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First Baptist Church, South Haven

Worship Gathering: 9/13/2020

Worship Gathering: 9/13/2020

Thank you for joining us for worship this morning! While our place of worship has changed from the usual place and time, we are grateful to know that the Body of Christ can worship anytime, anywhere. As a reminder If you have a need for assistance during this time (grocery delivery, meals, etc.), please do not hesitate to call/text Kim Collins on her cell phone. We have church members ready and willing to help.

Locations & Times

First Baptist Church

10781 76th St, South Haven, MI 49090, USA

Sunday 6:00 AM

Worship: 9/13/2020

You can view worship that correlates with today's notes live on our Facebook page at 10:30am on Sunday mornings. If you missed us live, you can see it Sunday afternoon on our YouTube page by clicking here.

Weekly Bulletin

View this week's bulletin including general announcements and weekly prayer requests by clicking here.
What's the Point?
John 2:1-10
Pastor Jerry Koller
This is the first miracle Jesus did.
Was there an alcohol content or not? If so, wouldn’t Jesus be responsible if someone had too much to drink?
· Too much to drink means they are crossing the line of sobriety.
· It was not Jesus’ place to make sure no one had too much to drink. Such a responsibility rested on the shoulders of the master of the banquet.
Ceremonial, or ritual washings were commonly practiced in Judaism.
· 2 Kinds: Handwashing and fully body washing
· Full body washing were sometimes done in a mikveh which held approximately 120 gallons of water.
· Verse 6 says each jar was able to hold between 20-30 gallons of water.
· Together, they would have held between 120-150 gallons of water.
According to proper custom, this water couldn’t come from anywhere.
· Living water (such as rain water)
· Fresh water from a stream.
· They would not have used water drawn from a well.
· Since we do not know what type of purification rite was connected with these pots, we cannot determine the purpose for their use.
· Holy vessels were set aside for sacred purposes, not for common use.
When Jesus told the servants to fill the six jars with water, He was going against Jewish custom. I find this interesting for throughout His public ministry, Jesus never had a high opinion of Jewish traditions or the teachings of men. His focus was always on the teachings of God.
Question: “Do you think obeying Jesus is an option for those of us who are in Christ?”
· As believers in Jesus, we are His disciples.
· A disciple is a follower or a student of a teacher, leader or philosopher.
· A disciple of Jesus is a student. He learns from Jesus. He or she is a follower. We do what He did, and we obey whatever He tells us.
Question: What is the point of saying we are followers of Jesus if we do not follow Him?
Jesus’ View on Obedience
The progression in verse 47: come—hear—obey.
Clearly Jesus is using a metaphor, a word picture, to illustrate an essential spiritual truth.
Like in Jesus' metaphor, wise people still come, hear, and obey.
Come: Jesus is the only secure foundation on which one can build their lives. No other foundation can stand. If you haven’t, come to Christ today.
Hear: As Jesus’ disciple, you need to hear what He has to say.
· He will teach you.
· He gives you the Holy Spirit who will take what is Christ’s and make it known to you.
· He will use the Scriptures—the Bible.
· He will use His Body—the Church.
· He will use people who will help you follow Jesus and grow in your faith.
· The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20): The second half of this Commission is to teach these disciples to obey everything Jesus has commanded us.

Outdoor Worship

Sundays at 10:30 am in the field behind church

· Bring your own lawn chairs. Dress for the weather.
· Worship is weather dependent and a decision may be made last minute as to whether or not to meet.
· If cancelled, a text will be sent and an announcement will be posted on Facebook.
· For more information, see Pastor Jerry’s latest letters posted on our website at

Happy Birthday!

· Pete Danapilis (9/13)
· Sue Richmond (9/15)

Children's Sunday School Resumes Today

Children ages 5 years—5th grade are invited to join us for weekly Sunday School classes. Class will meet either outdoors or in the Resource Room weekly on Sundays from 9:30-10:15 and be led by Janette Hendrix. If you’d like your child to participate, please contact Janette ( or 269-767-5785).

