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StoneBridge Community Church

Freedom From Fear

Freedom From Fear

Pastor Jonathan Lusche

Locations & Times

StoneBridge Campus

4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA

Saturday 5:30 PM

Sunday 7:00 AM

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

Online "Connection Card"

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50 Weirdest Phobias

50 things people fear and the weird things we call them.

How fear effects your health.

The physiology of fear from the University of Minnesota.

1. Fear is…

1. Fear is a consequence of The Fall.

The Text in Context #1

"The Fall of Man" Commentary by Robert DeffinbaughGenesis 3

Understand the Facts - Social Anxiety Disorder

The defining feature of social anxiety disorder, also called social phobia, is intense anxiety or fear of being judged, negatively evaluated, or rejected in a social situation...

Run and Hide

In this video titled "Lump", Rob Bell tenderly explores what it's like to be "busted" by God, how we too often respond in fear, and the gracious love of God - the Father.Keeping the theme of fear in mind, please take the time to watch "Lump" on your own, outside of today's worship service, and/or watch it together with your growth group and discuss.

2. When fear…

2. When fear becomes our focal point, we falter.

The Text In Context #2

"Surrounded By The Enemy" By J. Hampton Keathley2 Kings 6:8-23

3. Fear diminishes…

3. Fear diminishes when we focus on Jesus.

The Text In Context #3

God had a reason for recording the story of Jesus and Peter walking on water. What lessons can we learn from this story of faith, doubt and miracles?"Walking on Water" by Joshua Travers

Growth Group Leader's Discussion Questions

1. What did you like about this weekend's message? What didn't you like? What resonated with you? Were there any points that were left unresolved for you? What were they? Why?

2. How familiar are you with Genesis Chapters 2 & 3? (Leaders, if necessary, consider reading them together.) Is the concept that fear is a symptom of humanity's separation from God, new to you? Social anxiety disorder, (S.A.D.) was mentioned. do you or anyone you know suffer from this? From what you know, how does it behaviorally manifest itself? In what ways might fear influence (y)our daily decisions and behavior in life?

Even after Eve and Adam disobeyed God, are there moments within the story where God extends grace to them? If so, where are those moments? How might those moments of grace speak to your in the fears you may be facing? Does this give you hope? How?

3. What's your default behavior when faced by something you fear in life - fight, (stubborn-ness), flight, (denial), or freeze, (unhealthy acceptance of the status quo)?
What fear might you have that's over inflated and in need of changing your focal point and perspective?

4. What is it about "focusing on Jesus" that helps us overcome our fears?

5. Having attended worship, heard the message and discussed it with your growth group, what new hope might you have today? How might some of the message's insights address your own fears?

Breaking The Fear Cycle

Breaking The Fear Cycle

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