week (9/20)
Sunday School Nursery - Rachel H.
Children's Church - Rhonda & Allie H.
Sunday School Nursery - Heidi G. & Millie W.
Children's Church - No Children's Church
Childcare Next Week (9/20)
Sunday School Nursery - Rachel H.
Children's Church - Rhonda & Allie H.
Remember to Pray…for Maynard B. as he recovers from eye surgery…for Diane W…for Emily C…for Blake D. who was hospitalized this past week with pancreatitis…that God will lead us to the Associate Pastor he has chosen and prepared for ministry at DCC…for the ministry of This Little Light of Mine Preschool…for God’s protection of our schools…for Emily H.'s parents, David and Brenda A, as they give leadership to a church planting ministry in the Seattle area.
TUE, SEPT 15 @ 7:00 PM // Elder Board Meeting at the church
WED, SEPT 16 @ 1:00 PM // Baptism class at the church
SUN, SEPT 20 @ 10:35 AM // Worship Service
In the Worship service, Pastor Neal will continue the series, “Seeing What Jesus Saw” with a look at Mark 5:21-43. Following the Worship service, the DCC Fall Business Meeting will be held in the gym.
In the Worship service, Pastor Neal will continue the series, “Seeing What Jesus Saw” with a look at Mark 5:21-43. Following the Worship service, the DCC Fall Business Meeting will be held in the gym.
SUN, SEPT 20 @ 12:00 PM // DCC Fall Business Meeting
The DCC Fall Business Meeting will be held immediately following the Worship service. Agenda items include: 1) reading of the March 15, 2020 minutes; 2) 2019-2020 Treasurer’s Report; 3) presentation and adoption of 2020-2021 church budget; 4) a “Covid Conversation” as we look toward ministries during the coming year; 5) and an update from the Search Committee
The DCC Fall Business Meeting will be held immediately following the Worship service. Agenda items include: 1) reading of the March 15, 2020 minutes; 2) 2019-2020 Treasurer’s Report; 3) presentation and adoption of 2020-2021 church budget; 4) a “Covid Conversation” as we look toward ministries during the coming year; 5) and an update from the Search Committee
SUN, SEPT 20 @ 3:00 - 5:00 PM // Bridal Shower for Kirsten K.
You're invited to a Bridal Shower for Kirsten K. While masks will not be required, we do ask that you maintain safe social distancing practices. Refreshments will be served. Kirsten and Caleb are register at Amazon, Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond.
You're invited to a Bridal Shower for Kirsten K. While masks will not be required, we do ask that you maintain safe social distancing practices. Refreshments will be served. Kirsten and Caleb are register at Amazon, Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond.
SUN, SEPT 20 @ 5:30 PM // Baptismal Service
A Baptismal Service will be held at Dennis and Debbie B's home on Greenwood Lake (check the church directory or contact the church office for their address). Glen & Bonnie J. and Connor & Cayden V. will be identifying with Christ through baptism.
A Baptismal Service will be held at Dennis and Debbie B's home on Greenwood Lake (check the church directory or contact the church office for their address). Glen & Bonnie J. and Connor & Cayden V. will be identifying with Christ through baptism.

DCC is on Facebook!
Follow Dewey Community Church on Facebook to see what's happening throughout the week. Dew Crew is on FB Too!
Check out The Dewey Youth Group on Facebook for all of the latest Dew Crew information.