Blood Drive: 9/24/20

Our next blood drive will be on Thursday, 9/24, from 1:00-6:00 PM in the gym.  To sign up, please go to:

Youth Group Resumes: 9/27

Teens grades 6th-12th are invited to join us beginning Sunday, 9/27, from 2:00-4:00 PM in Classroom 2. For questions, contact Allie Wilson.

Pumpkinfest 2020

Due to Covid-19, we are sorry to share that we will not host this event this year.

Items Needed for We Care Pantries

The We Care Food and Personal Care Pantries continue to need supplies.  We suggest calling ahead to make sure someone is there to receive your items. For a list of items and pantry locations, please visit their website at

Check Out Our Web Page

We are keeping our web page ( updated regularly.  Please use it as a tool.  Under "Resources" we have a page for FBC Members only which has our latest emails and letters from Pastor Jerry.  If you try to access this page, you will need the password "Know Him" to see the content.

Online Giving is Available!

If you would like to support our ministries by giving an online donation via debit/credit card or your bank account, you can do so by using this link:

Opportunities this Week

9:30 AM · Youth Sunday School
10:30 AM · Outdoor Worship

6:30 PM · Men’s Group (Library; ‘til 8)

9:30 AM · Berean Bible Study
8:00 PM · Worship Team Practice (Sanctuary)

6:30 PM · Women’s Craft Group (Library)

September 24
1:00 PM · Blood Drive (Gym; until 6pm)

September 27
2:00 PM · Youth Group Resumes (Classroom 2; until 4pm)

children's sunday school
· Ages 5 years old through 5th grade
· Sundays at 9:30 AM
· Meets outdoors or in the Resource Room depending on the weather.
· Contact Janette Hendrix for questions or more information.

youth group
· Middle & High School Students
· Sundays from 2:00-4:00 PM in Classroom 2.
· Contact Allie Wilson for questions or more information.

monday men’s group
· Contact Dave Hollis for questions or more information.

tuesday evening women's bible study
· On summer break and may resume this fall.

wednesday bible study
· Meets in person at individuals’ homes for those who are comfortable doing so. Zoom can be made available if requested.
· To find out where they are meeting or if you're interested in joining, call/text Tina Wilburn at 269-767-4685 or email

thursday evening craft group
· Begins at 6:30 PM in the Library
· Contact Tracy Marshall for questions or more information.

Weekly Prayer List

· Tina Dell is having some health concerns and significant pain related to a hernia.
· Ken & Tina Dell and the Mason family upon the death of Ken's aunt, Mary Ann, on 8/24.
· Annette Koller has returned home and continues to heal following a bike accident.
· Kathy (friend of Tracy Marshall's mom) whose husband passed away on 8/23 following a fight with Covid-19.
· Clint & Kristen Schultz and their family upon the death of Clint's mother, Ramona Schultz, on 7/24.
· Kay Burtchett (friend of Jean Robinson) who has a recurrence of lung cancer.
· Deborah Kirby (Vasha Ferguson's sister) has been moved to a rehab center following a massive stroke. She is making better progress than initially expected, but continued prayers for healing are appreciated.
· Leslie Robinson (friend of Vasha Ferguson) upon the loss of her mother. She also recently lost her husband who was the pastor of Vasha’s sister Deborah’s church.
· Ginny Dorsey (Rhonda Dobberstein's mother) is recovering from surgery for a hysterectomy, a bladder lift, and a possible cancer area being removed. She is determining treatment options for additional cancer cells that were found.
· Jim (Rhonda Dobberstein's stepdad) just finished radiation recently for prostate cancer. Pray that it worked.
· Lynn Rarick continues to deal with hip issues. Pray that a resolution can be figured out.
· Check out our monthly prayer card on-line at under “Weekly Bulletins” for a list of those with on-going needs.
First Baptist Church
1635 76th Street
South Haven, MI 49090